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Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral

Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
This lab introduces a lot of new material, and begins the re-integration of assembly language programming
experience from ECE243 or a similar course. First, you will learn a brand new tool: the Intel Platform
Designer (formerly Qsys) Tool. You will use it to generate a hardware system containing a Nios II processor
and other peripherals. If you learnt about the ARM CPU in ECE243, do not worry. The Nios II CPU you
will use in this course is very similar to the ARM CPU.
Systems created using the Qsys tool create Verilog code that can be synthesized for an FPGA. When
running this on a real FPGA, the Monitor program is used to communicate with the CPU on the FPGA.
However, for this year, we will only be limited to simulating such systems.
The ultimate goal of this lab will be create a full system, comprising of a Nios II CPU, some memory and
a floating-point multiplier unit, all connected together using the Avalon interconnect (or bus). Code running
on the Nios II CPU will be used to control the floating point unit and perform calculations. Figure 1 shows
a block diagram of the final system.
NOTE: The “Intel Platform Designer” tool was previously called the “Qsys System Integration”. For convenience, we will still use “Qsys” to refer to this tool throughout the document.
Figure 1: Top-level hardware block diagram for this lab
Part 1: Basic Qsys System
In this Part, you will be creating a simple system using Qsys, which uses the NIOS II CPU to read some
switches and write that value to some LEDs. This is to familiarize you with using Qsys for a simple task. To
start, open the Quartus project given to you in the part1 folder of the lab starter kit. This project includes
one top level module for the DE1-SoC board. Launch Qsys by selecting Tools > Platform Designer, as
shown in Figure 2. Then we will need to create the following systems and peripherals:
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 2: Launching Qsys
• A Nios II/e Processor.
• A 16KB On-Chip Memory to hold program code and data.
• A Parallel IO Peripheral, configured as inputs, to read 8 switches, namely SW[7:0].
• Another Parallel IO, configured as output, to drive the red LEDs, namely LEDR[7:0].
First, we will need to instantiate the Nios II/e processor. Start by clicking the green plus button to add a new
instance, type the phrase Nios in the search bar, then select the Nios II Processor, as shown in Figure 3.
In the configuration window that appears after, make sure to pick the type of Nios II implementation as Nios
II/e, as shown in Figure 4, before clicking Finish.
As any other processor, our Nios II requires a memory to hold its instructions and data. For this purpose,
we will create an on-chip RAM. Instantiate the RAM just like you did the processor, then configure it as
shown in Figure 5. The RAM size is 16KB, i.e., 16,384 bytes. Notice that the RAM only has one slave
interface which will be shared by both the instruction and data accesses from the processor. Based on what
was taught in class, can you determine whether this CPU uses the Von Neumann or Harvard architectures?
Once we have the processor and the RAM, we need to make two instances of a component called Parallel
I/O (PIO). This component acts as a bridge between the processor system bus, and an external connection.
We will use one instance to connect to the switches, and the other to connect to the LEDs. Create and
instantiate both PIOs, make sure to configure the switches PIO as Input, and the LEDs PIO as output.
Right click the components you instantiated and select rename to give them a proper name. Then under the
Export column give them exactly the same name as shown in Figure 6, this name will later become an input
or output port for the Nios system.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 3: Instantiation of Qsys components
Figure 4: Configuring Nios II
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 5: Configuring On-Chip RAM
NOTE: Make sure to use the names and export names as ‘switches’ and ‘leds’. Otherwise,
they will not be recognized by the automarker.
After the entire system has been instantiated, you should now connect all the components together properly.
You can do so by clicking the dot points on the left, as shown in Figure 7.
NOTE: Be extra careful with this step. The connections must exactly match those in the
figure, or your system will not work as expected. If that happens, you will no choice but to
start all over.
By now, you should still have errors in your system. Those are caused by the reset vector and the exception
vector of the Nios system not being assigned to any memory or address space, as well as the address map
of the entire system not being properly assigned. First, open the configuration of the Nios II processor,
under the Vectors tab configure the Reset Vector Memory to onchip memory2 0.s1, then do the same for
Exception Vector Memory. Once done, select System > Assign Base Addresses to assign non-conflicting
addresses for all your peripherals. By now you should have no errors, and your address map should look like
Figure 8.
Now that we are done, save your system, make sure to use the name nios system and use the default location inside your project directory. Then generate the HDL files by selecting Generate > Generate HDL.
Disable the HDL file generation for synthesis, only enable it for simulation, as shown in Figure 9. Next select
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 6: Exporting PIOs
Figure 7: Connecting everything
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 8: Address Map of Nios system
Figure 9: Generate HDL files
Generate > Generate Testbench System and generate the testbenches as shown in Figure 10. Exit the
Platform Designer and add the qsys generated nios system.sip to the Quartus project.
NOTE: Make sure to use the name ‘nios system’ and save it in the default location. Otherwise your design will not work with the automarker.
Once you’re done creating your design, you will proceed with creating a software project that runs on our
Qsys generated system, which we can then simulate and verify. From your Quartus window, select Tools >
Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse. If this is the first time you launch the Nios II SDK, it will
ask you for the workspace. If you are running on your own machine, anywhere should be fine for this.
NOTE: If you are using an ECF machine, the entire Quartus project, Nios SDK project,
and the Nios SDK workspace have to be on the C: drive. Unfortunately, the C: drive is local
to each machine and is wiped every 24 hours. So if you use ECF, try to connect to the same
machine each time and make sure to copy your work to the W: drive frequently. The W: drive
is a network drive that will not be wiped and is shared between all ECF machines. Unfortu6
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 10: Generate Testbenches
nately, we can’t use W: directly because of permission limitations.
Once the SDK has launched, select File > New > Nios II Application and BSP from template, you
will then specify the SOPC information file name as the one located in your Quartus project directory,
this is a descriptor file for your Qsys-generated system, allowing the SDK to create projects based on it.
After that, name your project to leds sw. Keep the default project location and select the Blank Project
template. Your configuration should match Figure 12. Click finish.
NOTE: Make sure to use the name ‘leds sw’ and save it in the default location. Otherwise
your design will not work with the automarker.
You will notice that two projects get created, leds sw and leds sw bsp. The first is the actual project
we are going to use for our code, while the second is the Board Support Package (BSP) which includes an
abstraction layer hiding some of the hardware specifics for you. In the BSP you can find a header file called
system.h which includes macros and definitions for the peripherals in our Qsys-generated system, along with
their addresses in the memory map.
Right click on the leds sw project and select New > Source File to add a new source file, you can name it
main.cpp. Populate the file with the necessary code to continuously monitor the value of the switches and
display it on the LEDs. When you are done, build your project by selecting Project > Build all, fix any
issues you might have, and then select Run > Run As > Nios II Modelsim, as shown in Figure 13. This
will convert your compiled program to a hex file, install it in the on chip RAM, and launch modelsim to
simulate the entire Nios II system. Your top level design should only have four signals, clk, reset, switches,
and LEDs. Add these to your waveform and proceed to verify your design and make sure that changing the
value of the switches results in a similar change to the value of the LEDs.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 11: SDK configuration for the newly created project
Part 2: FP Multiplier Qsys Component
Next, we want to integrate a more useful component than the simple switches and LEDs you did in Part I.
In preparation for that, in Part II, you will turn a Floating Point (FP) Multiplier into a Qsys Component.
Later, in part III, you will add this custom Qsys component to your system like you did in Part I.
The FP Multiplier component will consist of two modules: An avalon slave controller and the multiplication
circuitry. A block diagram of the peripheral is provided in Figure 14. For simplicity, you can simply use
an Intel generated floating point core instead of the one you made in Lab 3. This core will automatically
support all the corner cases such as Inf, NaN, overflow, underflow etc for you. Normally, you will instantiate
this block like any other module. For example, the RAM that you use in ECE241 was created in the same
manner. However, to interface with the avalon bus, the multiplier will need an avalon slave controller circuit
to translate the FP multiplier signals (e.g., input, result) into Avalon bus signals (e.g., read, write, waitrequest etc). Your multiplier will receive two inputs to be multiplier from the ASC and send the result to the
ASC. The ASC will then send that data over the Avalon bus to your NIOS CPU.
The “Avalon interconnect” signals will connect to the rest of the Qsys-generated system using the AvalonMM protocol, which your ASC will need to understand. Via these signals, an Avalon Master (such as the
Nios II) can communicate with your peripheral. These signals include a clock and synchronous reset.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 12: SDK configuration for the newly created project
Figure 13: Running the Nios II simulation in modelsim
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 14: The FP Multiplier peripheral diagram
Figure 15: The FP multiplier memory-mapped registers
Register Map
Recall that for a system using memory-mapped I/O, all reads and writes either to memory or peripherals
look identical. So within your Qsys system, all communications between the processor and peripherals look
like reads and writes but to addresses well outside the actual range of system RAM. By reading from or
writing to a range of addresses associated with a peripheral, code running on the Nios II processor can access
different functions of that peripheral via its set of exposed memory-mapped registers.
The memory-mapped register interface of the FP Multiplier is shown in Figure 15, using an example base
address of 0x7000. Through this interface the processor can set the two multiplication operands in the first
two registers, respectively. It can also read back the result from the fourth register, and check the necessary
flags in the fifth register. The flags occupy only the four least significant bits of their register, while the rest
is unused, these are ordered as followed, from bit 3 down to bit 0: Overflow, Underflow, Zero, and NaN.
These correspond exactly to the four conditions you checked in lab 3. Whereas in Lab 3, you had different
outputs for each of these, in this case, the 4 outputs are all concatenated into a single 4-bit ‘status’ register.
But the behavior remains the same.
The multiplier works as follows; The two operands must first be written into the first two registers. Then,
writing 1 to the least significant bit of the start register triggers the start of the multiplication. This bit
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
also serves as the busy flag indicating whether the multiplier has finished computing and can receive new
inputs (The multiplier is busy as long as this bit is still 1). Once the start bit is written, the ASC sends the
operands to the multiplier, keeps the start/busy bit high, and raises the avalon waitrequest signal, indicating
that it is unable to receive any more requests. Upon completing the multiplication, it saves the result in the
result register and the flags in the status register. On a subsequent read to these locations, it issues these
values back to the processor.
Figure 15 also shows the master byte address for each register. This master byte address is the address that
the avalon master (i.e., the NIOS CPU) sees for the peripheral. Any code running on the NIOS cpu must
read/write to this location to access this peripheral’s register(s). This is because to Avalon masters, 1 unit of
address always represents 1 byte, regardless of the actual physical size of the register. The slave offset address
is the address that the peripheral sees when it is being accessed. It is a relative, rather than absolute address,
from the peripheral’s assigned base address within the system. Its units are defined by the peripheral, and
can be set to a size most convenient for it. In our case, that means 1 address is 1 entire 32-bit register. Only
3 bits are needed, since there are only 5 such registers.
So, for example, if Nios II wants to write to the start register, it will present an address of 0x7008 to
the Avalon interconnect. Since this address is within the range of our peripheral, the interconnect will know
to direct the write to us and not some other device. The interconnect then strips off most of the bits, and
translates the rest into the slave offset address, 010 in binary. The ASC module within the peripheral will
then see its write signal go high along with the slave address being the value 010. The exact details of how
a read or write arrives at the ASC, and what signals it sees, is covered in the next section.
NOTE: The base address of 0x7000 is arbitrary. You can choose a different one in Qsys and
change it accordingly throughout this Part.
Avalon Slave Read/Write Transfers
This section describes the “Slave signals” portion of Figure 14, their purpose and timing. This will allow you
to design your ASC.
The shortest duration of Avalon read/write transfers is one cycle. The address and control signals are held
constant for the duration of only one cycle, so the slave must respond within that cycle by either presenting
valid data (read transfer) or capturing data (write transfer). In this lab all of your transfers will be one cycle,
with the exception that any reads or writes issued while the waitrequest signal is asserted will be of variable
Figure 16 shows the examples of one-cycle transfers with no waitrequest signal (CC[n] = n-th clock cycle)
• CC [1] The master asserts address and read on the rising edge of the clock. In the same cycle the slave
decodes the signals from the master and presents valid readdata.
• CC [2] The master captures readdata on the rising edge of the clock and deasserts the address and
control signals marking the end of the transfer.
• CC [4] The master asserts address, write, and writedata on the rising edge of the clock. The master
signals are held constant and the slave decodes them.
• CC [5] The slave captures writedata on the rising edge of the clock. The master deasserts the address,
writedata and control signals marking the end of the transfer.
Figure 17 shows the examples of variable duration transfers. Below is the explanation for the write transfer
that is 3 cycles in duration. The slave prolongs the transfer for 2 extra cycles by inserting 2 wait-states using
the waitrequest signal.
• CC [1] The master asserts address, write and writedata on the rising edge of the clock. In the same cycle
the slave decodes the signals from the master and asserts waitrequest and thereby stalls the transfer.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
• CC [2] The master samples waitrequest on the rising edge of the clock. Thus, this cycle becomes a
wait-state (or wait cycle), hence the signals address, write and writedata remain constant. In this cycle,
CC (2), the slave keeps the waitrequest high, thereby inserting the second wait-state.
• CC [3] The slave deasserts waitrequest on the rising edge of the clock.
• CC [4] The slave captures writedata on the rising edge of the clock. The master samples deasserted
waitrequest and ends the transfer by deasserting all signals.
VGA signals
Figure 4: SOPC component for LDA peripheral with a list of input/output signals
address address
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 5: Avalon slave timing diagrams for read/write transfers (without waitrequest) - 1 cycle duration
Figure 6 shows the examples of variable duration transfers. Below is the explanation for the write transfer
that is 3 cycles in duration. The slave prolongs the transfer for 2 extra cycles by inserting 2 wait-states using the
waitrequest signal.
CC [1] The master asserts address, write and writedata on the rising edge of the clock.
In the same cycle the slave decodes the signals from the master and asserts waitrequest and thereby
stalls the transfer.
CC [2] The master samples waitrequest on the rising edge of the clock. Thus, this cycle becomes a
wait-state (or wait cycle), hence the signals address, write and writedata remain constant.
Figure 16: Avalon slave timing diagrams for read/write transfers (without waitrequest) - 1 cycle duration
1 2 3 4
Figure 6: Avalon slave timing diagrams for read/write transfers (with waitrequest) - variable duration
In this cycle, CC (2), the slave keeps the waitrequest high, thereby inserting the second wait-state.
CC [3] The slave deasserts waitrequest on the rising edge of the clock.
CC [4] The slave captures writedata on the rising edge of the clock. The master samples deasserted
waitrequest and ends the transfer by deasserting all signals.
Not that chipselect is omitted from Figures 6 and 5. This signal is asserted by the Avalon interconnect whenever any transfer is active. Hence, if either of read or write control signals is asserted, then the chipselect
signal is asserted as well.
SOPC Builder System
Repeat the steps described in the SOPC Builder Tutorial from Lab 1 to create a basic Nios II system. Make sure
you have the following project files completed:
• Quartus II project file (e.g. lab5.qpf)
• A top-level Verilog file in Quartus II (e.g. lab5 top module.v)
• An SOPC Builder project (e.g. nios system.sopc).
lhfilhibilhhhb5lifidFigure 17: Avalon slave timing diagrams for read/write transfers (with waitrequest) - variable duration
Creating the Component
In a NEW project created from the part3 folder of our starter kit, use the IP Catalog in your Quartus window
to search for an IP called ALT FPMULT. Once found, double click the IP name, this will ask your for the IP
name, give it a proper name and a MegaWizard window will launch right after, allowing you to customize the
multiplier before instantiating it. In the first tab, make sure the multiplier is Single Precision, then click next
and check all the optional signals to include them in our multiplier. Click finish to generate our multiplier, and
add the generated .qip file to the project. The configuration for the multiplier is shown in Figures 18 and 19.
Once you have the multiplier created and added to your project, you will have to create two more modules:
the Avalon Slave Controller, and a top-level component module that instantiates and connects everything
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 18: FP Multiplier configuration
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 19: FP Multiplier extra signals
in Figure 14. Skeleton code for these modules are given to you as part of the starter kit, you are required
to keep the names of modules, instances, and registers already defined there. When all three modules are
complete, a Qsys component can be generated for the multiplier.
NOTE: The names of the modules, registers, and instances must not be modified, so the
automarker can recognize them
Open the platform designer by selecting Tools > Platform Designer. When the platform designer opens,
select File > New Component which will prompt us with a wizard to create a Qsys component for our
multiplier. Fill out the fields as shown in Figure 20, make sure the name exactly matches the figure so the
automarker can recognize it correctly. Switch to the Files tab of the wizrd. Under Synthesis Files select
Add Files and add the avalon, avalon fp, fp mult.v, and fp mult.qip. Then click
Analyze Synthesis Files and make sure there are no errors. Next, under Simulation Files select Copy
From Synthesis Files and make sure the files configuration matches that of Figure 21. In the signals tab,
specify the associated clock and reset as shown in Figure 22 and click Finish.
Part 3: Nios II Connected Multiplier
Once the multiplier is created as a Qsys component, start creating your new Nios II system using it. Namely,
it should include the following:
• A Nios II/e Processor.
• A 16KB On-Chip Memory to hold program code and data.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 20: Name, category, and description of Qsys component
Figure 21: Synthesis and Simulation files of Qsys component
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 22: Signal assignment for Qsys component
• Our floating point multiplier component.
Using the same Quartus project as Part 2, follow the same procedure as Part 1. But this time, create
a software project with the name ‘fpmult sw’ and use it to build a program that does multiplication in two
ways. The first using direct multiplication in C code, using the ‘*’ operator. Since the NIOS II CPU we are
using does not have a floating point unit built-in, this operation will be emulated using software. The second
way will be using the Floating point unit you created in Part II. Doing so, you can compare the number of
cycles required for each approach and see the speed-up when using dedicated FP hardware vs. doing it in
You will be given a skeleton C code as part of the starter kit, which you can use for creation of this
program. You’re expected to read the multiplication operands from specific RAM addresses (provided in the
skeleton code), use them for software multiplication and then write the value back to another specific address
(also provided in the skeleton code). Once this is done, proceed to use the same inputs for the multiplier
we’ve created.
NOTE: Make sure to use the name ‘fpmult sw’ and save it in the default location. Otherwise your design will not work with the automarker.
NOTE: Do not change the addresses used for the multiplication, these are the locations
tracked by the automarker.
1 Submission
NOTE: The submission instructions for this lab are different from previous labs. Make sure
you read these instructions carefully to avoid issues.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 4: Implementation of a Memory-Mapped Slave Peripheral
Figure 23: Some of the required files
For part 1, you will have to archive the entire folder of your Quartus project. If you have followed the
instructions correctly, that folder should have the name ‘part1’, and should also include the Qsys Nios system
and the Nios II SDK project. The archive must be named ‘’ before submission.
NOTE: Your part1 folder must include the path software/leds sw/obj/default/runtime/sim/mentor
and that path must include files similar to Figure 23. If it does not, your submission will fail
the automarker. Make sure you have followed the instructions in this document correctly, and
make sure to build and test your software in modelsim.
For part 2, you must put the two modules ‘avalon slave’ and ‘avalon fp mult’ in one file, named ‘’,
which can then be submitted.
For part 3, if you have followed the instructions correctly, the folder should have the name ‘part3’ and
should include all the relevant components, including the files from part 2, Nios system, and the Nios II SDK
project. You will also archive that folder to a file called ‘’, which you can then submit.
NOTE: Your part3 folder must include the path software/fpmult sw/obj/default/runtime/sim/mentor
and that path must include files similar to Figure 23. If it does not, your submission will fail
the automarker. Make sure you have followed the instructions in this document correctly, and
make sure to build and test your software in modelsim.
Your should submit,, and using the instructions provided in the submission
document i.e.: submitece342s 4

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