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Lab 4: make and the debugger

CS 305 Lab 4: make and the debugger

Sit with your assigned partner and switch the roles of driver and navigator
throughout the lab.
Upon completion of the laboratory exercise, you will be able to do the following:
 Create a program containing multiple source files; and compile the source
files and link the object files.
 Understand the dependency tree for various compilation modules.
 Write, debug, and test a makefile for selective compilation using the make
 Use gdb to locate and fix bugs in a C program; set breakpoints; step through
code; and inspect the stack.
Part 1: Logging in
1. Follow the procedure from prior labs to login, open Mobaxterm, and navigate to
your cs305 directory. Create a new lab4 directory:
cd cs305
mkdir lab4
2. Download the fact.c file to your lab4 directory.
Part 2: Getting files from prelab
1. Create a subfolder in your lab4 folder called part1.
cd lab4
mkdir part1
cd part1
Using the partner who logged in, copy the files from their prelab (makefile and
test1.c) to this folder. You can do this with the file explorer in Windows or the cp
Unix command to copy a file.
cp ../../prelab4/test1.c .
cp ../../prelab4/makefile .
(This assumes your directory structure is such that cs305 - prelab4 and cs305 -
lab4 - part1.)
2. Open the makefile to be sure it has the following lines at the bottom of the file:
# this defines the command for cleaning up
# all generated files
 /bin/rm -f *.o test1
(where the character before the /bin/rm is a single TAB character).
3. Close the makefile and type:
make clean
Part 3: Modifying the sources (switch driver)
1. Use emacs to open a new file called test1.h. Move the definition of the constant
(macro) SIZE from test1.c to test1.h. (That is, copy the line into test1.h and
delete it from test1.c.)
2. Add the line
#include "test1.h"
after the other #include-line in test1.c. Don’t forget to place quotations around
the file name.
Declarations that test1.c wants to make visible to other modules are put in its ".h"
or header files. Using header files is a standard programming style for the C
language. As a result, the entire program consists of a collection of files that may be
independently written, debugged, compiled, and linked together. This is good for
modular program design and for having multiple people work on the same code
base. In our example,
 test1.c has #include "test1.h" to ensure that external definitions in the
".h" file are consistent with internal definitions in the ".c" file.
 Other files that need to "include" test1.h do so by adding #include
"test1.h". Then later, the linker combines the respective ".o" files into a
single executable file.
3. Type make test1. Because you had just done a make clean, this should rebuild
the executable file test1 from it sources again. Does it? (circle answer)
Does the program test1 run just as it did before? (circle answer)YES / NO
4. Modify test1.h so that SIZE has the value 5; rebuild (i.e., type make test1).
Does the execution of test1 reflect the change just made to test1.h? YES /
If so, explain why. If not, tell what change(s) must be made to the makefile so that
it prints the correct value, make those changes, and confirm that they work.
5. Add the call
to main in test1.c just before the return statement.
Also, add the line
#include "president.h"
to the list of #includes.
6. Create a file named president.c that defines the function print_president as
#include <stdio.h
#include "president.h"
void print_president() {
printf("My favorite president in history is xxx.\n");
where you replace "xxx" with the name of your favorite president.
7. Create the file named president.h to have just the prototype declaration:
void print_president();
8. Things are now set up in the "standard" way:
 the declaration of print_president (which is just the function header) is in
the ".h" file
 the definition of print_president (which includes the body) in the ".c" file.
9. If you type make test1 now, you will get some errors. Make the modifications to
the makefile so that all build-commands are correct, and so that all dependencies
are properly specified. You will need to add a line for president.o and update the
lines for test1 and test1.o. Draw the dependency graph for the various
compilation-units below:
Part 4: Make variables (switch driver)
1. Filenames, commands, switches, etc., can be specified symbolically. These
symbols can be defined in three places:
 On the command-line when make is invoked, as in make myCount=50 test1.
 In the makefile itself on a line such as myCount = 50.
 Taken from a shell environment variable. A shell environment variable is set
by giving a command such as export someVar='someValue'.
2. We will be modifying the makefile so first save your old one as makefile1. You
can do this easily with the cp command:
cp makefile makefile1
3. A make variable such as myVar is referenced in the makefile using the (rather
awkward) syntax
4. In order to better parameterize the makefile, add the lines
# define the compiler-executable path
to the beginning of makefile, and replace all invocations of gcc with $(COMPILE).
Perform a make clean and a make test1 to ensure that things still build. Do they?
5. Try the following commands
make clean
make COMPILE='gcc -g' test1
6. How does the behavior differ from that of the previous "make"? 
7. Use the Unix/bash export command to set the environment-variable COMPILE.
Type the following into the shell prompt (it’s a big O (oh), not the number zero in
the command below):
export COMPILE='gcc –g –O4'
8. Now do a make clean and a make test1. Then, comment out the definition of
COMPILE in the makefile and try it again. What does it tell you about the priority
that make gives to each of the following?
 Value specified on command line. Priority (highest = 1, lowest = 3):
1 2 3
 Value read from environment variable (export). 1 2 3
 Variable’s value specified in the makefile. 1 2 3
9. Uncomment the definition of COMPILE in the makefile. Append the token $
(COMPILE_SWITCHES) to the definition, as in
10. Perform the following commands
make clean
make test1
make clean
11. How is the definition of COMPILE_SWITCHES reflected in the build?
12. Another place where variables are used is in specifying the set of '.o' files that
link together to form an executable, as in
OFILES = myExec.o helper.o util.o
myExec: $(OFILES)
gcc -o myExec $(OFILES)
In this way, the set of object files is specified in one place rather than in two, as in:
myExec: myExec.o helper.o util.o
 gcc -o myExec myExec.o helper.o util.o
Using a variable helps keep the dependencies consistent with the actual object files
that are used to build the executable.
13. Change your makefile so that all of the '.o' files are defined with a make
variable called OFILES.
OFILES = test1.o president.o
test1: $(OFILES)
$(COMPILE) -o test1 $(OFILES)
Then, do a make clean and then a make test1 to ensure that it still builds properly.
Part 5: FYI: Pattern-rules and built-in rules (switch driver)
1. Make allows rules to contain wild-cards, using % characters in the pattern and the
$@ and $< tokens in the commands. This can be used to specify something like a
".o file is created from a .c file by compiling it with the -c switch", as follows:
%.o: %.c
 gcc -c $<
The % represents a character string that must match in every occurrence in the
pattern. The $< represents the first filename after the ':' token. A $@ represents the
name of the target, thus the rule %.c
 gcc -o $@ $<
will cause make to execute the command if myProg.c exists:
gcc -o myProg.c
The make program has a number of built-in rules, mostly of the "pattern" variety
above, that obviate the need for putting explicit rules in straightforward cases.
Checkpoint 1 [30 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant your answers
to the above questions; let your instructor/assistant examine makefile1
and makefile; show your instructor/assistant the results of doing a "make
You may read more about make with make -h. The second part of this lab will focus
on using gdb, a command-line debugger.
Part 6: Compiling with the debug option
1. Go back to your lab4 directory. Open the file fact.c in emacs. Examine the code
and see if you can spot one or more bugs in the program. Even if you find the bug
now, you should continue the lab and use the debugger. Note that since this
factorial program uses recursion, only values up to 12 should be used. After 12, the
program will take too long to run.
2. If you need to refer to documentation on gdb during the lab, here is a website:
3. Compile fact.c:
gcc –g –o fact fact.c
The –g switch used during compilation tells the compiler to create debugging
information which is necessary in order to run gdb.
4. Run the compiled program.
When prompted for input, type 2. What does the program print for 2!? _______
5. Re-run the program. When prompted for input, type 5. What does the program
print for 5!? _______
6. What should 2! be? ___________ What should 5! be? ____________
Clearly, the program is not calculating the correct value.
Part 7: Run the program with gdb (switch driver)
1. To debug the program whose executable file is fact, use the gdb command and
specify fact as the argument.
gdb fact
You should see a list of copyright information and a prompt that starts with (gdb).
This command has gdb read the debugging information for fact and sets gdb up for
running the fact program.
2. To run the program under gdb, use the run command. This command terminates
any existing processes and creates a new process that is run with the specified
command line arguments. In gdb, type:
(gdb) run
3. Type 5 when you are prompted for a number.
Part 8: The list, break, print, and cont commands
1. Note: if you type the “up” key, gdb recalls the most recent command typed.
2. Use gdb’s list command to display the lines near the beginning of the main
(gdb) list main
Which line numbers are shown to you? __________
3. Type list again to show the next few lines:
(gdb) list
4. Notice that line 23 reads the value of n from standard input, and that line 27
checks if the value of n is less than 0 or greater than 12. Perhaps the program
doesn't receive the correct value of n. So let’s check the value of n using the break,
run, and print commands:
(gdb) break 27
5. The break 27 command directs gdb to set a breakpoint just before executing the
machine code that corresponds to line 27 in the program. Note that gdb echoes the
breakpoint settings.
6. Now run the program and print the value of n at the breakpoint.
(gdb) run

(gdb) print n
7. What is the value of n? ___________
8. The program has the correct value of n, so the problem must be elsewhere. Use
the 'cont' command to continue execution of the process after the breakpoint.
(gdb) cont
Once again the final printing result is incorrect. Since the program is printing the
correct value of n, and only the line containing the call to the factorial function
remains, the problem must reside in factorial.
Checkpoint 2 [10 points]: Demonstrate to your lab instructor/assistant
that you can run to the breakpoint, and that you can continue from it to
the end of the program. If you need to wait for the checkpoint, take a
screenshot now and move on. When the assistant or instructor can get to
you, show him/her your screenshot.
Part 9: More breakpoints (switch driver)
1. Try to call the function by itself:
(gdb) print factorial(5)
2. What happens? _______________________________________________
3. When told to print the value returned by a function in a program, gdb actually
executes the code in the function, passing it the specified value(s) as parameters.
Since the current process has exited, gdb cannot execute any code. To run the
factorial function, you need to create a new process. Do this by setting a
breakpoint at main, typing run, and then print factorial(5).
(gdb) break main
(gdb) run
(gdb) print factorial(5)
4. We still have not found the source of our trouble, let's keep hunting. Again let's
use the 'list' command to list the factorial function.
(gdb) list 36,49
Let's take a closer look at the factorial function. But, first, use the info break
and delete commands to display and delete all unnecessary breakpoints.
(gdb) info break
5. What information does this command display (shorthand is ok)?
6. Let’s delete the breakpoints. Type:
(gdb) delete 1
(gdb) delete 2
You typed delete 1 above because the info command reported the (1), indicating
that "name" of the breakpoint at line 25 is '1'. (Similarly for breakpoint 2.)
7. Set breakpoints at lines 38 (the first line of function factorial), 40 and 44 (the two
return statements).
Then, run the program from the beginning. You may be asked to run from
beginning; if so, say y.
(gdb) run
You should see something like:
Breakpoint 3, factorial (n=5) at fact.c:38
38 if ((n = 1) || (n = 0)) {
The factorial (n=5) at fact.C:38 is telling you that you are about to execute line 38
of the function factorial and the parameter n has value 5. In particular, that means
the parameter value is correctly passed between main and factorial. Resume
executing the program.
(gdb) cont
You should see something like:
Breakpoint 4, factorial (n=1) at fact.c:40
40 return 1;
How strange! Now you're about to return the bogus result 1 and it appears the
value of n has changed to 1. Print n to confirm:
(gdb) print n
8. Run the program to completion.
Part 10: Next and step commands
Like other debuggers you may have used before, gdb has next and step
commands. Both commands execute one line of code. The difference is that "step"
will step into a function call if one or more exist on the line; "next", on the other
hand treats all function calls as part of the code executed on this line, and stays in
the current function. (Exceptions: if a break point is hit, or if a return is being done
from the function.)
1. Clear all break points; then set one in the first statement in main. Find the line
number of the first statement in main to do this. If you have a program that has
multiple source (.c) files, you can specify the name of the source file, a colon, and a
line number like this. Let’s do this, so you know how to debug programs with
multiple files.
break fact.c:17
Use a combination of next and step commands (or their abbreviations "n" and "s")
to get to the first statement in the factorial function.
2. When you reach the first statement in factorial, print the value of n; then
alternatively give "next" and "print n" commands to see which statement caused n
to prematurely change.
3. What is the buggy line of code?
Part 11: Fix the bug (switch driver)
1. Hit q to exit gdb. Open fact.c in emacs. Carefully examine the offending line of
code. Fix the problem by editing fact.c. Save it. Then recompile the program,
making sure you use the –g switch.
2. Now run the program. Hopefully, the correct value for the factorial will be printed.
If not, keep debugging.
Checkpoint 3 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant that the fact
program is now working correctly. Show your lab instructor/assistant the
answers to the questions above. If you need to wait for the checkpoint,
take a screenshot of your program working.
Part 12: Examine the stack (switch driver)
1. Rerun gdb on the executable and set a breakpoint at the line with the function
definition for factorial. Then run the program, using 5 as the input.
2. Give the step (or “s”) command at the next seven prompts. What is the value of
n at this point?______
3. We have dropped into several nestings of function calls using step. We can see
all the active function-calls using the command:
(gdb) info stack
4. Run the program from the beginning using 5 as input. Use the info stack
command each time the breakpoint is hit, use c to continue running until the
breakpoint is hit again, and take note as to how the stack grows.
At its largest point, how tall is the stack?________________
5. Print the value of n when the stack is at its largest. What is the value of n?_______
Use the up command. Now print the value of n again. What is the value of n? ______
6. Are the two values of n above different?_________
Explain why they should (or should not be) different (use the help up command, if
you'd like):
Quit the debugger.
Checkpoint 4 [10 points]: Show your answers to the above questions to
your lab instructor/assistant.
FYI: A Visual debugger
There is a visual debugger called ddd that you can install as a Mobaxterm package.
If you like to set breakpoints with a visual tool, you are welcome to use this. Type
ddd in Mobaxterm and open your executable. The graphics/menus are
straightforward. Try debugging the factorial program using this visual debugger.
Now that you know how to use the debugger, I expect you to use this to
debug your code with gdb or ddd. It is helpful to set breakpoints when
debugging seg faults. Set a breakpoint in main, then step as far as you
can go until the program crashes.
Close Mobaxterm and any other applications. Log off the computer.
If any checkpoints are not finished, they are due in one week. You may submit
screenshots, code files, and answers to questions via printouts or email.

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