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Lab 4: Planning in Task-Space Regions

CS 545: Introduction to Robotics 
Lab 4: Planning in Task-Space Regions
In the last lab, you implemented the RRT algorithm to generate a motion plan from a
given start to goal configuration. However, the robot typically does not know the goal
configuration in advance. Instead, it knows only the position of the object in world
coordinates, as extracted for instance from sensing. In this lab, you will implement a
planning pipeline that takes as input the 3D position and identity of the can, reaches the
object and pick it up. During development, you will run your code in simulation with -
$ python --sim
1. We will describe the grasping task with a Task Space Region (TSR) constraint. Read
[1] through Section 4 to build an understanding of TSRs.
2. Implement the TSR constraint for the can. Specify the bounds matrix B
w, so that
TSRs are sampled uniformly around the can at the same height i.e. only allow
rotation about φ. You can do this by filling in the function createBw with the
appropriate min and max values for x, y, z, ψ, θ, and φ.
You can visualize the TSRs in rviz by calling - viewer.add tsr marker(sodaTSR)
You can use the visualization of the end-effector frame as reference and set the
height (z) so that the robot can grasp the can without colliding with the table. Save
a picture of your simulation in rviz as tsr vis 1.png
3. Modify the B
w matrix, so that only TSRs in the semicircle facing the robot are
sampled (the robot will not have to go behind the can to grasp it). Visualize the
result. Save a picture of your simulation in rviz as tsr vis 2.png
4. The pipeline then calls ik generator to compute IK solutions for the robot, using
the TSR constraints that you specified. For each computed IK configuration, use the
RRT planner that you have implemented in Lab 3 to find a motion plan. Once the
RRT planner finds a plan for a configuration, execute and visualize the trajectory.
5. Now the robot should grasp the can. To do that, call the function close hand(hand,
preshape), which takes as input the hand. The preshape is a vector (f1, f2), where
0 ≤ f1, f2 ≤ 1.6. Specify a value for the fingers that encompass the can without
CS 545: Introduction to Robotics Fall 2021
grasping it too tightly. Then, call the function hand.grab(soda) which will attach
the can to the robot’s end-effector. Execute and visualize this procedure.
6. Lift the can vertically by 0.5 m using the Jacobian pseudoinverse method (Algorithm 1 in [1]) such that it stays in its original vertical orientation.
Perform one iteration (lines 6 − 8 in Algorithm 1) of the Jacobian pseudoinverse
method with ∆x = [0, 0, 0, −0.5, 0, 0].
Get the Jacobian at the current robot configuration by calling the function -
arm skeleton.get jacobian(hand.get endeffector body node())
The first 3 columns of the Jacobian matrix are the rotational portion, and the
next 3 the linear (translational) portion. Then, compute the pseudoinverse using
numpy.linalg.pinv function. Use the function arm skeleton.get positions() to
get the current configuration of the arm, and ada.set positions(q) to set the
configuration of the arm to q.
Does the final pose of the can look accurate? Report your observations and justifications in answers.pdf. Save a picture of the final object pose as jac vis 1.png
7. Rectify the implementation of the Jacobian pseudoinverse method such that the
final pose of the can is exactly 0.5 m above its starting pose (without drifting in any
other direction).
Hint: Iterate using a small vertical displacement of 0.01 until you have lifted the
object by 0.5 m.
8. Execute the whole pipeline and record the result by saving the video of the entire
task as full trajectory.mp4.
In-person lab: Once you are confident in your simulation results, you are ready to run
it on the real robot. This can be done on the lab workstations with -
$ python --real
Refer to Piazza for more instructions on scheduling time in the lab.
[1] Berenson, D., Srinivasa, S., and Kuffner, J. Task space regions: A framework for
pose-constrained manipulation planning. The International Journal of Robotics Research
30, 12 (2011), 1435–1460.

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