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Lab 5: Genetic Algorithms

ECE 449 - Intelligent Systems Engineering
Lab 5: Genetic Algorithms

1. Objectives
The objective of this lab is to become familiar with the principles of genetic algorithms (GA), and
implement them in some typical applications
2. Expectations
Complete the pre-lab, and hand it in before the lab starts. A formal lab report is required for this lab,
which will be the completed version of this notebook. There is a marking guide at the end of the lab
manual. If figures are required, label the axes and provide a legend when appropriate. An abstract,
introduction, and conclusion are required as well, for which cells are provided at the end of the
notebook. The abstract should be a brief description of the topic, the introduction a description of the
goals of the lab, and the conclusion a summary of what you learned, what you found difficult, and
your own ideas and observations.
3. Pre-lab
1. Describe and compare roulette wheel (fitness proportional) and ranked selection mechanisms.
4. Introduction
A genetic algorithm is an approach to machine learning that mimics evolution. Unlike classical search
and optimization methods, a GA begins its search with an initial set of randomly generated candidate
solutions to the problem, referred to as individuals in a population. Typically, an individual is
represented by binary strings, but other encodings can be used (e.g. integers or real numbers). The
method of representation scheme has a major impact on the performance of the GA, as different
schemes may cause different performance in terms of accuracy and computation time.
Once a random population is initialized, each individual is evaluated and assigned a fitness value,
according to a fitness function defined by the user. This marks the completion of a generation worth
of individuals, leading to crossover and mutation of individuals in the current generation. These
operations are performed only on selected members of the population, parents, typically based on
fitness. Crossover is analogous to reproduction, and involves the mixing of two parents' genetic
information. Mutation consists of changing an individual's representation (e.g. flipping 0 to 1). Both
operations are used to introduce new genetic information into the population such that other solutions
are explored, and the algorithm does not settle with a local minimum/maximum. This procedure is
repeated until the maximum number of generations is reached, or a stopping criteria is met, and the
best fit individual is chosen as the solution.
5. Experimental Procedure
Run the cell below to import the libraries required to complete this lab.
In [3]:
In [4]:
Exercise 1: Mathematical genetic algorithm
Create a simple genetic algorithm to determine the global minimum of the function:
, where
The cell below plots the fitness function to illustrate that there are several local minima, and so
traditional gradient descent algorithms could easily get stuck in one of these trenches.
𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = −[1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠(15𝑟)]𝑒
𝑟 = 𝑥
2 + 𝑦
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ √
Collecting pyeasyga
Requirement already satisfied: six in /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packag
es (from pyeasyga) (1.12.0)
Installing collected packages: pyeasyga
Successfully installed pyeasyga-0.3.1
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install pyeasyga
import numpy as np # General math operations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Data visualization
from pyeasyga import pyeasyga # Genetic algorithms
import random # RNG for GA implementation
In [5]:
The execution of any GA requires the definition of multiple functions: create_individual, selection,
crossover, and mutate. The cell below provides the individual creation, mutation, and crossover
functions to be used, but the fitness function, along with the GA creation, needs to be programmed.
The GA should be initially built with the following parameters:
Population size: 30
Generations: 50
Crossover probability: 0.8
Mutation probability: 0.005
Selection: tournament
As for the fitness function, look at the create_individual function and understand how each individual
is represented. In addition, think about whether you wish to maximize or minimize the fitness value in
your function, and program the GA according to this answer. It is worth noting that there is no need
for input data in this application, so you can initialize the GA with an arbitrary variable.
1. Complete the GA, according to the above parameters, and run the GA a few times to confirm
your results. What was the best fitness value and solution that the GA found?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Data visualization
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # 3D data visualization
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, num = 101)
y = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, num = 101)
[gX, gY] = np.meshgrid(x, y)
fcn = -(1+np.cos(15*np.sqrt(gX**2 + gY**2))) * np.exp(-gX**2 - gY**2)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection = '3d')
ax.plot_surface(gX, gY, fcn)
ax.set_zlabel('f(x, y)')
ax.set_title('Plot of the Fitness Function')
In [6]:
Write your answer to question 1 below:
def create_individual(data):
""" Create a candidate solution representation
Represented as an array of x and y floating-point values from -10 to
individual = np.zeros((2,))
individual[0] = random.uniform(-10, 10) # X value
individual[1] = random.uniform(-10, 10) # Y value
return individual
def crossover(parent_1, parent_2):
""" Crossover two parents to produce two children
Performs a weighted arithmetic recombination
ratio = random.uniform(-1, 1) # Generate a number from -1 to 1
crossIndices = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(len(parent_1),), p=[0.5, 0
child_1 = parent_1
child_2 = parent_2
for i in range(len(crossIndices)):
if (crossIndices[i] == 1):
child_1[i] = child_1[i] + ratio * child_2[i] # Perform weighted
child_2[i] = child_2[i] + ratio * child_1[i]
return child_1, child_2
def mutate(individual):
""" Mutate an individual to introduce new genetic information to the pop
Adds a random number from 0 to 9 to each allele in the individual (u
mutateIndices = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(4,), p=[0.8, 0.2])
for index in range(len(mutateIndices)):
if(mutateIndices[index] == 1):
individual[0] += random.randint(1, 9) * (10**(index - 2))
individual[1] += random.randint(1, 9) * (10**(index - 2))
def fitness(individual, data):
""" Calculate fitness of a candidate solution representation
x = individual[0]
y = individual[1]
return -(1+np.cos(15*np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))) * np.exp(-x**2 - y**2)
In [7]:
What was the best fitness value and solution that the GA found?
The best solution the GA found had a fitness value around -2, and the solution it found is (x,y) being
close to (0, 0)
2. Change both the crossover probability and mutation probability to 0, and run the GA a few times
again. Comment on how this affects the results, and provide a possible explanation as to why
this GA setup does not return the optimal solution.
Fitness = -1.9999999999987077 Solution = [ 5.45362557e-08 -9.1
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [-1.01419615e-09 -2.7
Fitness = -1.9999999986200392 Solution = [ 1.99567968e-06 -2.8
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [-7.23479956e-10 -1.7
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [-5.03316652e-10 -6.1
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [1.36678252e-10 5.378
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [ 2.12245750e-10 -4.7
Fitness = -1.9999999999998856 Solution = [-1.83941042e-09 3.1
Fitness = -1.9999999927022927 Solution = [3.67455823e-07 7.974
Fitness = -2.0 Solution = [-9.05618098e-10 -1.0
def run_ga(g):
for i in range(10):
best_solution = ga.best_individual()
print("Fitness = {}".format(best_solution[0]).ljust(40), "Solution =
# default is tournament selection
ga = pyeasyga.GeneticAlgorithm(
population_size = 30,
generations = 50,
crossover_probability = 0.8,
mutation_probability = 0.005,
maximise_fitness = False # Minimizes fitness if False, max if it's true
ga.create_individual = create_individual
ga.crossover_function = crossover
ga.mutate_function = mutate
# ga.selection_function = ga.tournament_selection
In [9]:
3. Perform the previous task again, except with the crossover and mutation probability changed to
Fitness = -0.003708779158596691 Solution = [-2.47530363 -0.4
Fitness = -0.00022001740184833066 Solution = [-2.5688209 -1.5
Fitness = -0.011812661871050664 Solution = [ 1.79895714 -1.2
Fitness = -1.4192252874181064 Solution = [0.18593113 0.4
Fitness = -0.0052408051165751994 Solution = [-0.95926918 -0.3
Fitness = -0.025504514073937806 Solution = [-0.81942695 1.8
Fitness = -0.12247270198538122 Solution = [-1.66520129 -0.1
Fitness = -0.06281757401112374 Solution = [-0.92776545 1.4
Fitness = -0.7318384005420594 Solution = [0.68717206 0.3
Fitness = -0.0004271715373357015 Solution = [2.0683121 2.0
ga.mutation_probability = 0
ga.crossover_probability = 0
Changing the crossover and mutation probability to 0 means that variation
is no longer introduced in the GA.
We see that the results obtained after changing these values are not as
good as the first run above where these values were nonzero.
Because no variation is introduced over the generations, the fitness of the
individuals depends on where they originally started, since the GA will
not explore new solutions. (Note: this does not mean that the new
generations are exactly the same as the old generations, but they are made
from exact copies of the chromosomes of the old population.
In [11]:
Exercise 2: WSN genetic algorithm
A team of climatologists is trying to optimize the energy usage of their wireless sensor network (WSN)
of weather monitoring stations. Their current setup involves all stations sending their data directly to
the base station (BS). However, they would like to explore the option of assigning cluster heads (CH)
to some of these stations. These CH's would collect the data from nearby regular stations (RS) and
send it to the BS such that not every station has to communicate with the BS, thereby optimizing the
total communication distance of the network. In order to determine the optimal setup of both number
and location of CH's, they are designing a genetic algorithm with the following parameters:
Individual representation: binary string
Population size: 80
Generations: 100
Crossover: one-point with probability 0.7
Fitness = -1.9725915470737594 Solution = [ 0.01532121 -0.0
Fitness = -1.99999927166391 Solution = [ 7.63979912e-05 -2.2
Fitness = -1.9997847685944539 Solution = [-0.00133712 0.0
Fitness = -1.9765314986548954 Solution = [ 1.43448975e-02 -9.8
Fitness = -1.6832817331054801 Solution = [-0.40952206 0.0
Fitness = -1.6832892021654484 Solution = [0.38176338 0.1
Fitness = -1.6832748633320629 Solution = [ 0.31277984 -0.2
668738 ]
Fitness = -1.9990254090779886 Solution = [0.00034207 0.0
028976 ]
Fitness = -1.6832909244052126 Solution = [ 0.02054781 -0.4
110205 ]
Fitness = -1.683279557784876 Solution = [-0.17635994 0.3
ga.mutation_probability = 1
ga.crossover_probability = 1
Changing the crossover probability to 1 means that the individuals will
always crossover their genes for each generation. This on its own is not
that harmful, with a low probability of mutation.
However, setting the mutation probability to 1 means that the genes are
always mutated. This means that now, the GA is essentially randomly
searching for a solution. Even good solutions are mutated with a 100%
This results in too much variation in the offspring, and like mentioned,
this means that the GA is essentially now doing a random search. It seems
to do better than having no variation, but with too much variation, it is
doing slightly worse than with the original parameters.
Mutation: bitwise with probability 0.05
Selection: tournament
The GA has been built to solve the WSN routing optimization problem in the cell below. The base
station is located in the centre of a (250, 250) map, with 80 stations assigned randomly around it.
An individual is represented as a binary string, with length equal to the number of stations in the
network. A 0 represents a regular station, whereas a 1 represents a cluster head. Parents are
selected using tournament selection, in which individuals are randomly chosen to be compared to
another individual, and the most fit individual "wins". For crossover, a single-point method is used,
where a point is chosen in a parent's string, and the genetic information is swapped with another
parent starting at that point. Finally, the mutation function flips on average two bits of a chosen parent
anywhere in its string.
The GA aims to maximize a fitness function based on the communication distance difference
between the previous method (all stations to BS) and the new method (RS to CH, and CH to BS), as
well as the difference between the total number of stations and the number of CH's used.
Once it has undergone the specified number of generations, the GA determines what the best
solution is, and the optimal routing scheme is displayed.
1. Run the script to call the GA and determine the optimal clustering and routing for the WSN.
Include the plot of the final results in your report.
In [57]: def create_individual(data):
""" Create a candidate solution representation
0 = regular station; 1 = cluster head
Represented as a binary sequence with ~25% 1's
individual = np.random.choice([0, 1], size = (len(data),), p = [0.75, 0
return individual
def crossover(parent_1, parent_2):
""" Crossover two parents to produce two children
Implements single point crossover
index = random.randrange(1, len(parent_1))
child_1 = np.append(parent_1[:index], parent_2[index:])
child_2 = np.append(parent_2[:index], parent_1[index:])
return child_1, child_2
def mutate(individual):
""" Mutate an individual to introduce new genetic information to the pop
Flips on average 2 bits in the individual
noStations = len(individual)
for i in range(noStations):
if (random.randint(0, noStations) % noStations == 0): # ~2 bits mut
individual[i] ^= 1 # Swap the current bit using XOR operator
def fitness(individual, data):
""" Calculate fitness of a candidate solution representation
Based on the difference between no clustering and clustering
totDist = np.sum(data[:, 2]) # Total distance of all stations to the ba
noStations = len(individual) # Total number of stations [N]
noCH = np.sum(individual) # Total number of cluster heads (CH) [H_i]
# If no CH's are assigned, return a fitness value of 0
if (noCH == 0):
fitness = 0
return fitness
chIndices = np.transpose(np.nonzero(individual)) # Find indices of the
minDist = np.zeros((noStations, 1))
chBSDist = np.zeros((noCH, 1))
# Get distance of each CH to the BS
for k in range(noCH):
chBSDist[k] = data[chIndices[k], 2]
# Calculate the distance between each station and the CH's to determine
temp = np.zeros((noCH, 1))
for i in range(noStations):
for j in range(noCH):
temp[j] = distMap[i, chIndices[j]] # Store distance between a s
minDist[i] = np.amin(temp) # Determine the closest CH to the curren
newDist = np.sum(chBSDist) + np.sum(minDist) # Sum of distances from st
fitness = (totDist-newDist) + (noStations-noCH) # Fitness value to be ma
return fitness
def mapRoute(individual, data):
""" Displays the routed results given an individual and the input data
chIndices = np.transpose(np.nonzero(individual)) # Find indices of the
noCH = len(chIndices)
noStations = len(individual)
stationConnectivity = np.zeros((noStations+1, noStations+1)) # 0 = not
# Determine station-CH connectivity
temp = np.zeros((noCH, 1))
for i in range(noStations):
for j in range(noCH):
temp[j] = distMap[i, chIndices[j]] # Store distance between a s
if (np.amin(temp) == 0): # Ignore if the current station is a CH
chIndex = chIndices[np.argmin(temp)]
stationConnectivity[i,chIndex] = 1
stationConnectivity[chIndex, i] = 1
# Begin plotting the data
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
stationHandle ,= plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 'bo', label = 'RS') #
bsHandle ,= plt.plot(bsCoords[0], bsCoords[1], 'ro', label = 'BS') # Ba
# Determine CH -> BS connectivity
for k in range(noCH):
chIndex = chIndices[k]
stationConnectivity[chIndex, -1] = 2
stationConnectivity[-1, chIndex] = 2
chHandle ,= plt.plot(data[chIndex, 0], data[chIndex, 1], 'go', label
# Plot station connections
for i in range(1, len(stationConnectivity)):
for j in range(i):
if (stationConnectivity[i, j] == 1):
rsCHHandle ,= plt.plot([data[i, 0], data[j, 0]], [data[i, 1]
if (stationConnectivity[i, j] == 2):
chBSHandle ,= plt.plot([bsCoords[0], data[j, 0]], [bsCoords
plt.xlabel('X Coordinate')
plt.ylabel('Y Coordinate')
plt.title('Wireless Sensor Network Clustering and Routing Map')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1.01, 1), loc = 2, borderaxespad = 0., hand
noStations = 80 # Number of stations to route
stationInfo = np.zeros((noStations, 3)) # [x, y, dist to BS]
distMap = np.zeros((noStations, noStations)) # Distance between stations
bsCoords = np.array([125, 125]) # Base station coordinates at (125, 125)
random.seed(1) # Set seed for consistent coordinates
# Assign random station coordinates and calculate the distances between stat
for i in range(len(stationInfo)):
stationInfo[i, 0] = random.randint(0, 250)
stationInfo[i, 1] = random.randint(0, 250)
stationInfo[i, 2] = np.linalg.norm(stationInfo[i, 0:2] - bsCoords)
for j in range(i + 1):
distMap[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(stationInfo[i, 0:2] - stationInfo[j,
distMap[j, i] = distMap[i, j]
# Show location of stations
stationPlt = plt.scatter(stationInfo[:, 0], stationInfo[:, 1], c = 'b')
bsPlt = plt.scatter(bsCoords[0], bsCoords[1], c = 'r')
plt.xlabel('X Coordinate')
plt.ylabel('Y Coordinate')
plt.title('Station Locations')
# Create the GA
ga = pyeasyga.GeneticAlgorithm(stationInfo, # Input data
population_size = 80,
generations = 100,
crossover_probability = 0.7,
mutation_probability = 0.005,
maximise_fitness = True
# Set the appropriate parameters for the GA
ga.create_individual = create_individual
ga.crossover_function = crossover
ga.mutate_function = mutate
ga.selection_function = ga.tournament_selection
ga.fitness_function = fitness
# Run the network and print the best individual
bestSoln = ga.best_individual()
print("Fitness = ", bestSoln[0])
print("Solution = ", bestSoln[1])
# Display routing results
mapRoute(ga.best_individual()[1], stationInfo)
2. Summarize the pros and cons of using a GA as a problem solving technique.
Fitness = 4804.948033425915
Solution = [0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0]
+ Generally faster compared to other learning algorithms
+ Variation means that we can escape local minima or maxima
+ Relatively easy to implement compared to other learning algorithms
+ Can find fit solutions relatively quickly
+ no understanding of how the system works is needed. We just have to know
how to measure fitness
- the random heuristics sometimes does not find the optimal solution
- no guaranteed convergence
- the fit solutions found are not guaranteed to be optimal
- results will not be good if your fitness algorithm is not good. This can
be hard to get right
The purpose of this lab was to become familiar with genetic algorithms.
Genetic algorithms are an approach to machine learning inspired by the
natural process of evolution found in nature. In this lab, we gain a
feeling for how changing parameters like the mutation probability and
crossover probability can affect the solutions found by the genetic
algorithm. The python library pyeasyga was used to implement the genetic
algorithms. We also consider the pros and cons of genetic algorithms. We
use genetic algorithms in this lab to attempt to find a global minimum in a
search space with many localized minima, and a genetic algorithm is also
used to determine the optimal locations of cluster heads in weather
stations, which collect data from nearby weather stations then send the
data to a base station. This allows us to optimize the communication
distance by determining the best number of cluster heads, and their
locations needed for routing. The fitness function used here was set up so
that the genetic algorithm needed to maximize the fitness.
In the lab we discover the usefulness of genetic algorithms. Genetic
algorithms are inspired by the evolution process found in nature. We begin
with a initial random population. Each individual in a population is a
candidate solution represented by chromosomes, which are made up of genes,
which are typically repreented by binary strings. (Other representations
may be used such as integers, real numbers, etc.) THe way in which we
choose to represent an individual can have signficant consequences on the
performance of a genetic algorithm, since different representation methds
can result in varying performance in terms of the accuracy of the genetic
algorithm and the computation time. Once we have initialized a population,
the individuals are evaluated using the fitness function we define, and we
choose to either maximize or minimize the fitness. For creating the next
generation, we begin by selecting the most fit individuals, similar to how
in nature, the most fit individuals get to survice. Many methods can be
used for selection, but for this lab, tournament selection was used, where
a tournament style tree is created and the individuals face-off against
each other much like how sports brackets are set up in say, soccer. Then,
based on the parameters chosen for crossover probability and mutation, the
surviving individuals get the opportunity to 'mate' or more technically
for genetic algorithms, they get to have their genes crossed over. A
higher crossover probability, means that the crossover happens more often.
With a crossover probablity of 100%, every individual gets a chance to
crossover their genes. Based on the probability for mutation, a surviving
individual may have their genes altered by random chance, much like how a
populaiton can evolve through useful mutations in nature. Having too high
of a mutation probability can be detrimental, however, since for example,
with a mutation probability of 100% the genetic algorithm is basically
doing a random search since all individuals get their genes mutated, even
the individuals that have an optimal solution, whereas with a lower
mutation probability, these better performing individuals have a chance to
mutate or not, since sometimes a mutation can make the fitness better or
worse. Like many other learning algorithms, we want to carefully think
about each parameter we want to adjust and how it will affect the finding of
the solution. In this lab, we explored how changing the mutation
probablity and crossover probablity parameters affects the genetic
algorithm's ability to find the global minimum of a function with other
localized minima, and a genetic algorithm is also used to determine the
optimal locations of cluster heads in weather stations, which collect data
from nearby weather stations and then send the data to a base station.
This allows us to optimize the communication distance by determining the
best number of cluster heads, and their locations needed for routing. The
fitness function used here was set up so that the genetic algorithm needed
to maximize the fitness.
Lab 5 Marking Guide
In this lab, we experimented with genetic algorithms. We used a genetic
algorithm to search for a global minimum in a search space with many local
minima. We also used a genetic algorithm to look at an actual problem,
which is to determine the optimal locations of cluster heads in weather
stations. These cluster heads collect data from nearby weather stations
and then send the data to a base station. That way, there is no need for
all weather stations to communicate with the base station directly. This
allows us to optimize the communication distance by determining the best
number of cluster heads, and their locations needed for routing. The
fitness function used here was set up so that the genetic algorithm needed
to maximize the fitness. For this problem, an individual is represented by
a binary string with a population size of 80 and 100 generations. The
crossover probability at one point is 0.7, and the mutation probability
was 0.05. Tournament selection was used. The genetic algorithm for this
problem attempted to maximize a fitness function, which depends on the
difference in communication distance between all stations individually
contacting the base station versus the new approach with cluster heads
collecting data from nearby weather stations and then relaying the data to
the base station. A pretty plot was generated to display the best solution
the genetic algorithm game up with after it has simulated all generations.
Compared the the rest of the lab, the first task, although not difficult at
all was relatively speaking more complex than the other tasks in the lab,
since some thought had to be put into how changing the mutation
probability and crossover probability affects the genetic algorithm's
performance in finding a fit solution. Some thought also had to be put into
figuring out why a mutation probability of 0% does not generate good
results, as well as a mutation probability of 100%. The same goes for a
crossover probability of 0% and 100%. In the end, it turns out that we
want some variation so that we can escape local minima, but also we do not
want too much variation, otherwise we are just doing a random search. If
I'm being honest here, writing the Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion
was probably the most difficult part of the lab, since writing and coming up
with words is hard
In conclusion, this lab served as a solid introduction to genetic
algorithms and their uses. We experimented with changing some parameters,
and using a genetic algorithm to solve a practical problem.
Evolution in nature works pretty well, so it makes sense and is only
natural to apply this logic to artificial systems by attempting to mimic
naure and apply the same strategy that was worked for years in the natural
world. It is of course, not a silver bullet but like any other learning
algorithm excels in some cases, while for other use cases, one may want to
consider other learning algorithms. Genetic algorithms can be fun too,
since the offspring can produce entertaining results.
Examples of entertaining results:
𝑃𝑟𝑒 − 𝑙𝑎𝑏
𝑊 𝑆𝑁𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑚
𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬
𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬

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