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Lab 5: Regression & Neural Networks

Lab 5: Regression & Neural Networks
CS410: Artificial Intelligence

Exercise 1: Linear Regression
Consider a linear regression model , where , and . Recall the
geometric interpretation of linear regression given in Lecture 8, Slide 18 that the predicted value
 could be viewed as the projection of the true value Y onto the
subspace spanned by the column vectors in , where and . First load the
data using np.load('Data1_X.npy') and np.load('Data1_Y.npy') to get and
respectively. Then compute and verify the aforementioned geometric interpretation with
reasonable discussions.
Exercise 2: Logistic Regression
Consider a binary classification problem with 100 samples, each of which has a 2-dimensional
feature and a binary label . The task in this exercise is to solve this binary
classification problem using the logistic regression model introduced in Lecture 8, Slide 67.
1. First load the data using np.load('Data2_X.npy') and np.load('Data2_Y.npy') to get
and respectively, where and . Then finish the
CELoss_binary() function to compute the binary cross entropy loss and gradient() to
compute the mini-batch gradient of the binary cross entropy loss function with respect to
the parameter for a given size of the mini-batch.
2. Train your logistic regression model. Plot the binary cross entropy loss and the precision
(defined in Lecture 8, Slide 69) against the number of iterations using stochastic gradient
descent, mini-batch gradient descent and (batch) gradient descent respectively under 3
different learning rates and 3 different values of the threshold. Discuss your findings about
the effects of learning rates, types of gradients and the values of the threshold to the loss
and precision.
3. Visualize the decision boundary of predictions of your model with different values of
threshold and discuss the impact of thresholds on the decision boundary as in Lecture 8,
Slide 72.
Using third-party libraries that incorporate the logistic regression model (e.g., scikit-learn) or
integrate the automatic differentiation (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow) is not allowed in this
Exercise 3: L1/L2 Regularization
Consider a toy regression problem as shown below, where we have a simulated sine curve
(between ° and °) with Gaussian noise (details in code). We are going to estimate the sine
function using polynomial regression ( ), i.e., a model of the form
. Essentially, we are applying a linear
regression model for -d input data.
Implement ridge regression and lasso regression with different values of , and answer the
following questions with plots, numbers, etc.
1. Which approach is less computationally expensive?
2. Which approach tends to create a sparser output?
3. What is the relationship between regularization and generalizability (especially when using a
complex model)?
Library Matplotlib is required in this exercise.
You are allowed to use libraries such as scikit-learn in this exercise. However, make sure to
import them explicitly within ridge_regression() and lasso_regression() to let us
We provide an example script for you to answer the questions. You can modify main() to do
what you want.
Exercise 4: Two-layer Perceptron Network
Consider a toy binary classification problem as shown below, which is provided by scikit-learn.
Implement backpropagation of two-layer perceptron network with ReLU as the activation function
and mean squared error as the loss function using NumPy (details listed in code). Change the
number of hidden neurons and discuss your findings.
Library Matplotlib and scikit-learn is required in this exercise.
Update weights after all the gradients are calculated (i.e., with old weights as described in
p46, Lecture 9).
We provide an example script for you to answer the questions. You can modify main() to do
what you want.
Here are the files you need to submit (please do NOT rename any file): for exercise 1, for exercise 2, for exercise 3, and for exercise
report.pdf for your brief report.
Compress the above three files into one *.zip or *.rar file and name it with your student ID,
and submit it on Canvas.

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