Computer Architecture
CECS 440
Through this course, we want to design a RISC-V Single Cycle Processor. We have already designed
some of the modules needed in a single cycle processor. Here, we extend our module set. In the next lab,
we will learn how to design a high-level module to connect the lower-level modules we have developed.
1 Single-cycle Processor
The building block of a single cycle processor is shown as follows. The instruction execution starts by
using the program counter to supply the instruction address to the instruction memory. After the instruction is fetched, the register operands used by an instruction are specified by fields of that instruction.
Once the register operands have been fetched, they can be operated on to compute a memory address
(for a load or store), to compute an arithmetic result (for an integer arithmetic-logical instruction), or
an equality check (for a branch). If the instruction is an arithmetic-logical instruction, the result from
the ALU must be written to a register. If the operation is a load or store, the ALU result is used as an
address to either store a value from the registers or load a value from memory into the registers. The
result from the ALU or memory is written back into the register file.
The blue lines interconnecting the functional units represent buses, which consist of multiple signals.
The arrows are used to guide the reader in knowing how information flows. Since signal lines may cross,
we explicitly show when crossing lines are connected by the presence of a dot where the lines cross.
Some of the inputs (RegWrite, ALUSrc, ALUCC, MemRead, MemWrite, MemtoReg) are control signals
which are derived by a module named ”Control”. The control unit is supposed to be designed later in
Lab 7.
Table 1 shows the list of Instructions our single cycle processor supports.
Table 1 : Instruction Set.
1.1 Lower Level Modules
As you see there is a top module (Datapath) and nine lower-level modules (FlipFlop, HA, Instr mem,
RegFile, Imm Gen, Mux (two instantiations), ALU, Data mem). In this lab we will design five modules
including: FlipFlop, Instr mem, RegFile, Imm Gen (code is given), and Mux (code is given). For each
of these modules you need to create a new source file and run some testing scenarios to make sure about
their functionality.
1.1.1 FlipFlop
Flip flops are the simplest memory elements. For computer applications, the function of Flip flop is to
store a signal. A D-FlipFlop stores the value of its data input signal in the internal memory. It has three
inputs and one output. The inputs are the data value to be stored (called d), a clock signal (called clk)
that indicates when the Flip flop should read the value on the d input and store it, and a reset signal
(called reset) that indicates when the output should set back to the initialized value (usually zero). The
output is simply the value of the internal state (called q). When the clock input (clk) changes from
deasserted to asserted (rising edge of the clk), the q output stores the value of the d input. The value
of the output doesn’t change till the next rising edge of the clock. Figure 3 shows the operation of a
D-FlipFlop with a rising-edge trigger.
Here we want to design a Flip flop with an 8-bit d line and synchronous reset. Synchronous reset
means reset is sampled with respect to the clock. In other words, when reset is enabled, it will not be
effective till the next active clock edge (here rising edge).
Figure 3 : D Flip flop with a rising-edge trigger.
Use this code for the Entity part of the Flip flop.
Code 1: D Flip flop
2 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
4 // Module definition
5 module FlipFlop (
6 clk , reset ,
7 d,
8 q
9 );
11 // Define the input and output signals
13 // Define the D Flip flop modules ’ behaviour
15 endmodule // FlipFlop
This Flip flop holds the program counter (PC), which is a register that holds the address of the current
instruction. We will send this address to the instruction memory to read the current instruction.
Test your module: Complete the module for a D-FlipFlop and also write a test bench to test the
following testing scenario:
• In the test bench define the clock signal with the duration of 20 ns.
• Activate the reset signal for the first 100 ns and the output signal have to be set to zero (at the
rising edge of the clock) regardless of the input values.
• After 100 ns the reset signal is inactive and the output is reflecting the input values. Note that
the output may change only at the rising edge of the clock.
Here is the simulation result for a similar testing scenario:
1.1.2 Adder
We need an adder to increment the PC with 4 to get the address of next instruction. This adder can be
implemented with a simple statement in Verilog:
PC Next = PC + 4;
Using ”+” operation in Verilog you are able to design this adder.
1.1.3 Instruction Memory
Instruction memory has one input which is the address line (called Addr, has 8 bits), and one output
which is the instruction we read from the memory (called Data, has 32 bits). With the 8 bits address
which comes from the PC, we can address 28 bytes (This memory is byte addressable). An instruction
has 4 bytes (32 bits). So we can store 28/4 = 64 instructions in our instruction memory.
In the instruction memory, we need internal storage to store the instructions. We need to define a 2D
array to store 64 instructions each with 4 bytes (32 bits). So, Define Instruction memory as a new
type which is a 64 x 32 2D array and define signal memory from type Instruction memory. Use the
followsing Verilog statement to define your instruction memory as a 2D array with the name of ”memory”:
reg [31:0] memory [63:0];
Then we need to actually store some instructions (which are 32 bits data) in the signal that we
defined as internal storage. Use the code below for the instruction memory.
Code 2: Instruction Memory
2 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
4 // Module definition
5 module InstMem (
6 input [ 7 : 0 ] addr ,
7 output wire [ 31 : 0 ] instruction
8 );
10 // Define the input and output signals
12 // Define the Instruction memory modules ’ behaviour
14 endmodule // InstMem
You need to save the following instruction codes in your Instruction memory for further usage. The
comments show the meaning of each instruction and the expected output.
memory[0] = 32’h00007033; // and r0, r0, r0 32’h00000000
memory[1] = 32’h00100093; // addi r1, r0, 1 32’h00000001
memory[2] = 32’h00200113; // addi r2, r0, 2 32’h00000002
memory[3] = 32’h00308193; // addi r3, r1, 3 32’h00000004
memory[4] = 32’h00408213; // addi r4, r1, 4 32’h00000005
memory[5] = 32’h00510293; // addi r5, r2, 5 32’h00000007
memory[6] = 32’h00610313; // addi r6, r2, 6 32’h00000008
memory[7] = 32’h00718393; // addi r7, r3, 7 32’h0000000B
memory[8] = 32’h00208433; // add r8, r1, r2 32’h00000003
memory[9] = 32’h404404b3; // sub r9, r8, r4 32’hfffffffe
memory[10] = 32’h00317533; // and r10, r2, r3 32’h00000000
memory[11] = 32’h0041e5b3; // or r11, r3, r4 32’h00000005
memory[12] = 32’h0041a633; // if r3 is less than r4 then r12 = 1 32’h00000001
memory[13] = 32’h007346b3; // nor r13, r6, r7 32’hfffffff4
memory[14] = 32’h4d34f713; // andi r14, r9, ”4D3” 32’h000004D2
memory[15] = 32’h8d35e793; // ori r15, r11, ”8d3” 32’hfffff8d7
memory[16] = 32’h4d26a813; // if r13 is less than 32’h000004D2 then r16 = 1 32’h00000001
memory[17] = 32’h4d244893; // nori r17, r8, ”4D2” 32’hfffffb2C
Test your module: you may try to use ”Force Constant” method in Verilog to test this module.
Try to set the addr signal to different numbers between 0-16 and see if the output is equal to the corresponding instruction code. Here are a few test cases:
• addr[7:2]: 16 (decimal) (row number) the expected output instruction: 32’h4d26a813
• addr[7:2]: 3 (decimal) (row number) the expected output instruction: 32’h00308193
Note: addr[7:0] gives the first byte number for each instruction and addr[7:2] gives the exact row
number for each instruction in our memory array.
Important note: each line of the instruction memory includes 8 bits and each instruction is 32
bits. This means that you need to use bits [7:2] of the address line to point to a new instruction.
Here is the simulation result for the second test case:
1.1.4 Register File
One structure that is central to our datapath is a register file. A register file consists of a set of registers
that can be read and written by supplying a register number to be accessed. For reading from a register
file we only need the register number. For writing to a register we need three inputs: a register number,
the data to write, and a clock that controls the writing into the register. Our register file has two read
ports and one write port. This register file is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 : Register File.
We have two register read addresses (rg rd addr1, rg rd addr2). These two input signals have 5 bits.
with 5 bits we can address 25 = 32 registers. To read from the register file regardless of the clock or reset
we will send two registers through two output lines rg rd data1, and rg rd data2 (these are 32 bits).
To write to the register file if Reset input is zero and write enable signal (rg wrt en) is ’1’ (on) then in
the rising edge (posedge) of the clock we will write the data from input line rg wrt data to the register
number rg wrt addr.
Unlike what we had for Flip flop, here we want to have an asynchronous reset. Means regardless of the
clk, whenever we have Reset signal we should reset the register file (set all registers to 32’h00000000).
Here is the Entity of the register file. Same as instruction memory we need some internal storage for
register file.
Code 3: Register File
2 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
4 // Module definition
5 module RegFile (
6 clk , reset , rg_wrt_en ,
7 rg_wrt_addr ,
8 rg_rd_addr1 ,
9 rg_rd_addr2 ,
10 rg_wrt_data ,
11 rg_rd_data1 ,
12 rg_rd_data2
13 );
15 // Define the input and output signals
17 // Define the Register File modules ’ behaviour
19 endmodule // RegFile
Test your module: you may try to use ”Force Constant” to test this module. Follow the following
• Set the Clock: After running the simulation, right click on the clock signal and push ”Force
clock”. The following window will pop up. Set the numbers as you see. We will have 10 clock
cycles each with a duration of 100 ns.
• Set the reset signal as ”1” for the duration of 100 ns. It means that the reset signal is getting
active for a duration of one clock cycle to make all registers to zero. After one clock cycle it is
getting inactive.
• Set the rg wrt en as ”0” meaning that it is allowed to write into a selected register.
• Set the rg wrt addr to for example ”10010” meaning that you have chosen the register number 18
to write into it.
• Set the rg wrt data to an optional number you would like to write into the selected register.
• Press ”Run all” to see the result.
the result of the simulation is shown as follows:
If you expand the register file signal you will see the number is written into the selected register:
the result of the simulation is shown as follows:
1.1.5 Immediate Generator
Immediate Generator (ImmGen) receives the 32-bits instruction, and based on the opcode decides which
bits of the instruction should be interpreted as the 12-bit immediate. Then sign extends the 12-bits
immediate into 32-bits. The opcode part of the instruction is bit (7 bits). For the current set of instructions the opcode could be ”0010011” or ”0110011”. For those instructions with opcode ”0110011” we
don’t need an immediate value and we can define the output to be 32’h00000000. For other instructions
with opcode ”0010011” the 12 bits immediate value is instruction (31 downto 20).
Sign extension means to copy the sign bit. As an example, if the 12-bits immediate are 12’h900 then the
output of this module should be 32’hfffff900. Or if the 12-bits immediate are 12’h700, then the output
will be 32’h00000700. Below you see the block diagram. This module is designed for you as yo can see
the coding as follows:
Code 4: Immediate Generator
1 module ImmGen (
2 InstCode ,
3 ImmOut
4 );
5 input [ 31 : 0 ] InstCode ;
6 output reg [ 31 : 0 ] ImmOut ;
8 always @( InstCode )
9 begin
10 case ( InstCode [ 6 : 0 ] )
12 7 ’ b0000011 :
13 ImmOut = { InstCode [ 31 ] ? {20{1 ’ b1 }} : 20 ’ b0 , InstCode [ 31 : 20 ] };
14 7 ’ b0010011 :
15 ImmOut = { InstCode [ 31 ] ? {20{1 ’ b1 }} : 20 ’ b0 , InstCode [ 31 : 20 ] };
16 7 ’ b0100011 :
17 ImmOut = { InstCode [ 31 ] ? {20{1 ’ b1 }} : 20 ’ b0 , InstCode [ 31 : 25 ] , InstCode [ 11 : 7 ] };
18 7 ’ b0010111 :
19 ImmOut = { InstCode [ 31 : 12 ] , 12 ’ b0 };
20 default :
21 ImmOut = {32 ’ b0 };
22 endcase
23 end
24 endmodule
1.1.6 ALU
The ALU is the same ALU we designed in Lab4.
1.1.7 resultmux
The MUX on the output of the Data Memory will decide whether the writing data (to the register file)
should come from the ALU (ALU Result) or come from the Data Memory (DataMem read). Use the
following code for two MUX in your Dataptah design.
Code 5: 2:1 MUX
1 // Module definition
2 module MUX21 (
3 D1 , D2 , S , Y
4 );
6 input S; // select line
7 input [ 31 : 0 ] D1;
8 input [ 31 : 0 ] D2;
10 output [ 31 : 0 ] Y;
12 assign Y = (!S & D1) | (S & D2 );
14 endmodule // Mux21
2 Assignment Deliverables
Your submission should include the following items:
• A screenshot of your design code for each module. (FlipFlop.v, Instr mem.v, RegFile.v)
• A few lines explaining how you designed each module.
• An screenshot of the test cases you have tried for each module to show that module is working
• A report in pdf format. Your report should have all details for your design + screenshot of the
wave. Each report should include group members if you are working as a group.
Note1: Upload your report to the Beachboard before deadline.
Note2: Use the code samples that are given in the lab description. The Module part of your code
should exactly look like the code sample otherwise you lose points.