EE2230 Logic Design Lab 1
Lab 6: Electronic Clock I (Time Display)
ü Implement the display function of the electronic clock.
ü Fundamentals of logic gates.
ü Logic modeling in Verilog HDL.
ü Simple logic development and FSM control
1 Finish the time display function supporting 24-hour (00-23).
1.1 Support two modes: AM/PM and 24-hour.
2 For the date functions in clock (no leap year), we have the following functions:
o Day (Jan/March/May/July/Aug/Oct/Dec: 1-31, Feb: 28, Apr/June/Sept/Nov: 30),
o Month (1-12),
o Year (00-99).
Implement the following functions:
2.1 Month-Day function display in the 4 7-segment displays.
2.2 Combine the Year and 1.1 to finish a Year-Month-Day timer, and use one DIP switch
to select the display of Year (2 Seven-Segment Displays, SSDs) or Month-Day (4
3 (Bonus) Add the time display support of both AM/PM and 24-hour, and the leap year
support. (The year will start from 2000 to 2200 and use 4 SSDs to display.)