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Lab 6: Linked Lists

CS 305 Lab 6: Linked Lists

The purpose of this lab is to give you experience with linked lists and writing
recursive functions on linked lists. Recall that recursive functions are written such
that recursive calls of the function lead toward base case(s). For each of the
recursive functions in this lab, the base case of lists being NULL is done for you. You
are to complete the recursive cases in the functions.
This lab has a total of 100 possible points (30 points from pre-lab and 70 points
from lab).
Sit with your assigned partner.
Upon completion of the laboratory exercise, you will be able to do the following:
 Identify the base case(s) and recursive case(s) for the recursive functions.
 Traverse linked lists.
 Create linked lists.
 Merge two linked lists.
Part 1: Logging in (choose one person)
1. Follow the procedure from prior labs to log in and open Mobaxterm:
2. Go into your cs305 directory. Make a new lab6 directory:
cd /drives/p/
cd cs305
mkdir lab6
3. Get the lab6 file. Download link_list_lab.c from moodle to your lab6 folder.
Hopefully, you can see the file. Open it in emacs. You can focus on the first 130 (or
so) lines of the file. This has the same implementation of linked lists as we saw in
lecture, so the code should be familiar. The four new function prototypes are listed
above the main function.
Part 2: lengthRec – Fix the recursive case
1. Examine the lengthRec function definition. This function is supposed to return
the number of nodes in the linked list. An iterative version of length is defined later
in the file. This one, however, is supposed to be recursive. Update the “else” case
so that it recursively calls lengthRec on list-next and returns this function call
plus 1. (one line of code)
2. In the main function, add to lst1 so that it has 5 nodes where the values of the
nodes are in ascending order. 
3. In the main function, add to lst2 so that it has 8 nodes where the values of the
nodes are in ascending order. Have some of these values be the same as values in
lst1 and have some be different.
4. Compile and run your code.
gcc –o link_list link_list_lab.c
If you want to use the debugger, include the –g flag when compiling.
Part 3: freeList – Fix the recursive case (switch driver)
1. Examine the freeList function. The function should be recursive. It should call
free on list-next and then call free on list. (Two lines of code)
2. The function call to freeList on lst1 and lst2 are already in main. Compile and
run your code.
3. Why must list-next be free’ed before list?
Checkpoint 1 [30 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant your program
running and show your function definitions. Show your answer to the
question above.
Part 4: copyList – Fix the recursive case (switch driver)
1. Examine the copyList function. Update the code so that the function returns a
call to makeNode with the first parameter as list-num and second parameter is a
recursive call to copyList on the rest of the list.
2. In main, create a new list called lst3 and copy lst1 to lst3.
Node * lst3 = copyList(lst1);
3. At the bottom of main, free lst3.
4. Do any other modification and testing to be sure copyList is working correctly.
5. What is the running time for copyList (suppose the linked list has N items)?
Part 5: mergeList – Fix the recursive cases (switch driver)
1. Examine the mergeList function. The base cases are done for you. You should
complete the recursive cases so that a new node is made with the appropriate value
and its next field is the recursive call on the two appropriate lists. (each recursive
case should be one line of code)
For example, if lst1 has 2 4 5 8 10 12
and lst2 has 1 2 5 8
then, the function should return makeNode value 1 (since lst2-num is greater than
lst1-num) and recursively merge lst1 and lst2-next.
Each case should be one line of code in mergeList.
2. Why do the recursive calls for mergeList eventually reach a base case?
3. Suppose list1 has 200 items and list2 has 200 items. How many calls does
mergeList make to merge the two lists (in worst case)? ____________________
Checkpoint 2 [40 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant your program
running and your code. Show your answer to the question above.
If you finish early and want more practice, try writing the code for one or more of
the following functions:
 insertInOrder – takes an int n and a pointer to a list; inserts a new
node with num n into the list, keeping the list sorted in ascending order
 reverse – takes a list and returns a new list with the nodes from list in
reverse order
 numInRange – takes a lower bound min and upper bound max and a list and
returns the number of nodes with values = min and <= max
Close Mobaxterm and any other applications. Log off the computer.
If any checkpoints are not finished, they are due in one week. You may submit
screenshots, code files, and answers to questions electronically (on moodle).

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