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Lab 6: Sort Algorithms

Lab 6: Sort Algorithms
Sorting Algorithm Comparisons on Sorted and not Sorted List
This Lab is based on group of three. Check the list bellow to find your group members. The
first person will be group leader. Leader must divide the job evenly between group
This lab will compare three different sort algorithms. You are allow to use the given code
in the class or code book offers or write your own code.
(Note: You are testing these sort algorithms on integer numbers)
Comparison Sorting Visualizations link can help you to have some perspective on sort comparison:
Your goal for this lab is to implement simple versions of Insertion Sort - insert_sort(alist), Selection Sort -
select_sort(alist), and Merge Sort - merge_sort(alist) that will sort an array of integers and count the
number of comparisons. Include your test cases as lists in the same file as your functions. Each function
takes as input a list of integers, sorts the list counting the comparisons at the same time, and returns the
number of comparisons. After the function completes the “alist” should be sorted. Submit in a file called to PolyLearn. Do not do any improvement in the sort algorithms which can cause
reducing the number of comparison. Use the original algorithms. Make sure you are using the same
list for all sort algorithms.
The runtime complexity is O(n2 ) for selection and insertion sort; and O(n*log(n)) for merge sort, Why?
You will submit your answers in a pdf file and submit with the results. Write out the summation that
represents the number of comparisons. Note that you will need to run test cases of different sizes to show
that Insertion and Selection sort are O(n2 ) and Merge sort is O(n*log(n)). To do this, plot the number of
comparisons (y-axis) vs. the size of the list (x-axis). Since the plot is shaped like a parabola for selection
and insertion sort this indicates that it is quadratic. In the pdf file, for each Insertion, Selection, and Merge
sort submit a table showing list size and number of comparisons from your test cases and a plot of that
For generating the list you can create a list of random numbers.
import random
alist = []
#10 random numbers between 10 and 70
for i in range(10):
 #integer random numbers between 10 and 70
print (alist)
[10, 31, 39, 36, 49, 40, 35, 69, 66, 51]
CSC202 Due: 10/27 @11PM FALL 2017
2) Comparison_analysis.pdf
Only Leader of group need to submit the files. Write group members name in header of both files.
The pdf file will include:
1) Describe responsibility of each group member
2) Your analysis of comparisons for sorted and unsorted list
3) The results of sorted and unsorted comparison
4) Plot the number of comparisons (y-axis) vs. the size of the list (x-axis). Since the plot is shaped
like a parabola for selection and insertion sort this indicates that it is quadratic.
Size Unsorted List
N Insertion Sort Selection Sort Merge Sort
Size Sorted List
N Insertion Sort Selection Sort Merge Sort

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