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Lab 6: Systems on a Chip

Lab 6: Systems on a Chip
In lab 4, you built a system connecting the NIOS II CPU with a floating point core. At the time, you used
QSys to provide you with the needed connection and logic to allow for communication between primary and
secondary elements of your system. Then in lab 5, you built your own custom CPU. In this lab, without the
use of QSys, you will build on what you did in labs 4 and 5 by connecting your own CPU with the floating
point core. This is to say that you will design the interconnect and logic to put your system together. To
start with, you will connect your own CPU with some simple peripherals such as RAM, switches and LEDs.
Then you will turn your CPU into an Avalon Master (similar to what you did in lab 4 to convert the floating
point multiplier into an Avalon slave). And finally, you will control the Floating Point Multiplier you made
in lab4 using your custom processor.
Part I: Simple I/O
Your first hardware implementation of a system containing your processor will consist of four components:
Component Address Range (bytes)
The processor itself
A dual port 32KB memory 0x0000 - 0x7FFF
Red LEDs x8 0xA000 - 0xA00F
Slider switches x8 0xA010 - 0xA01F
Table 1: System Address Map
The processor will utilize the two ports of the RAM as separate instruction and data interfaces. It will
also need to be connected to the switches and LEDs. The processor must run a program that forever reads
the switches and copies their values to the LEDs. In Lab 4, you built such a system using a system-building
tool like Qsys by simply selecting the components from a library, defining the connections, and specifying
which addresses each peripheral was mapped to. In this part of the lab, you will have a chance to better
understand and appreciate what happens ‘under the hood’ by connecting all the above components yourself
and creating all the necessary address decoding hardware.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the system and its connections, omitting all the clock signals and the
processor instruction interface. The processor can write to two devices (memory, and a register feeding the 8
red LEDs) and can read from two devices (memory, and a register capturing the 8 switches). This is decided
based on the address emitted by the processor, and is performed by the blocks marked “decoding” in the
figure, which you will need to create.
Note that the processor still expects read data to arrive one cycle after the address is issued (just like
in the previous lab). This means that the decoding logic that feeds the processor’s i mem rddata input will
need an internal one-cycle delay.
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 6: Systems on a Chip
Memory Decoding
Figure 1: Part I Block Diagram
We provide a memory block in the lab starter kit in a file called Its contents are initialized from
a file called part1.hex which should contain the processor’s program code and data. Note that the address
generated by the processor is in units of bytes while the memory block expects the address in units of 32-bit
1. Use the starter kit for part1 and copy the source file for your processor from Lab 5 into this folder.
2. Implement the rest of the system shown in Figure 1, and using the memory map given in Table 1. Note
that while there are address ranges assigned to the LEDs and switches, only the first address of each is
actually used to read from or write to the switches and LEDs.
3. Write a program for your processor that continuously reads the switches and display their state on the
LEDs. Compile your program with the assembler provided in Lab 5 and rename the generated file to
4. Test your system rigorously using Modelsim, make sure you debug and fix all issues and pass the
provided tester. Note that any changes to your part1.hex file requires a recompilation in Modelsim.
5. Combine all your verilog in one file called that you can then submit alongside your part1.hex
Part II: Avalon Master
In this part of the lab, you will need to modify your processor to make it compliant to the Avalon bus
specifications as an Avalon master, which you will then use to control the FP multiplier you made in Lab 4.
Modifying the Processor
Your processor’s external signals must conform to the Avalon interface specification so that it can access the
bus as a Master. All of the existing signals in your custom CPU already conform to this specification, but one
more signal will need to be added. Previously, your processor has always assumed that when it sends a read
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 6: Systems on a Chip
or write request to memory or an I/O device, that request will always be accepted in the same cycle it was
issued. This assumptions was easily satisfied because the devices, as well as the bus between the processor
and devices, were designed by you. However, in general, a processor may need to interact with devices made
by third parties and connected using a bus whose latency is not known ahead of time. You will need to add
a i ldst waitrequest signal to your processor to allow it to relax this assumption.
When issuing a read or write request, your processor must now continue to retry the request until
i ldst waitrequest is 0. This could happen in the very same cycle the read or write is issued, or it
could immediately go to 1 and only become 0 many cycles later. This was the same signal that your FP multiplier peripheral used in Lab 4, except there, it was an output, where you signaled to the avalon master (the
NIOS II CPU in lab 4) to wait till the floating point operation was completed. In this lab, the waitrequest
is an input that you CPU must wait for before continuing. Note that this change needs to ONLY happen
to the data interface of the processor.
1. Use the starter kit for part2. Copy all the source files for your processor from Lab 5 into this folder.
2. Modify your processor to utilize the waitrequest signal and be able to stall until memory requests are
3. Test your processor rigorously using Modelsim, make sure you debug and fix all issues and pass the
provided tester. Note that merely passing this tester does not guarantee your processor can wait
4. Combine all the CPU files in one file, and give it the name before submitting it.
Part III: Building the System
With your processor now modified and ready, you will build a new system containing three components:
Component Address Range (bytes)
The processor itself
A dual port 32KB memory 0x0000 - 0x7FFF
FP Multiplier 0xA000 - 0xA020
Table 2: System Address Map
Similar to the part I, the processor will utilize the two ports of the RAM as separate instruction and
data interfaces. It will also need to be connected to the floating point multiplier. The processor will then run
a program that forever reads the memory words 8189 and 8190, use them as multiplication operands, and
then writes the result back into a third register 8191. Note that only the multiplier uses the waitrequest
signal while the RAM does not.
1. Use the same folder and files you used for Part II. Copy all the source files for the FP multiplier from
Lab 4 into this folder.
2. Build your system using the processor, the RAM, and the FP multiplier, and using the memory map
given in Table 2.
3. Make sure your ram is instantiated using the name mem inst. So your should include the
line mem mem inst. This is necessary for the tester and marker to read and write test values in your
ECE342: Computer Hardware Lab 6: Systems on a Chip
4. Write a program for your processor that continuously reads the memory words 8189 and 8190, uses
their value for multiplication, and writes the result back in memory word 8191. Compile your program
with the assembler provided in Lab 5 and rename the generated file to part3.hex. Place it with the
rest of your project files.
5. Test your system rigorously using Modelsim, make sure you debug and fix all issues and pass the
provided tester. Note that any changes to your part3.hex file requires a recompilation in Modelsim.
6. Combine all your designs, including the modified processor of Part II in one file called that
you can then submit alongside your part3.hex.
QSys vs Handmade
You have likely noticed that in this lab what you were required to do is the same of what QSys did for you in
a previous lab; all the decoding and glue logic you used for parts I and II is equivalent to what QSys would
build if it were used to implement the same systems.
When generating QSys based systems using the Avalon bus, QSys implicitly creates the bus interconnects
for you. These bus interconnects are not just plain wires, they also include some decoding logic, allowing each
slave to get its own avs read and avs write signals, to get slave specific addresses (like the word addresses
you used for the FP multiplier in lab 4) even when the system uses byte addresses, etc. This is exactly the
same as what you were required to do for this lab.
For Part 1, you need to combine all your modules into one file named which you will then submit
alongside your part1.hex. For part 2 you just need to submit the file. Finally, for part 3 you will
need to combine all modules (including the files you used for part 2) into file which you will submit
in addition to part3.hex. For example:
submitece342s 6 part1.hex part3.hex

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