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Lab 6: Using the Standard Template Library (STL)

Systems Software
Lab 6: Using the Standard Template Library (STL)
Lab Objectives
In this activity, students should demonstrate the following abilities:
1. Use the template classes list, map, and unordered_map from STL
2. Use the template function find from STL
3. Compare the performance of the search operations of the three data structures
(linked list, binary search tree, and hash table)
Lab Assignment
In this lab, you will use the three data structures, list, map, and unordered_map from the
STL, and compare the performance of their search operation.
1. Create the class Student as seen in class with the data members id, name, and gpa.
The class has two constructors, getters and setters for every data member, and
overloading operator functions for the following operators: ==, >, <, >>, and <<.
2. Write a C++ program that creates three instances of the classes list , map, and
unordered_map for the type Student . For classes map and unordered_map,
use type int for the key (student id). The program reads in the text file
students.txt and loads the students’ information in the three data structures using
the method push_back for list, and the [] operator for map and
3. Create an array of 10 student IDs and initialize it to the following IDs: {91242, 87351,
13385, 55555, 37867, 98296, 22222, 62985, 33333, 48851}
4. Search for each student id, from the list above, in the three data structures. Display the
execution time of the search operation on each data structure for each student id.
5. Submit your program files (student.h, student.cpp, and main.cpp) in a zipped
folder named lab6.
CSE109 Lehigh University Summer 2020
Note 1: Both map and unordered_map data structures have a member function find() to
perform the search operation. However, list does not have such a member function.
Therefore, for list, you should use the generic function find() from the library
Note 2: To calculate the execution time of the search method, call method clock() before
and after the statement that calls the search method and store the return values of clock in
two variables start and end of type clock_t. The execution time is then calculated as
end-start. clock returns the number of clock cycles of the program at the time clock is
Here is a code snippet that shows how to measure the execution time of the search operation
in the linked list data structure.
clock_t start, end;
start = clock();
find(studentLL.begin(), studentLL.end(), s);//s is a Student object
end = clock();
double time = double (end - start);
cout << time << endl;

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