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Lab 7: Computer Vision

Lab 7: Computer Vision
The task for this assignment is to implement a set of shape detection algorithms. Your
functions will receive a 2D structure of size 200x200 representing the intensity of pixels of
200x200 pixel image and it should return information about the content of if.
Please use python3. Here you are only allowed to import “common” and “math” in your
student code, no other imports are allowed
Problem 1: slope-intercept equation line detection
You have to develop a program to detect lines in images. Luck is in your side and in this
exercise all lines will be black with a white background, so edge detection is not needed. The
biggest problem you will find is some random figures and noise in the image.
For this task you are to complete one function: def detect_slope_intercept(image):
The function receives:
- A 2d structure called image[y][x] containing the pixel intensities of the image.
The function must return:
- a Line structure (see with the m and b fields containing the parameters
of the line function (mx+b=y).
● The voting space should be size exactly 2000x2000 “bins”
● m is bounded to -10 and +10
● b is bounded to -1000 and +1000
● The margin for correctness will be +/-.1 for m and +/-3 for b during grading
Problem 2: counting quarters
For this problem you have to create a program to count the number of circles in an image.
All circles have the same radius (in pixels) and they will be complete (no overlapping
between circles or partially outside the image)
For this task you are to complete one function: def detect_circles(image):
The function receives:
- A 2d structure called image[y][x] containing the pixel intensities of the image.
The function must return:
- an integer with the number of circles detected in the image.
● The voting space should be size 200x200 (size of the image)
● The radius is always 30 (all circles have the exact same footprint)

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