CSC 230
Lab 7: Interrupts
Submit lab7_timers_interrupt.asm at the end of your lab.
I. What is an interrupt?
An interrupt is a signal that can interrupt and alter the flow of current program execution. It is a
method that allows programs to respond immediately to external events. Interrupts can be triggered
by external or internal signals; they can be caused by software or hardware. When a program is
interrupted, the routine that is executed in response to the interrupt is called an interrupt service
routine (ISR), or interrupt handler. The process of interrupting the current program, executing
the interrupt handler, and returning, is called servicing the interrupt. Interrupts can be dedicated or
shared. If interrupts are shared among multiple devices (I/O), then the ISR further has to check
which device or signal caused that interrupt. Usually the interrupts are numbered and when an
interrupt occurs, the processor jumps to a pre-defined location assigned to that interrupt. Hence an
interrupt vector table has to be setup to jump and branch to appropriate ISR to handle interrupts.
The ATMega 2560 processor we use in the lab has following interrupt vector table:
CSC 230 Fall 2016
The AVR processor has many built-in timers (two 8-bit and four 16-bit timer counters). These can
be setup in many different modes. We are only going to use Time 1 in this lab. This timer will be set
to normal overflow mode. That is the 16-bit timer counter is initialized to a value (say 0) and a
hardware clock signal is used to increment the timer counter. When the timer counter overflows, it
generates an interrupt 21 (see the above table) causing the processor to jump to a pre-defined
location 0x0028. Therefore, first, let’s learn the structure of interrupt in AVR assembly language:
Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) for
each interrupt
Bit 0 of TIMSK1 is the Timer/Counter Overflow
Interrupt Enable. Set it to 1 to signal the counter
changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0. “sei” set the I flag in
SREG to 1. Combine both, the Timer/Counter
Overflow Interrupt is enabled. Then the
corresponding Interrupt Vector is executed.
Interrupt service routine
CSC 230 Fall 2016
At power on (RESET), the program control jumps to location 0x0000. This is where you need to
initialize the timer for the desired functionality. In the above program, the control jumps to setup
which initializes the timer and sets in the desired mode by calling “timer_init” and then waits
in a tight loop. After the initialization, timer counter automatically starts counting with the specified
clock rate and causes an interrupt when the counter overflows. This interrupt (21) takes the CPU
control to location 0x0028 that further jumps to the ISR (timer1_isr).
The AVR processor provides many timers and these timers can be set to operate in different modes
so that a right timer can be used in an application. The timer of the AVR can be specified to monitor
several events. Status flags in the TIMSK (Timer Interrput Mask Register) register show if an event
has occurred. Some of the modes the timers can operate are: a) Timer Overflow mode; b) Compare
Match and c) Input capture. For the purpose of this lab, we are going to setup the timer to
operate only in the Timer Overflow mode (also known as normal mode). A timer overflow means
that the counter has counted up to its maximum value and is reset to zero in the next timer clock
cycle. Below is the summary of registers associated with Timer/Counter 1:
TIMSK1 is the interrupt enable register. In order to cause the interrupt by the timer, a flag
has to be set in the register as well as enable the global interrupt in SREG (using SEI
The 16-bit timer counter value is loaded at: TCNT1H:TCNT1L. The counter will start
counting up from the initial value loaded here and count up to 0xFFFF. In the next clock
pulse, the 16-bit counter will overflow and reset to 0x0000 and causes an interrupt.
The timer mode (normal counting mode) is set by writing a “zero” to TCCR1A control
To count up, the timer can use an internal clock signal or an external signal. In this lab, the
timer is setup to use an internal clock. Note that the CPU is operating at 16Mhz. We will use
this clock but reduce the counting speed by setting up a pre-scaler of 256. That is the clock
signal is divided by 256 to reduce the counting speed. This is done using the TCCR1B
control register.
II. Timer/Counter 1 in AVR ATmega 2560
In this lab, the 16-bit Timer/Counter 1 is used. The full names of the registers are:
.equ TCCR1A = 0x80 Timer/Counter 1 Control Register A
.equ TCCR1B = 0x81 Timer/Counter 1 Control Register B
.equ TCCR1C = 0x82 Timer/Counter 1 Control Register C (Not used in this lab)
.equ TCNT1H = 0x85 high byte of the Timer/Counter 1
.equ TCNT1L = 0x84 low byte of the Timer/Counter 1
.equ TIFR1 = 0x36 Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt Flag Register (Not used in this lab)
.equ TIMSK1 = 0x6F Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt Mask Register
.equ SREG = 0x5F Status Register
CSC 230 Fall 2016
TCCR1A - Timer/Counter 1 Control Register A
TCCR1A is set to 0, which means in normal mode, disconnect Pin OC1 from Timer/Counter 1.
The other modes are: “COM1A1:COM1A0”: Compare Output Mode for Channel A,
“WGM11:WGM10”: Waveform Generation Mode. Only when one of the OC1A/B/C is connected
to the pin, the function of the COM1x1:0 bits is dependent of the WGM13:0 bits setting. It doesn’t
apply to our example since the values are all 0’s.
TCCR1B - Timer/Counter 1 Control Register B
The least significant three bits of TCCR1B are used to slow down the interval in our example.
Instead of counting 1 per clock cycle, we count 1 every 256 clock cycles in the example.
TCCR1C - Timer/Counter 1 Control Register C
Not explicitly initialized in this example.
CSC 230 Fall 2016
TIMSK1 – Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt Mask Register
It is set to 0x01. “Bit 0 – TOIEn: Timer/Counter, Overflow Interrupt Enable
When this bit is written to one, and the I-flag in the Status Register is set (interrupts globally
enabled), the Timer/Counter Overflow interrupt is enabled. The corresponding Interrupt Vector is
executed by program control jumping to address 0x0028 and further jumping to timer1_isr.
TIFR1 – Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Flag Register
Not explicitly initialized in this example.
The TCNT1 is a 16-bit register and can be accessed by the AVR CPU via the 8-bit data bus. The
16-bit register must be byte accessed using two read or write operations. Each 16-bit timer has a
single 8-bit register for temporary storing of the high byte of the 16-bit access. Accessing the low
byte triggers the 16-bit read or write operation. When the low byte of a 16-bit register is written by
the CPU, the high byte stored in the Temporary Register, and the low byte written are both copied
into the 16-bit register in the same clock cycle. When the low byte of a 16-bit register is read by the
CPU, the high byte of the 16-bit register is copied into the Temporary Register in the same clock
cycle as the low byte is read.
We are going to write blink.asm program in today’s lab, but using a timer interrupt to
manipulate the intervals between on and off of the LED lights.
III. Exercises: download lab7_timers_interrupt.asm, Finish implementing the timer1_isr
interrupt. This exercise flashes the lower two LEDs alternately.
Optional: download blinkOne.asm from lab3, write it as a subroutine in timers_interrupt.asm. Let
the top LED light on and off using subroutines, and the bottom two LED lights on and off using
Submit lab7_timers_interrupt.asm at the end of your lab.
For more information, refer to section 14 (page 101) and section 17 (page 133) of the datasheet of
ATMEGA 2560.