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Lab 7 – MongoDB – Create/Delete Database/Collection/Documents

DBS311 – Advanced Data Systems 
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Lab 7 – MongoDB – Create/Delete
In this Lab, you learn to create and remove MongoDB
• Databases
• Collections
• Documents
For this lab, you should submit a file with the below exercises completed.
Your file should be called: L07–lastname-firstname (for example: L07-King-Les)
Make sure to show your output for each command to demonstrate it works.
Getting Started
Open your Windows command prompt and go the following directory where MongoDB is
➢ cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
To run MongoDB, execute mongod
➢ mongod
When MongoDB starts successfully, open another Windows command prompt and go the same
bin directory:
➢ cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
and execute mongo
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➢ mongo
This opens the command line shell where you can work with MongoDB.
Or you can create a batch file:
Create a new text file named start_mongodb.bat using a text editor and save the following
command in it:
start call "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.exe"
start call "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongo.exe"
Every time you want to run MongoDB and open the client shell, execute this file.
To test you solutions before you submit, test them individually and make sure they work
1. In this question you create a new database named seneca and a collection student. We store
student data in this collection.
➢ use seneca
This command makes “seneca” your current database. However, the database will not be
created until you insert a document into this database.
Insert a new document into your collection student with the following data:
first_name: Sarah
last_name: Stone
city: Toronto
status: full-time
gpa: 3.4
program: CPA
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2. Write a command to check if the document has been created successfully.
You use find() method to search and fetch documents.
See the following example:
➢ db.student.find()
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Bao Ziglar", "scores" : [ { "score" :
71.64343899778332, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 24.80221293650313,
"type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 42.26147058804812, "type" : "homework" } ]
{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "Jenette Flanders", "scores" : [ { "score" :
37.32285459166097, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 28.32634976913737,
"type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 81.57115318686338, "type" : "homework" } ]
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "aimee Zank", "scores" : [ { "score" :
1.463179736705023, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 11.78273309957772,
"type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 35.8740349954354, "type" : "homework" } ]
{ "_id" : 8, "name" : "Daphne Zheng", "scores" : [ { "score" :
22.13583712862635, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 14.63969941335069,
"type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 75.94123677556644, "type" : "homework" } ]
To see the result in JSON format, you can run the following statement:
➢ db.student.find().forEach(printjson)
 "_id" : 3,
 "name" : "Bao Ziglar",
 "scores" : [
 "score" : 71.64343899778332,
"type" : "exam"
 "score" : 24.80221293650313,
"type" : "quiz"
 "score" : 42.26147058804812,
DBS311 – Advanced Data Systems Summer 2020
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 "type" : "homework"
 "_id" : 6,
 "name" : "Jenette Flanders",
 "scores" : [
 "score" : 37.32285459166097,
"type" : "exam"
 "score" : 28.32634976913737,
"type" : "quiz"
 "score" : 81.57115318686338,
"type" : "homework"
How many fields are in your document? _____
Is there any new field added to your document? ______
If yes, what is the name of the field? _____
3. Write a command to remove the document that you created in Question 1. (We have only one
document at this time, but when removing documents make sure you will not remove some
other documents if not needed. So, make sure your command will remove “Sarah Stone”
from your collection. For now, we assume that we do not have duplicate names in our
Note: To avoid making mistakes, you can first write a find command with the proper criteria
to see if the required document is fetched. Then, you can use the same criteria in your delete
statement. (Write the statement to remove “Sarah Stone” from the database in the box
What is the message as a result of your delete statement? Copy the message in the following
DBS311 – Advanced Data Systems Summer 2020
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To see if the document is removed successfully, write a search statement to see if the
document exists. (We look for one document not all).
4. We want to add some students to our collection, but this time, we define the value for the _id
field. (If the _id is not defined in your document, it will be added automatically.)
_id: 1001
first_name: Sarah
last_name: Stone
city: Toronto
status: full-time
gpa: 3.4
program: CPA
_id: 1002
first_name: Jack
last_name: Adam
city: North York
status: part-time
gpa: 3.6
program: CPA
To add these students, we want to store these documents into a variable first.
Define a variable named starray and add these two document to the variable. (You are
storing more than one document so you need to define an array.
starray =
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Now, use the starray array to insert the documents to your collection student. Write your
insert statement in the box bellow.
What message is displayed after you execute the insert statement. Copy the message in the
following box:
Write a statement that shows all documents inserted in your collection student:
5. Write a statement to remove all documents in the student collection.
6. Write a statement to drop the database seneca.
Before dropping a database, make sure your current database is the one you want to delete.
For this question, we want to delete (drop) the seneca database.
You can write the use statement before removing the database to make sure your current
database is seneca.
➢ use seneca
Or, you can write the db or db.getName() statement to see the name of your current database:
DBS311 – Advanced Data Systems Summer 2020
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➢ db
➢ db.getName()
If your current database is not seneca, write the use statement to switch to seneca and then
delete the database.
What message is displayed after you execute the drop statement? Copy the message in the
box below:

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