Starting from:


LAB 7 Processor.

Computer Architecture
CECS 440
In this lab, we want to complete the design of our single cycle processor. As you see in Figure 1 there
are three sub-modules in this processor.
Figure 1 : Processor.
We have designed the Datapath in Lab6. The Controller takes Opcode from the Datapath and pro1
duce five control signals (MemtoReg, MemWrite, MemRead, ALUSrc, RegWrite) and a 2-bits ALUOp.
The ALUController takes Funct3 and Funct7 from the Datapath and ALUOp from the Controller and
produces a 4-bits operation input (ALUCC) for the Datapath.
In the first part of this lab, we will design two remained sub-modules (Controller and ALU Controller).
Then in the second part, we will use these submodules and the datapath to complete the processor.
Before starting the design process, please review the instruction set we have already implemented:
Table 1 : Instruction Set.
1 Lower Level Modules
1.1 Controller
From figure 1 you see the control signals which we used in the datapath design are driven by a module
named ”Controller”. The input to this module is a 7-bits Opcode field of the instruction (comes from
the Datapath). The outputs of the control unit are:
• Two signals that are used to control multiplexers in the Datapath (ALUSrc and MemtoReg)
• Three signals for controlling reads and writes in the register file and data memory in the Datapath
(RegWrite, MemRead, and MemWrite)
• A 2-bits control signal for the ALUController unit (ALUOp)
Here is the block diagram of the Controller.
Figure 2 : Controller.
With the information in Table 1, we can design the Controller.
• The MemtoReg signal is ’0’ for all instructions except for the ”Load” instruction
• The MemWrite signal is ’0’ for all instructions except for the ”Store” instruction
• The MemRead is also ’0’ for all instructions except for the ”Load” instruction
• The ALUSrc is ’1’ when the opcode is ”0010011” or ”0000011” or ”0100011”. For these instructions,
source B operand comes from the imm Gen. For other instructions with opcode ”0110011”, ALUSrc
is ’0’ Because both of the Source operands of the ALU come from the register file.
• RegWrite is ’1’ except for the ”Store” instructions. This is because for all of these instructions we
want to write back the result to the register file.
• The ALUOp(1 downto 0) is ”10” when the opcode is ”0110011” and ”00” when the opcode is
”0010011”. It is also 01 for the ”Load” and ”Store” instructions with opcodes ”0000011” and
”0100011” respectively.
Table 1 : Control Signals.
Use this code for the Module part of the Controller.
Code 1: Controller.
‘timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
// Module definition
module Controller (
Opcode ,
ALUSrc , MemtoReg , RegWrite , MemRead , MemWrite ,
// Define the input and output signals
// Define the Controller modules behavior
endmodule // Controller
1.2 ALUController
The inputs to the ALUController are the ALUOp, funct3, and funct7. ALUOp comes from the Controller
and funct3 and funct7 come from the Datapath. The output of the ALUController is the 4-bits operation
code which goes to the ALU CC input of the datapath. You see the block diagram of the ALUController
in figure 3.
Figure 3 : ALUController.
Table 2 shows the list of the instructions and their operation code.
Table 2 : Instruction and the operation code.
We need to find a relation between the inputs and the output of the ALUController. Table 3 shows
this relation.
Table 3 : The truth table for the 4 operation code.
”-” in Table 3 means there could be any values there.
Here you see the equation for the first bit of the operation as an example:
Here is the sample code for the ALU Controller.
Code 2: ALUController.
‘timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
// Module definition
module ALUController (
ALUOp , Funct7 , Funct3 , Operation
// Define the input and output signals
// Define the ALUController modules behavior
endmodule // ALUController
1.3 Datapath
This is the Datapath module we have already designed in the Lab6.
Code 3: Datapath.
‘timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module data_path #(
parameter PC_W = 8, // Program Counter
parameter INS_W = 32 , // Instruction Width
parameter RF_ADDRESS = 5 , // Register File Address
parameter DATA_W = 32 , // Data WriteData
parameter DM_ADDRESS = 9 , // Data Memory Address
parameter ALU_CC_W = 4 // ALU Control Code Width
input clk ,
input reset ,
input reg_write ,
input mem2reg ,
input alu_src ,
input mem_write ,
input mem_read ,
input [ ALU_CC_W -1:0] alu_cc ,
output [6:0] opcode ,
output [6:0] funct7 ,
output [2:0] funct3 ,
output [ DATA_W -1:2] alu_result );
wire [ PC_W -1:0] pc , pc_next ;
wire [ INS_W -1:0] instruction ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] l_alu_result ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] reg1 , reg2 ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] l_read_data ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] l_reg_wr_data ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] srcb ;
wire [ DATA_W -1:0] extimm ;
// next pc
assign pc_next = pc + 4;
FlipFlop pcreg ( clk , reset , pc_next , pc );
// instruction memory
InstMem instruction_mem (pc , instruction );
assign opcode = instruction [6:0];
assign funct7 = instruction [31:25];
assign funct3 = instruction [14:12];
// register file
RegFile rf (
. clk ( clk ),
. reset ( reset ),
. rg_wrt_en ( reg_write ),
. rg_wrt_addr ( instruction [11:7] ),
. rg_rd_addr1 ( instruction [19:15] ) ,
. rg_rd_addr2 ( instruction [24:20] ) ,
. rg_wrt_data ( l_reg_wr_data ),
. rg_rd_data1 ( reg1 ),
. rg_rd_data2 ( reg2 ));
assign l_reg_wr_data = mem2reg ? l_read_data : l_alu_result ;
// sign extend
ImmGen ext_imm ( instruction , extimm );
// alu
assign srcb = alu_src ? extimm : reg2 ;
alu_32 alu_module ( . A_in ( reg1 ), . B_in ( srcb ), . ALU_Sel ( alu_cc ) ,
. ALU_Out ( l_alu_result ), . Carry_Out () , . Zero () , . Overflow ());
assign alu_result = l_alu_result ;
// data memory
DataMem data_mem (. addr ( l_alu_result [ DM_ADDRESS -1:0]) , . read_data ( l_read_data ) ,
. write_data ( reg2 ), . MemWrite ( mem_write ), . MemRead ( mem_read ) );
2 Higher Level module
2.1 Processor
We have designed the three sub-modules of the processor (Datapath, Controller, ALUController) and
now we want to use them to design a single cycle processor. Create a new source and define these three
components and connect them to make the processor.
Here again, you see the Processor. Blue lines are some wires which we used to connect the submodules.
Define these blue lines as signals and connect the components to complete the Processor.
Use this code for the Module part of the Processor.
Code 4: processor.
‘timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module processor
input clk , reset ,
output [31:0] Result
// Define the input and output signals
// Define the processor modules behavior
endmodule // processor
After finishing Processor design the sources window in the Vivado should look like this.
Important: we want you to have separate source files for each of the submodules.
2.2 Test the Processor
To test our code we only need to provide 2 inputs (clk and reset) and then read the outputs to see if
they are as expected or not. In every rising edge of the clock, the processor will read a new instruction
from the instruction memory and send the result to the output. Use the code below as test bench.
Code 5: tb processor.
‘timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module tb_processor ();
/** Clock & reset **/
reg clk , rst ;
wire [31:0] tb_Result ;
processor processor_inst (
. clk ( clk ),
. reset ( rst ) ,
. Result ( tb_Result )
always begin
# 10;
clk = ~ clk ;
initial begin
clk = 0;
@( posedge clk );
rst = 1;
@( posedge clk );
rst = 0;
integer point =0;
always @ (*)
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000000 ) // and
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000001 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000002 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000004 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000005 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000007 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000008 ) // addi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h0000000b )// addi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000003 ) // add
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’hfffffffe ) // sub
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000000 ) // and
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000005 ) // or
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000001 )// SLT
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’hfffffff4 ) // NOR
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h000004D2 ) // andi
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’hfffff8d7 ) // ori
point = point + 1;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000001 ) // SLT
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’hfffffb2c ) // nori
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000030 ) // sw
point = point + 1;
end ;
# 20;
if ( tb_Result == 32 ’h00000030 ) // lw
point = point + 1;
end ;
$display ("% s% d " ," The number of correct test cases is :" , point );
initial begin
# 430;
$finish ;
Check the output (Result) to see if they are correct. Put a screenshot of the wave in your report.
3 Assignment Deliverables
Your submission should include the following:
• Block designs and testbenche:
(tb processor.v, processor.v, Controller.v, ALUController.v, Datapath.v, FlipFlop.v, HA.v (if you
designed this module), Instr mem.v, RegFile.v, Imm Gen.v, Mux.v, ALU.v, Data mem.v)
• A report in pdf format.
Note1: Compress all files (.v files + report) into zip and upload to the BB before deadline.
Note2: Use the code samples that are given in the lab description. The Module part of your code
should exactly look like the code sample otherwise your code will not be graded.

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