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Lab 8 CSE 165

Lab 8
 CSE 165
All the exercises below are selected from the textbook: Thinking in C++.
1. [Exercise 5 on Page 780, Vol 1] Templatize the fibonacci() function on the type of value that it produces (so it
can produce long, float, etc. instead of just int). [30 pts]
Introduction to Fibonacci numbers:
The formula to calculate the (n + 1)th number in the sequence of Fibonacci numbers can be given as Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
where n > 1,
 Fn-1→ nth Fibonacci number,
 Fn-2→ (n - 1)th Fibonacci number,
 F0 = 0,
 F1 = 1.
In your implementation, fibonacci(n) returns Fn.
Output: In main(), call fibonacci(90) to print out F90.
2. [Exercise 1 on Page 397, Vol 2] Create a class (e.g., MyClass). Within this class, make a nested class (e.g.,
MyException) to use as an exception object. It takes a single char* as its argument (e.g., MyException(const char*
str) {myString = str; /* Note myString is a private data member of MyException */}); this represents a description
string. Within MyClass, create a member function (e.g., myFun) that throws this exception. And within
MyException, create a member function (e.g., printException) to print out myString. [70 pts]
In main(), do the following:
a. Create an object (e.g., myObj) of MyClass.
b. Write a try block that calls myObj.myFun().
c. Write a catch clause that handles the exception by printing out its description string (i.e., calling the member
function printException() of MyException).
* Usage of spaces, blank lines, indention, and comments for readability.
* Descriptive names of variables, functions, structs, classes, and objects (if any).
* Appropriate usage of structs, classes, and objects (if any).
* Zero if you have possession of a copy of online solutions or work done by someone else.
* 5-point deduction per day late

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