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Lab 8: Introduction to Lex/Yacc (Flex/Bision)


Lab 8: Introduction to Lex/Yacc (Flex/Bision)
 Aim: The goal of this lab is to introduce the use of Lex (Flex) and Yacc (Bison) for building scanners and parsers
 Let’s get started!
a. Create a directory structure to hold your work for this course and all the subsequent labs:
 Suggestion: CS202/Lab8
b. A bit more detailed description of Lex and Yacc is provided in LexAndYaccTutorial.pdf on Moodle
 Introduction
When properly used, Lex & Yacc allow you to parse complex languages with ease. This is a great boon when you
want to read a configuration file, or want to write a compiler for any language you (or anyone else) might have
invented. Although these programs shine when used together, they each serve a different purpose. The next two
will explain what each part does.
 Lex
The program Lex generates a so called `Lexer'. This is a function that takes a stream of characters as its input, and
whenever it sees a group of characters that match a key, takes a certain action. A very simple example
Example 1:
#include <stdio.h>
stop printf("Stop command received\n");
start printf("Start command received\n");
The first section, in between the %{ and %} pair is included directly in the output program. We need this,
because we use printf later on, which is defined in stdio.h
Sections are separated using %%, so the first line of the second section starts with the stop key. Whenever the
stop key is encountered in the input, the rest of the line (a printf() call) is executed.
Besides stop, we've also defined start, which otherwise does mostly the same. We terminate the code
section with %% again. To compile this example do this:
lex example1.l
cc lex.yy.c -o example1 –ll
NOTE: If you are using flex, instead of lex, you may have to change -ll to -lfl in the compilation scripts.
This will generate the file Ex1. If you run it, it waits for you to type some input. Whenever you type something
that is not matched by any of the defined keys (ie, stop and start) it's output again. If you enter stop it will
output 'Stop command received'; Terminate with a EOF (^D).
You may wonder how the program runs, as we didn't define a main() function. This function is defined for you
in libl (liblex) which we compiled in with the -ll command.
 Regular Expression in matches
The above example wasn't very useful in itself, and our next one won't be either. It will however show how to
use regular expressions in Lex, which are massively useful later on (example2.l).
Example 2:
#include <stdio.h>
[0123456789]+ printf("NUMBER\n");
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* printf("WORD\n");
This Lex file describes two kinds of matches (tokens): WORDs and NUMBERs. You should be quite comfortable
with Regular Expressions by now and realize that NUMBER matches:
[0123456789]+ : A sequence of one or more characters from the group 0123456789. Same as: [0-9]+
And, the WORD matches:
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* : A letter(small or capital) followed by zero or more characters which are either a
letter or a digit. Basically this rule constitutes legal variable names in many languages.
Try compiling Example 2, lust like Example 1, and feed it some text. Here is a sample session:
$ ./example2
You may also be wondering where all this whitespace is coming from in the output. The reason is simple: it was
in the input, and we don't match on it anywhere, so it gets output again.
 A more complicated example for a C like syntax
Let's say we want to parse a file that looks like this:
logging {
 category lame-servers { null; };
 category cname { null; };
zone "." {
 type hint;
 file "/etc/bind/db.root";
We clearly see a number of categories (tokens) in this file:
 WORDs, like 'zone' and 'type'
 FILENAMEs, like '/etc/bind/db.root'
 QUOTEs, like those surrounding the filename
 OBRACEs, {
 EBRACEs, }
The corresponding Lex file is Example 3 (example3.l):
#include <stdio.h>
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* printf("WORD ");
[a-zA-Z0-9\/.-]+ printf("FILENAME ");
\" printf("QUOTE ");
\{ printf("OBRACE ");
\} printf("EBRACE ");
; printf("SEMICOLON ");
\n printf("\n");
[ \t]+ /* ignore whitespace */;
When we feed our file to the program this Lex file generates (using example3.compile), we get:
When compared with the configuration file mentioned above, it is clear that we have neatly 'Tokenized' it. Each
part of the configuration file has been matched, and converted into a token.
And this is exactly what we need to put YACC to good use.
YACC can parse input streams consisting of tokens with certain values. This clearly describes the relation YACC
has with Lex, YACC has no idea what 'input streams' are, it needs preprocessed tokens. While you can write your
own Tokenizer, we will leave that entirely up to Lex.
 A simple thermostat controller
Let's say we have a thermostat that we want to control using a simple language. A session with the thermostat
may look like this:
heat on
 Heater on!
heat off
 Heater off!
target temperature 22
 New temperature set!
The tokens we need to recognize are: heat, on/off (STATE), target, temperature, NUMBER.
The Lex tokenizer (example4.l) is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include ""
[0-9]+ return NUMBER;
heat return TOKHEAT;
on|off return STATE;
target return TOKTARGET;
temperature return TOKTEMPERATURE;
\n /* ignore end of line */;
[ \t]+ /* ignore whitespace */;
We note two important changes. First, we include the file, and secondly, we no longer print stuff, we
return names of tokens. This change is because we are now feeding it all to YACC, which isn't interested in what
we output to the screen. has definitions for these tokens.
But where does come from? It is generated by YACC from the Grammar File (example4.y) we are
about to create. As our language is very basic, so is the BNF grammar:
commands: /* empty */
 | commands command
 printf("\tHeat turned on or off\n");
 printf("\tTemperature set\n");
The first part is what we call the 'root'. It tells us that we have commands for the thermostat, and that these
commands consist of individual command parts. As you can see this rule is very recursive, because it again
contains the word commands. What this means is that the program is now capable of reducing a series of
commands one by one.
The second rule defines what a command is. We support only two kinds of commands, the heat_switch and
the target_set. This is what the |-symbol signifies - 'a command consists of either a heat_switch or a
A heat_switch consists of the HEAT token, which is simply the word heat, followed by a STATE (which we
defined in the Lex file as on or off).
Somewhat more complicated is the target_set, which consists of the TARGET token (the word target),
the TEMPERATURE token (the word temperature) and a NUMBER.
 A complete YACC file
The previous section only showed the grammar part of the YACC file, but there is more. This is the header that
we omitted (this part goes before the grammar shown above in example4.y file):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void yyerror(const char *str)
 fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",str);
int yywrap()
 return 1;

The yyerror() function is called by YACC if it finds an error. We simply output the message passed, but there
are smarter things we can do.
The function yywrap() can be used to continue reading from another file. It is called at EOF and you can than
open another file, and return 0. Or you can return 1, indicating that this is truly the end.
Then there is the main() function, that does nothing but set everything in motion.
The last line simply defines the tokens we will be using. These are output using if YACC is invoked with
the '-d' option.
 Compiling & running the thermostat controller
lex example4.l
yacc -d example4.y
cc lex.yy.c -o example4
A few things have changed. We now also invoke YACC to compile our grammar, which creates and We then call Lex as usual. When compiling, we remove the -ll flag: we now have our own main()
function and don't need the one provided by libl.
NOTE: if you get an error about your compiler not being able to find
'yylval', add this to example4.l, just beneath #include <>:
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
A sample session:
$ ./example4
heat on
 Heat turned on or off
heat off
 Heat turned on or off
target temperature 10
 Temperature set
target humidity 20
error: parse error
 Expanding the thermostat to handle parameters
As we've seen, we now parse the thermostat commands correctly, and even flag mistakes properly. But as you
might have guessed by the weasely wording, the program has no idea of what it should do, it does not get
passed any of the values you enter.
Let's start by adding the ability to read the new target temperature. In order to do so, we need to learn the
NUMBER match in the Lexer to convert itself into an integer value, which can then be read in YACC.
Whenever Lex matches a target, it puts the text of the match in the character string yytext. YACC in turn
expects to find a value in the variable yylval. Below (example5.l), we see the obvious solution:
#include <stdio.h>
#include ""
[0-9]+ yylval=atoi(yytext); return NUMBER;
heat return TOKHEAT;
on|off yylval=!strcmp(yytext,"on"); return STATE;
target return TOKTARGET;
temperature return TOKTEMPERATURE;
\n /* ignore end of line */;
[ \t]+ /* ignore whitespace */;
As you can see, we run atoi() on yytext, and put the result in yylval, where YACC can see it. We do
much the same for the STATE match, where we compare it to on, and set yylval to 1 if it is equal. Please
note that having a separate on and off match in Lex would produce faster code, but I wanted to show a more
complicated rule and action for a change.
Now we need to teach YACC how to deal with this. What is called yylval in Lex has a different name in YACC.
Let's examine the rule setting the new temperature target:
 printf("\tTemperature set to %d\n",$3);
To access the value of the third part of the rule (ie, NUMBER), we need to use $3. Whenever yylex() returns,
the contents of yylval are attached to the terminal, the value of which can be accessed with the $-
To expand on this further, let's observe the new heat_switch rule:
 printf("\tHeat turned on\n");
 printf("\tHeat turned off\n");
If you now compile and run example5, it properly outputs what you entered.
 Parsing a configuration file
Let's repeat part of the configuration file we mentioned earlier:
zone "." {
 type hint;
 file "/etc/bind/db.root";
Remember that we already wrote a Lexer for this file. Now all we need to do is write the YACC grammar, and
modify the Lexer so it returns values in a format YACC can understand. We modify the lexer in example3.l to the
following (example6.l):
#include <stdio.h>
#include ""
zone return ZONETOK;
file return FILETOK;
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* yylval=strdup(yytext); return WORD;
[a-zA-Z0-9\/.-]+ yylval=strdup(yytext); return FILENAME;
\" return QUOTE;
\{ return OBRACE;
\} return EBRACE;
; return SEMICOLON;
\n /* ignore EOL */;
[ \t]+ /* ignore whitespace */;
If you look carefully, you can see that yylval has changed! We no longer expect it to be an integer, but in fact
assume that it is a char *. In the interest of keeping things simple, we invoke strdup and waste a lot of
memory. Please note that this may not be a problem in many areas where you only need to parse a file once,
and then exit.
We want to store character strings because we are now mostly dealing with names: file names and zone names.
In order to tell YACC about the new type of yylval, we add this line to the header of our YACC grammar:
#define YYSTYPE char *
The grammar itself is again more complicated. We chop it in parts to make it easier to digest.
 commands command SEMICOLON
 ZONETOK quotedname zonecontent
 printf("Complete zone for '%s' found\n",$2);
This is the intro, including the aforementioned recursive root. Please note that we specify that commands are
terminated (and separated) by ;'s. We define one kind of command, the zone_set. It consists of the ZONE
token (the word 'zone'), followed by a quotedname and the zonecontent. This zonecontent starts
out simple enough:
 OBRACE zonestatements EBRACE
It needs to start with an OBRACE, a {. Then follow the zonestatements, followed by an EBRACE, }.
This section defines what a quotedname is: a FILENAME between QUOTEs. Then it says something special:
the value of a quotedname token is the value of the FILENAME. This means that the quotedname has as its
value the filename without quotes.
This is what the magic $$=$2; command does. It says: my value is the value of my second part. When the
quotedname is now referenced in other rules, and you access its value with the $-construct, you see the
value that we set here with $$=$2.
NOTE: this grammar chokes on filenames without either a '.' or a '/' in
 zonestatements zonestatement SEMICOLON
 FILETOK quotedname
 printf("A zonefile name '%s' was encountered\n", $2);
This is a generic statement that catches all kinds of statements within the 'zone'block. We again see the
 | statements statement
statement: WORD | block | quotedname
This defines a block, and 'statements' which may be found within.
When executed, the output is like this:
$ ./example6
zone "." {
 type hint;
 file "/etc/bind/db.root";
 type hint;
A zonefile name '/etc/bind/db.root' was encountered
Complete zone for '.' found
 Exercises
1. Write a program using LEX to count the number of characters, words, spaces and lines in a given input file.
2. Write a program using LEX to count the numbers of comment lines in a given C program. Also eliminate them
and copy the resulting program into separate file (Comments.l)
3. Write a YACC program to recognize strings ‘aaab’, ‘abbb’,‘ab’ and ‘a’ using the grammar (anb, n>= 10) (ab.y)
4. Write a program using LEX to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and to recognize the identifiers and
operators present. Print them separately (calc.l)
5. Write a program using YACC to recognize and evaluate valid arithmetic expression that uses operators +, -, *
and /. (calc.y)
 Submitting your work:
o All source files and class files as one tar-gzipped archive.
 When unzipped, it should create a directory with your ID. Example: 2008CS1001 (NO
OTHER FORMAT IS ACCEPTABLE!!! Case sensitive!!!)
 Should include:
 count.l [3 points]
 Comments.l [3 points]
 ab.l [3 points]
 calc.l [3 points]
 calc.y [3 points]
 README file
o Negative marks for any problems/errors in running your programs
o If any aspects of tasks are confusing, make an assumption and state it clearly in your README file!
o README file should also have instructions on how to use/run your program!
o Submit/Upload it to Google Classroom

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