CS 305 Lab 8: Trees
The purpose of this lab is to give you experience with binary search trees. In this
lab, trees are implemented as recursive data structures.
This lab has a total of 100 possible points (30 points from pre-lab and 70 points
from lab).
Sit with your assigned partner.
Upon completion of the laboratory exercise, you will be able to do the following:
define a function to determine the height of a tree
define a function to do a postorder traversal of a tree
define a function to find a data item in a tree
define a function to find the max item in a tree
Part 1: Logging in (choose one person)
1. Follow the procedure from prior labs to log in and open Mobaxterm. Go into your
cs305 directory. Make a new lab8 directory:
cd /drives/p/
cd cs305
mkdir lab8
2. Get the lab 8 files. Download tree.zip from moodle to your lab8 folder. Go into
your lab8 folder and type:
Hopefully, you can see the file. Unzip them:
unzip tree.zip
Part 2: Height and Postorder
1. Open tree.h to see the struct definitions and the function prototypes.
2. Open main.c and look at the function test1. What does the tree look like before
it is free’ed?
Put drawing here:
3. Compile and run the program. At this point, some of the functions are not
returning the proper values, but it should compile.
gcc –o runtree tree.c main.c
4. Open tree.c. Scroll to the bottom (you are welcome to look at the code earlier in
the file, but it is not necessary). Complete the function definition for height. If a
tree is empty, the height is 0. Otherwise, the height is 1 + max(height of left
subtree, height of right subtree). This function should be written recursively. A max
function is defined in the file for you to use.
5. Test your function by compiling and running the code. Does the height match the
height of the tree you drew above? _______________
6. Complete the function definition for postorder. This should visit the tree in
postorder fashion. Use the visit function as a subroutine. You may scroll up higher in
the file to see definitions for inorder and preorder to see examples.
7. Test this function by compiling and running the code.
Checkpoint 1 [30 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the results of
your program running and show them the function definitions for height
and postorder. Show your answers to the questions above.
Part 3: Find
1. Now, you will complete the function find in tree.c . This function should return
NULL if the data item d is not found in the tree. If it is found, it should return a
TreeNode * (memory address of node) of the node containing the data item d.
Recall that the tree is a binary search tree. If the current node’s value is equal to d,
then return that node. If d < current node’s value, then call find on the left subtree.
Else, call find on the right subtree.
2. Test your code by compiling and running it.
Checkpoint 2 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the results of
your program running and show him/her the function definition for find.
Part 4: findMax
1. Complete the findMax function. This should return -99999 if the tree is null.
Otherwise, it should return the max value found in the tree. The max value in a BST
is the right-most node in the tree. If the current node has no right subtree, the
current node is the right-most node. If the current node has a right subtree, update
the current node to the right subtree. Keep processing until you reach the rightmost node and return its value.
2. Test your code by compiling and running it.
Checkpoint 3 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the result of
your program running and your function definition for findMax.
If you finish early and want more practice, try writing code to:
sum all the values of nodes in a tree
count the number of internal nodes with two children
Close Mobaxterm and any other applications. Log off the computer.
If any checkpoints are not finished, they SU NLT midnight. You may submit
screenshots, code files, and answers to questions electronically no Moodle or submit