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Lab 9: Connected Graphs

Lab 9: Connected Graphs
Finding connected components Finding connected components and graph coloring
are important problems in computer science. Connected components in an undirected
graph give information about sets of vertices such that each pair of vertices has a path
between them.
This is an optional extra credit lab assignment. You can earn up to 50 points as extra
credit toward the lab category.
A coloring is an assignment of a color to each vertex in the graph so that no two
adjacent vertices have the same color. Colorings are important in modeling problems
where a set of objects must satisfy certain constraints. More information on bicoloring
and bipartite graphs can be found here: A
graph is bipartite or bicolorable if the vertices of the graph can be assigned labels, say
red and black, such that no two adjacent vertices have the same label. (An equivalent
definition is that the vertex set can be divided into two disjoint subsets where all the
edges go from a vertex in one subset to a vertex in another subset.) You may assume
that the graph is undirected and does not contain self-loops (edges from a vertex to
itself). A good place to start is the graph class given in the lecture. Your goal is to have
a correct algorithm that is as simple and clear as possible.
Implement algorithms based on Depth First Search to:
1. Determine the connected components of an undirected graph
2. Determine if it is a bipartite graph (or in different words, 2 colorable.)
Implement an algorithm based on Breadth First Search as well. YOU MAY NOT USE
An input file consists of one graph for testing:
• Each graph will represent an undirected graph.
• The first line contains a positive integer n, that is the number of vertices in the graph to be
tested, where 1<n<200. Each vertex is represented by a number from 1 to n
• The second line is the number of edges, call this number e.
• This is followed by e lines each containing a pair of integers each integer between 1 and n
CPE202 Spring 2020
separated by a space that represents an edge between the vertices represented by the numbers.
Create a file, and implement the following functions in the file:
● def __init__ (self, filename):
○ reads in the specification of a graph and creates a graph using an
adjacency list representation. You may assume the graph is not empty
and is a correct specification. E.g. each edge is represented by a pair of
vertices between 1 and n. Note that the graph is not directed so each
edge specified in the input file should appear on the adjacency list of each
vertex of the two vertices associated with the edge.
● def get_conn_components (self, is_dfs=True):
○ returns a list of lists. For example, if there are three connected
components then you will return a list of three lists. The order of the
sub-lists is not important. However each sub-list will contain the vertices
(in ascending order) in the connected component represented by that list.
Each vertex is represented by an integer from 1 to n. If a vertex has no
edges it will be in a connected component containing only itself. This
function shall call either dfs or bfs method depending on the value of the
argument is_dfs: i.e. do DFS if is_dfs=True, otherwise do BFS.
● def init_vertices(self):
○ a helper function for resetting values of the attributes of vertices.
● def dfs(self, vertex, component):
○ does dfs, finds connected components, and determines if the graph is
bicolorable or not. If it is bicolorable, it is going to set the is_bicolor
member variable to True, otherwise False. Takes two arguments, vertex
(Vertex) and component (list). Returns a connected component as a list of
vertex keys.
● def bfs(self, vertex, component):
○ does bfs, finds connected components, and determines if the graph is
bicolorable or not. If it is bicolorable, it is going to set the is_bicolor
member variable to True, otherwise False. Takes two arguments, vertex
(Vertex) and component (list). Returns a connected component as a list of
vertex keys.
● def bicolor (self):
○ returns True if the graph is bicolorable and false otherwise. i.e. It returns
the value of is_bicolor.
SUBMISSION Upload a zip file containing, which contains a class
CPE202 Spring 2020
MyGraph, and your tests to the grader, Gradzilla, then to Canvas. MyGraph should
contain your new graph class including functions that determine the connected
components, get_conn_components (self), which returns a list of lists of vertex
keys, and if the graph is bipartite, bicolor (self), which simply returns a boolean
Test input files are available on Canvas.
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
6 7
7 9
9 8
8 6
9 is the number of vertices and 8 is the number of edges.
If the graph created is g1, then g1.get_conn_components() returns: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8, 9]], and g1.bicolor() returns: True.
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 6
4 7
4 8
8 is the number of vertices and 6 is the number of edges.
In this graph based on 8 vertices 5 is not connected to any other vertices and has
no edges, therefore it is a component containing only itself.
If the graph created is g2, then
g2.get_conn_components() returns: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 6, 7, 8], [5]], and g2.bicolor()
returns: False.

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