CS 305 Lab 9: Sorting
The purpose of this lab is to give you experience with sorting routines.
This lab has a total of 100 possible points (30 points from pre-lab and 70 points
from lab).
Upon completion of the laboratory exercise, you will be able to do the following:
explain how mergesort, quicksort, selection sort, and insertion sort work
time various sorting algorithms
Part 1: Logging in (both people)
1. BE SURE TO USE THE ENGINEERING CLASSROOM machine for this lab, so
all the timings are consistent. Follow the procedure from prior labs to log in and
open Mobaxterm. Go into your cs305 directory. Make a new lab9 directory:
cd cs305
mkdir lab9
2. Get the lab 9 files. Download lab9.zip from moodle to your lab9 folder. Unzip it:
unzip lab9.zip
cd starter
Part 2: Understand the existing code
In all the sorting implementations, there are two #defines that are important for
you to know about. DO_INT is set to 1. When it is set to 1, the sorting routine
operates on ints, using < as the comparator. LARGE is set to 1. When it is set to 1,
the sorting routine gets the number of ints to generate and sort from the command
All the sorting routines can operate on ints or strings, depending if DO_INT is set or
not. You will see a #define for less that is defined as ((a) < (b)) for ints and
(strcmp((a), (b))<0) for strings.
1. Open arraySelectionSort.c to see how selection sort is implemented when the
list of data is stored in an array. Look at the definition for selectionSort.
Suppose l is set to 0 and r is set to 99. How many times does the outer for loop
execute? __________
2. Open listSelectionSort.c to see how selection sort is implemented when the
list of data is stored in a linked list. This implementation uses a second linked list,
where instead of swapping elements within a single linked list, the chosen value
from the original list is inserted at the front on the second list. Which value is found
each time (circle answer)?
3. Ok, now on to insertion sort. Open arrayInsertionSort.c. Look at the
insertionSort function definition. Which of the loops does the shifting of elements
in the array a (circle answer)?
4. Open listInsertionSort.c. To which list are the sorted items inserted (circle
5. Open quicksort.c. Look at the partition function. This implementation of
partition is slightly different than the book’s and one shown in lecture. Remember,
at the end of partition, all values to the right of the pivot are greater than the pivot
and all values to the left of the pivot are less than the pivot. How the values get
moved around is specific to each implementation of partition.
6. Which value is used as the pivot (circle answer)?
Left-most value in a Right-most value in a
7. Suppose the array a has the following items:
24 50 33 20 10 26
What does the array a contain after partition is called?
8. Open mergesort.c. Does this implementation use arrays or linked lists to store
the data for merge sort (circle answer)?
Linked list Array
9. Is the merge function written recursively or iteratively (circle answer)?
Recursively Iteratively
Part 3: Run the sorting code
1. Create executables for all the sorting routines.
make clean
make all
You should now have the following executables in your directory: isa, isl, ssa,
ssl, qs, ms
isa = insertion sort, array
isl = insertion sort, list
ssa = selection sort, array
ssl = selection sort, list
qs = quicksort
ms = mergesort
Try running isa:
What message do you get? __________________________________________________
Try running:
./isa 1000
You should see a bunch of numbers printed to the screen, showing the list before
and after sorting. Note that the middle set of numbers is not printed (…). The code
is written so that it produces 1000 (or whatever the user types) random numbers.
Try running each sorting routine on 1000 numbers. (Keep the output to show for the
checkpoint – can copy and paste into another file to save for later.)
2. Now, open arrayInsertionSort.c and comment out the #defines as
appropriate, so that it sorts the preselected list of strings. Compile and run it. (Keep
the output to show for the checkpoint.)
3. Now, open arraySelectionSort.c and modify the #defines as appropriate, so
that it sorts the preselected list of integers. (Keep the output to show for the
Checkpoint 1 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the answers
to the questions above and results of your programs running.
Part 4: Predictions
For the rest of this lab, you will be timing the sorting routines for various list sizes.
Before doing this experiment, make a prediction as to which of the six sorting
routines will be the fastest and which will be the slowest. Rank all six routines and
put your prediction here (use isa, isl, ssa, ssl, qs, ms):
Fastest ______________
Slowest ______________
1. Modify arrayInsertionSort.c and arraySelectionSort.c so that they are back
to the original code (sorting ints, getting a number from the command line).
Unix has a command called time that you can use to time commands. Try it:
time ./isa 10000
What is printed after the sorting results?
2. The real time is the real clock time. The user time is essentially the time the
command is using the CPU. The system time is the time that the command is
performing system calls in the CPU. You want to look at the user time for this lab.
Get user times (in seconds) for each executable on 20000 numbers:
isa: ____________________
isl: _____________________
ssa: ____________________
ssl: _____________________
qs: _____________________
ms: ____________________
3. Overall, do you think the implementations of selection sort and insertion sort are
faster using arrays or linked lists (circle answer)?
Arrays Linked Lists
Checkpoint 2 [10 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the answers
to the questions above.
Part 5: Timing Experiment
For the remainder of this lab, you will collect user times for the sorts, insert them
into a spreadsheet (download from moodle) and graph the times. Note the code
includes generating the data plus sorting the data.
You may want to use more shell windows to have multiple tasks executing at once.
To get another shell window, type:
xterm &
Or you can use multiple tabs in Mobaxterm.
You can launch as many xterm windows as you want, so you can keep several
commands executing at once and use both machines.
For N = 20000 to 200000 (by increments of your choosing, but should have
at least ten different values of N)
Run ssa, isa, qs, and ms on lists of size N
Collect the user times for these (convert all times to total seconds)
Enter data into your excel spreadsheet.
Plot running times (line graph) for each sort, N is on x-axis and time (in seconds) is
on y-axis, label each line with the sorting routine (put the plot below the timings in
the main worksheet of the spreadsheet)
Name the file lab9_results_username1_username2.xlsx. Choose one partner to
submit your excel file to moodle. Be sure both name(s) are in the file.
Checkpoint 3 [40 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant your graph.
Part 5: (if time)
As you can see, quicksort is pretty quick, even though its worst-case performance is
). How long does it take to quicksort 1 billion numbers?
You are finished. Close Mobaxterm and any other applications. Log off the
If any checkpoints are not finished, they are due April 8. You may submit the
spreadsheet to moodle. Answers to questions can be submitted via email or by hard