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Lab Project 1: Copying Files

COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Lab Project 1: Copying Files
● Work individually on the project
● Use C language
This project consists of building an application to copy a binary file to another file.
We also measure file copy performance using various file sizes.
The program must present the following two operational modes to the user:
Option 1:
Receive the name of source file from user;
Receive the name of destination file from user;
Copy the source file to the destination file;
Write two separate functions for copying;
One function that uses function call;
Another that uses system call
Option 2:
Receive the source file name from user;
Receive maximum_file_size (in bytes) from user;
Receive step_size (in bytes) from user;
current_size = 0;
While ( current_size < maximum_file_size )
Start time measurement;
Create a file of current_size = current_size + step_size;
Copy source file to destination file;
Stop time measurement;
Report time measurement;
● Demo your project to the TA in the lab
● Generate a graph (using Excel or Python’s matplotlib) showing the impact
of file size on copy performance (the x-axis shows file size and y-axis
shows time)
● Submit your code and report to Camino
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
The important file operation functions are as follows:
// Important C library functions used in this program:
// -- To open a file:
FILE * fopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode );
// Opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter filename and
associates it with a stream that can be identified in future operations by the
FILE pointer returned.
// -- To read a certain number of bytes from a file:
size_t fread ( void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream );
// ptr: Pointer to a block of memory with a size of at least (size*count)
bytes, converted to a void*.
// size: Size, in bytes, of each element to be read.
// count: Number of elements, each one with a size of size bytes
// stream: Pointer to a FILE object that specifies an input stream.
// -- To write a certain number of bytes to a file:
size_t fwrite ( const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream );
// ptr: Pointer to the array of elements to be written, converted to a const
// size: Size in bytes of each element to be written.
// count: Number of elements, each one with a size of size bytes.
// stream: Pointer to a FILE object that specifies an output stream.
// The following are the equivalent system calls:
// -- To open a file:
int open ( const char * pathname, int flags );
// Opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter pathname and
associates it with a file descriptor that can be identified in future
operations by the integer that is returned.
// -- To read a certain number of bytes from a file:
size_t read ( int fd,void * buf, size_t count );
// fd: Descriptor to a FILE object that specifies an input stream.
// buf: Pointer to a block of memory with a size of at least (size*count)
bytes, converted to a void*.
// count: Total number of bytes to be read
// -- To write a certain number of bytes to a file:
size_t write ( int fd,void * buf,size_t count );
// fd: Descriptor to a FILE object that specifies an output stream.
// buf: Pointer to a block of memory with a size of at least (size*count)
bytes, converted to a void*.
// count: Total number of bytes to be written
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
The difference between fopen and open is as follows:
1) The fopen is a standard C library function whereas open is defined by POSIX.
2) The fopen series are high-level I/O, and the buffer is used for reading and writing. The
open series are relatively low-level, closer to the operating system, and there is no
buffer for reading and writing.
As a result the fopen series are a lot more portable and little bit faster as well since open can
only be used by those systems that are following the POSIX standard.
Note that system calls are usually provided to the end-users with C library wrapper functions,
hence the fopen function call essentially calls the open system call internally.
To calculate time taken by a process, we can use clock() function which is available time.h.
Using this function, we can get the current value of processor clock ticks.
We can call the clock function at the beginning and end of the code for which we measure
time, subtract the values, and then divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC (the number of clock ticks
per second) to get processor time, like following.
#include <time.h>
clock_t start, end;
double cpu_time_used;
start = clock();
... /* Time consuming process. */
end = clock();
cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

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