COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Lab Project 2: File Transfer over Socket
• Number of members per group: 1 or 2
• Use C language
This project consists of a client program and a server program that communicate to transfer one file from
the client to the server using TCP.
The client accepts four arguments: server’s IP address, server’s port number, source file name, and
destination file name.
The server starts first and receives one argument: the port number.
The server waits for a connection request (listen() and accept()). The client requests a connection
(connect()) and then sends the name of file <output> (the output file) to the server. To simplify, the name
of the output file should have at most 9 characters. The server receives the name of the file, sends back
to the client the message “received!”, opens the file, and waits for data.
The client receives the message “received!” and opens file <input> (input file). Then it reads file <input>
and sends the data in chunks of 10 bytes to the server. The server writes the received bytes to file
After sending the file, the client closes the connection and exits. The server closes the connection when
no more data is available.
After executing, <input> and <output> must contain similar content. Your program should be built on TCP.
You must use C and Linux. You will need to use the socket library. The man pages in the Unix/Linux
systems have a lot of useful information. Start with man socket. There is a man page for each function
in the socket library.
To handle the files, you must use functions fread() and fwrite() only, since your program should be
able to transfer binary files as well as text files.
• Demo your project to the TA in the lab (using two terminal windows and two
• Submit your code to Camino
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
Additional Notes:
This project consists of two programs: client, and server.
The following figure shows the steps taken by each program:
On the client and server sides:
The socket() function creates an unbound socket in a communications domain, and return a file
descriptor that can be used in later function calls that operate on sockets.
int sockfd = socket(domain, type, protocol)
• sockfd: socket descriptor, an integer (like a file-handle)
• domain: integer, communication domain e.g., AF_INET (IPv4 protocol) , AF_INET6 (IPv6
protocol), AF_UNIX (local channel, similar to pipes)
• type: communication type
SOCK_STREAM: TCP (reliable, connection oriented)
SOCK_DGRAM: UDP (unreliable, connectionless)
SOCK_RAW (direct IP service)
• protocol: This is useful in cases where some families may have more than one protocol to
support a given type of service. Protocol value for Internet Protocol (IP), which is 0. This is the
same number which appears on protocol field in the IP header of a packet.
#include <sys/socket.h>
...if ((server_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
perror(“cannot create socket”);
return 0;
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
On the server side:
After creation of the socket, bind() function binds the socket to the address and port number specified in
addr(custom data structure). In the example code, we bind the server to the localhost, hence we use
INADDR_ANY to specify the IP address.
int bind (int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
• addr: Points to a sockaddr structure containing the address to be bound to the socket. The
length and format of the address depend on the address family of the socket.
• addrlen: Specifies the length of the sockaddr structure pointed to by the addr argument.
The listen() function puts the server socket in a passive mode, where it waits for the client to approach
the server to make a connection.
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
• backlog: defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections for sockfd
may grow. If a connection request arrives when the queue is full, the client may receive an error
with an indication of ECONNREFUSED.
The accept() function extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending connections for the
listening socket (sockfd), creates a new connected socket, and returns a new file descriptor referring to that
socket. At this point, connection is established between client and server, and they are ready to transfer
int new_socket= accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
On the client side:
The connect() system call connects the socket referred to by the file descriptor sockfd to the address
specified by addr. Server’s address and port is specified in addr.
int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
Read and write over socket:
bzero(buffer, 256);
n = read(newsockfd, buffer, 255);
if (n < 0) error("ERROR reading from socket");
printf("Here is the message: %s\n", buffer);
This code initializes the buffer using the bzero() function, and then reads from the socket.
Note that the read call uses the new file descriptor, the one returned by accept(), not the original
file descriptor returned by socket().
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
Note also that the read() will block until there is something for it to read in the socket, i.e. after the client
has executed a write(). It will read either the total number of characters in the socket or 255, whichever
is less, and return the number of characters read
n = write(newsockfd, "I got your message", 18);
if (n < 0) error("ERROR writing to socket");
Once a connection has been established, both ends can both read and write to the connection. Naturally,
everything written by the client will be read by the server, and everything written by the server will be read
by the client. This code simply writes a short message to the client. The last argument of write is the size
of the message.
Address format
An IP socket address is defined as a combination of an IP interface address and a 16-bit port number. The
basic IP protocol does not supply port numbers, they are implemented by higher level protocols like UDP
and TCP. On raw sockets sin_port is set to the IP protocol.
struct sockaddr_in {
sa_family_t sin_family; /* address family: AF_INET */
in_port_t sin_port; /* port in network byte order */
struct in_addr sin_addr; /* internet address */
/* Internet address. */
struct in_addr {
uint32_t s_addr; /* address in network byte order */
This is defined in netinet/in.h
sin_family is always set to AF_INET. sin_port contains the port in network byte order. The port
numbers below 1024 are called privileged ports (or sometimes: reserved ports). Only privileged processes)
may bind to these sockets.
sin_addr is the IP host address. The s_addr member of struct in_addr contains the host interface
address in network byte order. in_addr should be assigned one of the INADDR_* values
(e.g., INADDR_ANY) or set using the inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_makeaddr library functions or
directly with the name resolver (see gethostbyname).
INADDR_ANY allows your program to work without knowing the IP address of the machine it was running
on, or, in the case of a machine with multiple network interfaces, it allowed your server to receive packets
destined to any of the interfaces.
INADDR_ANY has the following semantics: When receiving, a socket bound to this address receives
packets from all interfaces. For example, suppose that a host has interfaces 0, 1 and 2. If a UDP socket on
this host is bound using INADDR_ANYand udp port 8000, then the socket will receive all packets for port
8000 that arrive on interfaces 0, 1, or 2. If a second socket attempts to Bind to port 8000 on interface 1, the
Bind will fail since the first socket already “owns” that port/interface.
COEN 146L – Computer Networks
Santa Clara University | Instructor: Behnam Dezfouli
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
• Note: "Network byte order" always means big endian. "Host byte order" depends on architecture
of host. Depending on CPU, host byte order may be little endian, big endian or something else.
• The htonl() function translates a long integer from host byte order to network byte order.
To bind socket with localhost, before you invoke the bind function, sin_addr.s_addr field of the
sockaddr_in structure should be set properly. The proper value can be obtained either by
my_sockaddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("")
or by
To convert an address in its standard text format into its numeric binary form use the inet_pton()
function. The argument af specifies the family of the address.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst);