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Lab: Sequences

CS 278 Lab: Sequences
One of the sequences that is often used in Computer Science is a sequence of pseudorandom numbers. For
example, java.util.Random class can be used to generate random numbers. However, the numbers that are
generated are not truly random. They appear to be random, but they are completely determined by a
pseudorandom number generator - an algorithm that uses mathematical formulas to produce sequences of
In this assignment we will use a linear congruential random number generator. It is defined in terms of four
integers: the multiplicative constant a, the additive constant b, the starting point or seed c, and the modulus
M. The generator produces a sequence of integers between 0 and M-1 by starting with 𝑥0 = c and iterating:
𝑥𝑛+1 = (a * 𝑥𝑛 + b) % M.
Here the % operator means modulus or remainder: this keeps the numbers between 0 and M-1.
For example, the following table shows the sequences that result for various choices of a, b, c, and M. Each
row in the table contains the values of a, b, c, M, and the first 12 elements of the resulting sequence.
a b c M 𝑥0 𝑥1 𝑥2 𝑥3 𝑥4 𝑥5 𝑥6 𝑥7 𝑥8 𝑥9 𝑥10 𝑥11 𝑥12
1 3 0 10 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6
2 1 0 10 0 1 3 7 5 1 3 7 5 1 3 7 5
22 1 0 72 0 1 23 3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59 3
11 37 1 100 1 48 65 52 9 36 33 0 37 44 21 68 85
8 20 10 100 10 0 20 80 60 0 20 80 60 0 20 80 60
The generated sequences are not random, but (for proper choices of the parameters) they exhibit many
properties of random sequences. For small values of the parameters, the non-randomness is particularly
evident: whenever we generate a value that we have seen before, we enter into a cycle, where we
continually generate the same subsequence over and over again. In the first two examples above, the cycles
are 0-3-6-9-2-5-8-1-4-7-0 and 1-3-7-5-1, of lengths 10 and 4, respectively. Since there are only M different
possibilities (for values of the elements in the sequence), we always must enter such a cycle, but we want to
avoid short cycles. Notice that the cycle may start at the first element of the sequence like in the 1st sequence
in the table, or it may start later in the sequence, e.g., in the 2nd sequence the cycle starts at the 2nd element
In practice, we often want random integers in a small range, say between 0 and 9. Typically we do so by
using a large M in a linear congruential random number generator, and then use arithmetic to bring them
down into a small range (e.g., use only the leading digits of the sequence elements). For example, the
leading digits of the first 50 terms in the 4
th sequence in the above table are:
0 4 6 5 0 3 3 0 3 4 2 6 8 7 2 5 5 2 5 6 4 8 0 9 4 7 7 4 7 8 6 0 2 1 6 9 9 6 9 0 8 2 4 3 8 1 1 8 1 2
which is a random-looking sequence of integers between 0 and 9 (although the pattern repeats itself every
50 iterations). But if we use this method for the 5
th example in the table above, we get stuck in the cycle
1 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0
which is not a very random-looking sequence. This phenomenon can happen even for huge M, so we are
interested in knowing that our choice of parameters does not lead to a small cycle.
We can determine the cycle length by using Floyd's algorithm for finding the cycle length or period. Floyd's
algorithm consists of two phases: (i) find a point on the cycle, and (ii) compute the cycle length.
 Phase (i). To find a point on the cycle, we use the following idea: run two versions of the generator
concurrently, one iterating twice as fast as the other, until both versions have the same value. At some
point, both of them are on the cycle and we have a race on the cycle, with the gap between the faster one
and the slower one shrinking by one on each iteration. Eventually, the faster one catches up to the slower
one, and the two generators are at the same point on the cycle. The following table contains an example
of the process with a = 22, b = 1, c = 0, and M = 72. In this example, the cycle is 3-67-35-51-43-11-27-
19-59-3, and its length is 9. Somewhat coincidentally, this happens to be equal to the number of steps
until the fast and slow generators first meet, but this will not be true in general. The fast generator
(denoted by F) happens to be at 51 when the slow one (denoted by S) first hits the cycle at 3. The fast
one is six steps behind the slow one, and catches up, one step at a time.
0 1 23 3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59
 0 S F
 1 S F
 2 S F Distance
 3 S F 6
 4 S F 5
 5 S F 4
 6 F S 3
 7 F S 2
 8 F S 1
 9 S F 0
On iteration 9, both versions of the generator (S and F) have the same value (27). 27 is a point (a value)
on the cycle that was found using the above idea.
 Phase (ii). Once we know a value on the cycle, one more trip around the cycle (back to that same value)
will give us the cycle length. Continuing the example above, we discovered from Phase I that 27 is in
the cycle. After another 9 iterations we are back at 27, so we conclude the cycle length is 9 (as illustrated
in the table below).
Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
27 19 59 3 67 35 51 43 11 27
Write a program that does the following:
1. It prompts the user to enter values of the four integers (a, b, c, and M in this order) and prints out the
first 100 elements (𝑥0, 𝑥1, 𝑥2, …, 𝑥99) of the sequence produced by the linear congruential random
number generator for these parameters. Use a for loop and the following update formula:
x = (a * x + b) % M .
Print the sequence elements in a table with 10 values per line.
2. The second part of this assignment is to implement Floyd's algorithm (described above) for finding the
cycle length. First, you need to find a point on the cycle (Phase (i)). Then, you need to compute the cycle
length (Phase (ii)). Output the cycle length.
Sample runs of the program may look like the following (user input is in red):
Sample run 1:
Please enter values of a, b, c, and M in this order: 22 1 0 72
The first 100 elements of the sequence:
0 1 23 3 67 35 51 43 11 27
19 59 3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19
59 3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59
3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59 3
67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59 3 67
35 51 43 11 27 19 59 3 67 35
51 43 11 27 19 59 3 67 35 51
43 11 27 19 59 3 67 35 51 43
11 27 19 59 3 67 35 51 43 11
27 19 59 3 67 35 51 43 11 27
Cycle length is 9
Sample run 2:
Please enter values of a, b, c, and M in this order: 123 456 789 1000000
The first 100 elements of the sequence:
789 97503 993325 179431 70469 668143 182045 391991 215349 488383
71565 802951 763429 902223 973885 788311 962709 413663 881005 364071
781189 86703 664925 786231 706869 945343 277645 150791 547749 373583
951165 993751 231829 515423 397485 891111 607109 674863 8605 58871
241589 715903 56525 953031 223269 462543 893245 869591 960149 98783
150765 544551 980229 568623 941085 753911 731509 976063 56205 913671
381989 985103 168125 679831 619669 219743 28845 548391 452549 663983
670365 455351 8629 61823 604685 376711 335909 317263 23805 928471
202389 894303 999725 966631 896069 216943 684445 187191 24949 69183
509965 726151 317029 995023 388285 759511 420309 698463 911405 103271
Cycle length is 50000
Sample run 3:
Please enter values of a, b, c, and M in this order: 124 456 789 1000000
The first 100 elements of the sequence:
789 98292 188664 394792 954664 378792 970664 362792 986664 346792
2664 330792 18664 314792 34664 298792 50664 282792 66664 266792
82664 250792 98664 234792 114664 218792 130664 202792 146664 186792
162664 170792 178664 154792 194664 138792 210664 122792 226664 106792
242664 90792 258664 74792 274664 58792 290664 42792 306664 26792
322664 10792 338664 994792 354664 978792 370664 962792 386664 946792
402664 930792 418664 914792 434664 898792 450664 882792 466664 866792
482664 850792 498664 834792 514664 818792 530664 802792 546664 786792
562664 770792 578664 754792 594664 738792 610664 722792 626664 706792
642664 690792 658664 674792 674664 658792 690664 642792 706664 626792
Cycle length is 250
Sample run 4:
Please enter values of a, b, c, and M in this order: 78 60 89 129024
The first 100 elements of the sequence:
89 7002 30120 26988 40740 81204 11796 16980 34260 91860
68820 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740
96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900
59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036
22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172
114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308
78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468
41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604
4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740
96468 41172 114900 59604 4308 78036 22740 96468 41172 114900
Cycle length is 7
What to submit:
 Submit the source code of your program using Canvas.
 If you write your program in a programming language other than Java, then submit instructions on
how to compile and run your program on CS machines.
Note: This assignment is adopted from an assignment created by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

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