CSC220 Lab03 - Inheritance
The goal of this week’s lab is:
1. Practice the concept of inheritance
2. Start using JavaDoc.
Things you must do:
1. There are many details in this lab. Make sure you read and follow this instruction
carefully and do things in order.
2. Always remember Java is case sensitive.
3. You must use file names, class names, package names as instructed.
4. You must include all the functions you have written during the lab when
you are submitting your assignment.
Things you must not do:
1. You must not change the signature of any of these methods (name,
parameters, ...). Just fill in the missing code inside them.
2. You must not create any different class.
In this lab we are going to construct a program for libraries that allows books to be
checked in and out electronically. A book is represented by an ISBN, an author, and a
title, all of which cannot change once the book has been created. (Please note that
ISBNs are unique.)
A library book is a book together with a holder (representation of the person who has
the book checked out) and a due date, both of which can change as needed. (Please
note that for our purposes, all holders are unique.) For this lab, the holders are
represented by their name as a String.
Part 0 - Create a project for this lab in
1. You are going to create a new project for this (and each of the remaining labs).
You learned how to create a project in Eclipse before. Create a new Java project
and call it Lab03 (with no space and no other name – notice the capital ‘L’)
2. Create a package inside your project and call it lab03 (no space and no other
name – all lowercase).
3. Log into Blackboard and grab the four Java files from the Lab3 folder ( (on
Google Drive link from blackboard assignment) and place them in the “lab03”
package of the project you just created.
4. Refresh your Eclipse to make sure you are looking at the template
Part 1 – Complete Book class
The base class Book has been started for you. The equals method is left for you to
fill in. Do not make any other changes to the Book class. This is similar to what you
have done for your last assignment. The difference is that you first need to make
sure the Object we are comparing to is a Book and then ‘cast’ it to a ‘Book’. Use
‘instanceof’, if you don’t know how to use it consult the slides. Do not worry about the
errors in Library.java. They would be taken care of as soon as you get to Part 2.
Part 2 – LibraryBook class
1. Construct a class LibraryBook derived from Book and containing the library
book's holder (a String) and due date represented by a GregorianCalendar.
Consult JavaDoc page for how to use Objects from this class:
2. Make sure to add the following line at the top of your class so that you
can use GregorianCalendar .
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
3. The LibraryBook class must include the following methods (you
may add other methods as needed but not required).
• public LibraryBook(long isbn, String author, String title)
• public String getHolder()
• public GregorianCalendar getDueDate()
• public void checkin()
o When a library book is checked in, its holder and due date should be
set to null.
• public void checkout(String holder, GregorianCalendar dueDate)
o When a library book is checked out, its holder and due
date should be set accordingly.
• Do not override the equals method in Book.
• write tests in LibraryTest.java to make sure the implementation of your
methods in LibraryBook is correct. There is sample book information for you
under LibraryTester.java (part 2 samples). Don’t forget to check the equal method
in Book.java!
Part 3 – Library class
The Library class has been started for you. Fill in the method implementations as
indicated. Do not change the method signatures. Do not change the ones that
have been implemented for you already. There are many functions in this class to fill
in. For the lab, you are only required to finish two of them.
• public String lookup (long isbn)
• public boolean checkout(long isbn, String holder, int month,
int day, int year)
Test your Library implementation (so far) in LibraryTest.java. Remove anything
you have added to the main function and uncomment the code under “lab03 –
part 2 test”. If you have implemented everything properly you should see “Testing
done” after running your program. If you see any “TEST FAILED ...” you need to go
back and debug your code.
Submission Guideline
You should have already created your csc220-cxxxxxxx folder in your university box
account and know how to submit your labs and assignments through box (you can
consult the tutorials in blackboard again if you have forgotten).
Inside your csc220-cxxxxxxx folder in box, you should only have two folders called
Lab01 and Lab02 (considering you have submitted both labs/assignments).
In order to submit Lab03, log into your university box account, go into your
csc220-cxxxxxxx folder and upload Lab03 folder from your Eclipse
workspace. Now you should see three separate folders in your
csc220-cxxxxxxx folder (in box): Lab01, Lab02, and Lab03.
Don’t forget: the lab and assignment together are due in one
submission Tuesday night @ 11:59pm!