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Lab10. Academic Competition

EE231002 Introduction to Programming
Lab10. Academic Competition
A senior high school is holding an academic competition. Three subjects were tested among
one hundred students. The subjects are Mathematics, Science and Literature. The test results
have been consolidated into a file, lab10.dat. Five grand prizes and 30 subject prizes, 10 for
each subject, will be given out. Students with every subject achieving 80 or more are eligible for
grand prize selection. Among them five with the highest total scores will be awarded the grand
prize. The rest of the students with every subject achieving 60 or more eligible for the subject
prize. Ten students with with the highest subject scores will be awarded the subject prize. Thus,
the grand prize winners only win one prize, while the subject prize winners can win more than
one subject prize. Your assignment is to write a C program to process the result file and print
out the award winners.
The resulting score file has been made self explanatory so the first line explains the contents
of each following lines. Thus, there are totally 101 lines in the file, lab10.dat.
Since we have learned struct last week. This assignment is a good opportunity for you to
try out coding using structures. The following structure definition is recommended.
struct STU { // structure definition for each students
char fName[15]; // first name
char lName[15]; // last name
double math, sci ,lit; // test scores
double total; // total score
double min; // minimum subject score
int winTotal; // for winning Grand Prize
int winSubj; // for winning a Subject Prize
struct STU list[100];
The first five members, from fName to lit are mandatory, while the remaining members are
optional. You don’t need to include them if you don’t find them to be useful. One global
structure variable list, which is a structure array of 100 elements, is also recommended for your
The output format of your program should be as following:
Grand Prize:
1: xxx yyyyy zzz.z
2: xxxx yyyyy zzz.z
3: xxxxxxx yyyyyy zzz.z
4: xxxxx yyyyyyyyyy zzz.z
5: xxxx yyyyy zzz.z
Math Prize:
1: xxxxxxxxx yyyy zz.z
2: xxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zz.z
3: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyy zz.z
where xxxxx is the first name, yyyy is the last name, and zz.z is the score, either total score or
subject score depends on the award category.
1. For the lab, no sorting needs to be performed. Since at most only 10 students will be
selected, sorting on all students will not be an efficient approach.
2. Create a directory lab10 and use it as the working directory.
3. Name your program source file lab10.c.
4. The first few lines of your program should be comments as the following.
/* EE231002 Lab10. Academic Competition
ID, Name
5. After you finish verifying your program, you can submit your source code by
$ ∼ee2310/bin/submit lab10 lab10.c
If you see a ”submitted successfully” message, then you are done. In case you want to
check which file and at what time you submitted your labs, you can type in the following
$ ∼ee2310/bin/subrec lab10
It will show the submission records of lab10.
6. You should try to write the program as efficient as possible. The format of your program
should be compact and easy to understand. These are parts of the grading criteria.

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