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Lab11 Hash Tables

CSC220 Lab11
Hash Tables
The goal of this week’s lab is:
1. Practice using hash tables
2. Learn about the importance of debugging
Part 0
● Create a new project. Create a new Java project and call it Lab11.
● Create a package inside your project and call it lab11.
● Download the Lab11-Assignment11 ZIP folder from Blackboard
and copy in the following files:
○ This class provides the implementation of a
single element inside a hash table for you. This class has
two fields:
■ element: the actual value stored in the hash table
■ isActive: a flag that will be used to keep track of
removed elements (deleted flag in the lecture)
○ You will be working on developing
methods for this class. This class represents a hash table that will hold hash
entries inside an array. This class has been partially implemented for you. The
current implementation provides the fields, the signature of the methods you
are about to implement, and a toString method to print the hash table. The
toString method prints the value if present followed by “T” or “F” depending on
isActive flag. If there is no element stored in a specific position in the table, the
toString method will print “e” (i.e. empty).
Part 1 – The problem
For this lab, you are asked to write methods to be added to As the name of the class suggests, you are about
to implement methods for a hash table that uses quadratic probing when collision
happens. The hash table is implemented as an array called HashTable that holds
objects of type HashEntry. A HashEntry is a class that has two fields: one is the
element which holds the value stored in the hash table and the other is called isActive
which is a flag to keep track of elements removed from the hash table. The
implementation of the HashEntry class has been provided for you. Take a couple of
minutes before you continue to get familiar with the implementation of this class.
The HashTable class has been started for you. The current implementation provides the
field, the signature of the methods you are about to implement, and a toString method
to print the hash table. Remember that you ARE NOT allowed to change the
signature of the methods. However, you are allowed to use helper functions if you
need to.
For debugging purposes, you might want to check the structure of the hash table. We
provided a simple toString method for you that simply prints the hash table along with
the isActive field (i.e., deleted flag). Before you move on to the next part, take a
couple of minutes and look at the definition of both classes. Make sure you know
what fields they have, how you can instantiate from each of them, and how to call
various methods.
For this lab you are required for implement the following methods:
1. public QuadraticProbingHashTable( int size )
2. public int hash(int value, int tableSize)
3. public void insert( int x)
4. public void rehash()
Use the following online tool that nicely implements quadratic hashing and make
sure you understand how quadratic probing works:
Part 2 – QuadraticProbingHashTable constructor
The signature of this constructor should be:
public QuadraticProbingHashTable(int size)
As the signature of this method suggests, this is a constructor for this class. This
constructor will initialize the status of an object from this class based on the input
parameter (i.e., size). So, this function will create the array HashTable with the
specified size and initialize all of its elements to be null. You need to be careful about
whether any other field needs to be initialized at this stage (hint: think about what the
value of currentSize should be).
Part 3 – hash method
The signature of this method should be:
public int hash(int value, int tableSize)
This method accepts an integer value and returns the hash value based on the table
size. Note that you are supposed to use the modulo (mod) operator as we saw in class
for your hash function. That means the hash value you are returning is going to be a
number between 0 and tableSize-1 inclusive. The input value can be positive or
negative. (-x and x should hash to the same value) This function is not supposed to
handle the probing. Collision handling and probing should be part of your insert
function (or another helper function).
Part 4 – insert method
The signature of this method should be:
public void insert(int x)
This function accepts a value (called x) and inserts it into the hash table. If the item is
already in the table, this method does nothing and returns. You need to resolve
collisions using quadratic probing. It is highly recommended that you write a helper
function to do this (but this is not mandatory). Note that other fields of this class have to
be updated accordingly after the insert. If the load factor (percentage full) of the table
is 0.75 or higher after the insert, this function should perform rehashing as instructed
For this lab, check the load factor first (assuming that the value will be added to
the table), if rehash is required, rehash first and then insert the value.
Part 5 – rehash method
The signature of this method should be:
public void rehash()
This function will increase the size of the hash table by a factor of two and rehash the
elements into the new hash table (your insert method should call the rehash function as
soon as the load factor (percentage full) of the hash table is equal or greater than 0.75).
Part 6 – Test your code
As usual you need to test the functionality of the methods you have implemented. A set
of test cases has been provided for you as part of
Uncomment the lab portion of the tests and run the main function. If you see any red
text that says “TEST FAILED”, you need to debug your code.
How to debug your code?
1. Use the Eclipse debugger you learned about during the first lab.
2. If you see JavaStackOverflow, that means that you have an infinite recursive call
and your recursive call is filling up the “call stack” (we talked about this concept
in class). Go back and debug the method that is causing the problem.
3. Infinite loops! How would you know you have an infinite loop? As you should
know from CSC120, if you have an infinite loop in your code, your code will not
stop running. An easy way to inspect that in Eclipse is to look at your console
window. If there is a red square (instead of grey) stop button, then your code is
still running and although sometimes this could mean that your code just takes a
long time to run, it probably indicates and infinite loop in this class.
Don’t forget: lab is due Thursday @ 11:59pm!

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