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Laboratory 09 Trivia!

Computer Science CS134 
Laboratory 09
Trivia! (due Thursday at 5pm)
Objective. To analyze a CSV database.
This week we're going to take a closer look at the faculty of Williams. We have a (mostly) up-to-date
set of data about the faculty, presented here as a comma separated values (CSV)  le.1
You will build two scripts: and In you will complete a small
collection of methods to help organize the data. Then, in you'll write a Python program to
answer a number of trivia questions.
Getting Started. As usual, you should clone the starter repository for this week's lab into your cs134
git clone ~/cs134/lab09
where your CS username replaces 22xyz3. The resulting directory contains a CSV  le that describes
the faculty, two Python starter  les ( and, and a plain text  le (trivia.txt) for
submitting trivia answers.
Reading CSV files.
As we've discussed, Python provides a module csv that helps read and write CSV  les. We will use this
module throughout this lab to analyze the faculty database. Remember you can type pydoc3 csv for more
details about the csv module.
This week’s tasks. We have two Python scripts that need to be  eshed out. The  rst is a module,
faculty, that contains a pair of classes|Degree and Instructor|and a few tools that will help you
build a database of faculty. Your job is to complete as outlined by the steps below. The
second script||will contain routines that you use to compute the answers to the questions in
First, let's complete some functions we believe will be helpful as we build our database:
1. The Degree class's init (self,info) method. This method takes a string (info) and breaks it
down into the components that describe a degree: a year (an integer), a degree \kind" (a string),
and a granting institution (a string).
>>> d = Degree('2000, B.A., Williams College')
>>> d.year
>>> d.kind
>>> d.institution
'Williams College'
Remember to strip any leading or trailing spaces from any strings you build.
1We apologize in advance for any mistakes regarding your favorite faculty member; web scrapping and data cleaning, as
you may encounter here and in the future, can be an error-prone task.
2. The Instructor class's init (self,name,dept,title,degrees). Given the name, home department, and title (all strings) as well as a list of Degree objects, save these items in the state
appropriate state variables for the Instructor.
>>> d1 = Degree("1987, B.A., Bowdoin College")
>>> d2 = Degree("1993, Ph.D., Wesleyan University")
>>> i = Instructor("Robert M. Savage","Biology","Professor of Biology", [d1, d2])
'Robert M. Savage'
>>> i.dept
>>> i.title
'Professor of Biology'
>>> isinstance(i.degrees[0], Degree)
3. readDB(). Reads the database  le faculty.csv and returns a list of Instructor objects.
4. uniqCount(itemList). Given a list of values, possibly containing adjacent duplicates. The uniqCount
function returns a list of pairs, [value,count]. Each pair corresponds to a value that occurs in the
list and the number of times it occurs, adjacently. For example:
>>> uniqCount([1988,1988,1988,1989,1990,1990,1991,1993,1993,1988])
After building the toolbox in the faculty module, you should turn your attention to completing some of
the trivia problems in You must answer 4 trivia questions in total and at least 1 of the
questions must be Q5, Q6, or Q7. Make sure to consider how to use the functions in in your
trivia solutions.
Each of your solutions to the trivia questions should be functions which print out the problem's answer,
as shown in the starter code. For example:
def q1(fac):
1. How many members are on the faculty at Williams?
print("Q1: There are {} faculty.".format(YOUR ANSWER))
As you solve the trivia questions, copy the answers into trivia.txt.
Submitting your work.
When you're  nished, add, commit, and push your work to the server as you did in previous labs.
Remember that you must certify that your work is your own, by signing the honorcode.txt  le, committing
and pushing it along with your work. Make sure you have: (a) implemented all of the methods asked for
in and (b) answered at least 4 trivia questions, one or more of which is Q5, Q6, or Q7.
Extra credit. Work on more than 3 of the trivia questions or invent additional questions and  nd the

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