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Assignment 4: Hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering

General instructions.
1. The following languages are acceptable: Java, C/C++, Matlab, Python
and R.
2. You can work in team of up to 3 people. Each team will only need to
submit one copy of the source code and report.
3. You need to submit your source code (self contained, well documented and
with clear instruction for how to run) and a report via TEACH. In your
submission, please clearly indicate your team members’ information.
4. Be sure to answer all the questions in your report. Your report should be
typed, submitted in the pdf format. You will be graded based on both
your code as well as the report. In particular, the clarity and quality of
the report will be worth 10 % of the pts. So please write your report in
clear and concise manner. Clearly label your figures, legends, and tables.
1 Data description
In this implementation assignment you will explore hierarchical and non-hierarchical
clustering. The provided data set contains handwritten digits. Data file has
24000 rows, where every row is a 784 dimensional vector that represents a particular digit. You may use imshow(reshape(x,28,28)) to plot the image.
2 Non-hierarchical clustering - K-Means algorithm
1. (25 pts) Implement the K-means algorithm. Run your K-means algorithm
with k = 2. To verify that your algorithm actually converges, please plot
the objective of the K-means algorithm (i.e., the SSE) as a function of the
iterations. From one run to another run, this curve may look different.
Just present the results of a typical run.
2. (25 pts) Now apply your K-means implementation to this data with different values of k (consider values 2, 3, · · · , 10). For each value of k, please
run your algorithm 10 times, each time with a different random initialization, record the lowest SSE value achieved in these 10 repetitions for each
value of k. Plot the recorded SSE values against the changing k value.
What do you think would be a proper k value based on this curve? Please
provide justification for your choice.
3 Principal Component Analysis
1. (15 pts) Implement Principal Component Analysis for dimension reduction. Specifically, your program needs to compute the mean and covariance matrix of the data, and use a off-the-shelf numerical package of your
choice to compute the top ten eigen-vectors with ten largest eigen-values
of the Covariance matrix. Report the eigen values in decreasing order.
2. (15 pts) Plot the mean image, and each of the top ten eigen vectors using
matlab function imshow(reshape(x, 28,28)) (or other comparable functions in other languages). To make the image for eigen vectors viewable,
you should re-scale each eigenvector by its maximum value. Inspect the
resulting images, what do you think they capture?
3. (10 pts) Use the top 10 eigenvectors to project each image to 10 dimensions. Identify for each dimension the image that has the largest value
in that dimension and plot it using imshow. Compare the image with its
corresponding eigen-vector imagem, what do you observe?

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