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Assignment 3:  Height, depth and width

Assignment 3: 
------------ Points: 10
Purpose: Do some computations.


Create a C program that reads in three integer values
representing the height, depth and width of a rectangular
prism/box/cube. Compute the following results using those three

- Surface area of the top
- Surface area of the front face
- Surface area of an end
- Surface area of the entire prism

- of the bottom
- of the front face
- of an end

- of the prism

- diagonal distance across the prism. That is: the
single chord that crosses the prism from
left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and front-to-back.

- Before coding:
- Be sure you understand the problem
- Draw a picture and label it
- Figure out the formulas/computations for each of the
values to be computed
- Create an "answer key" with at least three different sets
of input values, and the correct solutions, that you can
use to verify that your program is working properly
- Read the three integer input values in the order they were
first mentioned above: height, depth, width.
- Print the results in the order listed above.

- Do as much integer math as possible. (Since the inputs are
integers, almost all the results will also be integers.)

- Nicely format and label your output.

- Gradually develop your program in steps:
- Read in your inputs and print them out to confirm
you are reading them in correctly
- Compute just one of the computed values
- Use your "answer key" to check your work
- Add additional computations one at a time
- Use your "answer key" to check your work
- Ask about any of the math you are not sure of

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