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Assignment 2 Chunk Mergesort

 Assignment 2—programming
Write a program that, given a sequence S of n numbers, will sort these numbers in increasing order using the following variant of mergesort, called chunk mergesort. In chunk mergesort, the recursive algorithm takes advantage of already sorted “chunks” in S, that is of subsequences of consecutive elements in S that are in increasing order. More specifically, chunk mergesort divides the sequence S into sequences S1 and S2 as follows (chunk divide): After dividing, as with traditional mergesort, elements are divided into sequences S1 and S2. In chunk divide when dividing the sequence into two, instead of containing about the same number of elements each, we divide according to the number of chunks. That is in S1 and S2 the number of chunks is to be about the same each. Chunk mergesort is illustrated with the following example. Note that the input sequence, S = 18, 21, 9, 12, 99, 4, 101, 8, 14, 7, 112, 98, contains these six chunks: 18, 21; 9, 12, 99; 4, 101; 
 8, 14; 7, 112; and 98
18 21 9 12 99 4 101 8 14 7 112 98
18 21 9 12 99 4 101 8 14 7 112 98
18 21 8 14 7 112 9 12 99 4 101 98
8 144 101 9 12 99 7 112
7 8 14 112 4 9 12 99 101
4 9 12 18 21 99 101 7 8 14 98 112
4 7 8 9 12 14 18 21 98 99 101 112
Your task is to write a java program, stored in a file that contains the following functions: ChunkMergesort, which takes a list S as its only argument and returns a list. ChunkDivide, which takes list S, and integer c, the number of chunks that S contains, and returns lists S1 and S2. (In the case that c is odd, S1 shall contain more chunks than S2). Merge takes lists S1 and S2, and returns a (sorted) list. In addition, your program must output, in a file called comparisons.txt, all comparisons that take place in your program in order of occurrence. Both, ChunkDivide and Merge are to run in linear time. Use the main function in your code to test your implementation by getting test data or reading it from a file. It should also handle errors. The attachment shows the output for comparisons.txt for above example.

comparisons.txt 18 21 21 9 9 12 12 99 99 4 4 101 101 8 8 14 14 7 7 112 112 98 18 21 21 9 9 12 12 99 99 4 4 101 101 8 18 21 21 9 9 12 12 99 99 4 4 101 18 21 21 9 9 12 12 99 99 4 18 21 21 9 9 12 12 99 18 21 21 9 18 9 18 12 18 99 21 99 9 4 9 101
12 101 18 101 21 101 99 101 8 14 14 7 7 112 112 98 4 7 9 7 9 8 9 14 12 14 18 14 18 98 21 98 99 98 99 112 101 112

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