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### Loops

### Loops
>Analyzing dice rolls is a common example in understanding probability and statistics. The following program calculates the number of times the sum of two dice (randomly rolled) is equal to six or seven.

import random

num_sixes = 0
num_sevens = 0
num_rolls = int(input('Enter number of rolls:\n'))

if num_rolls >= 1:
    for i in range(num_rolls):
        die1 = random.randint(1,6)
        die2 = random.randint(1,6)
        roll_total = die1 + die2

        #Count number of sixes and sevens
        if roll_total == 6:
            num_sixes = num_sixes + 1
        if roll_total == 7:
            num_sevens = num_sevens + 1
        print('Roll %d is %d (%d + %d)' % (i, roll_total, die1, die2))

    print('\nDice roll statistics:')
    print('6s:', num_sixes)
    print('7s:', num_sevens)
    print('Invalid number of rolls. Try again.')

Create a different version of the program that prints a histogram in which the total number of times the dice rolls 
equals each possible value is displayed by printing a character, such as *, that number of times. 

The following provides an example:


Due: Monday, 30 September 2019, 6:00 AM

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