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Assignment # 4 The study of philosophy

• The PDF file that you submit must be clearly legible. To this end, we encourage you to learn
and use the LaTex typesetting system, which is designed to produce high-quality documents
that contain mathematical notation. You can find a latex template in Piazza under resources.
You can use other typesetting systems if you prefer. Handwritten documents are acceptable
but not recommended. The submitted documents with low quality that are not clearly legible,
will not be marked.
• You may not include extra descriptions in your provided solution. The maximum space limit
for each question is 2 pages. (using a reasonable font size and page margin)
• For any question, you may use data structures and algorithms previously described in class,
or in prerequisites of this course, without describing them. You may also use any result that
we covered in class, or is in the assigned sections of the official course textbook, by referring
to it.
• Unless we explicitly state otherwise, you should justify your answers. Your paper will be
marked based on the correctness and completeness of your answers, and the clarity, precision,
and conciseness of your presentation.
• For describing algorithms, you may not use a specific programming language. Describe your
algorithms clearly and precisely in plain English or write pseudo-code.

1. (25 Mark) This question shows the importance of data structures in the study of philosophy. A
paradox is a group of statements that lead to a contradiction. For example, consider the following
group of two statements which form a paradox:
1) Statement 2 is FALSE.
2) Statement 1 is TRUE.
If we assume Statement 1 is TRUE, which says Statement 2 is FALSE, which in turn means Statement
1 is FALSE, therefore we have got a contradiction. If we assume Statement 1 is FALSE, which means
Statement 2 is TRUE, which in turn means Statement 1 is TRUE, again we have got a contraction.
That is, assuming one statement to be TRUE or FALSE will lead to deriving a conclusion that is
opposite to the assumption.
Now you are given a group of N statements, numbered from 1 to N. Each statement has the format
“Statement X is TRUE/FALSE” where X is a number between 1 and N. Your task is to figure out
whether this group of statements form a paradox. In particular, answer the following questions.
(a) Apparently you are supposed to use a graph. How do you construct the graph for solving this
(b) What property must the graph have if the N statements do form a paradox? What property
must the graph have if the N statements do NOT form a paradox? Justify your answer.
(c) How do you efficiently detect whether the graph has the properties you described? Describe
your algorithm in concise English.
(d) What is the worst-case runtime of your algorithm?
2. (25 Marks) Assume that you are a kindergarten teacher, who is given a task to arrange n ill-behaved
children in a straight line, facing front. You are given a list of m statements of the form “kid i hates
kid j”. If kid i hates kid j, then you do NOT want to put i somewhere behind j, because then i is
capable of throwing something at j.
Design an algorithm that efficiently computes a way of arranging these kids so that no throwing
can happen, if such an arrangement is possible at all. In particular, answer the following questions.
(a) How do you model this problem using a data structure that we have studied?
(b) Is it always possible to find a valid arrangement? If yes, briefly explain why. If no, briefly
explain what is the case in which it is not possible.
(c) How does your algorithm work? And what is its worst-case runtime (in asymptotic notation)?
Explain in concise English.
(d) Suppose instead you want to arrange the children in rows such that if kid i hates kid j, then
kid i must be in a lower numbered row than kid j (they cannot be in the same row). Design
an efficient algorithm to find the minimum number of rows needed, if the arrangement is
possible. Explain in clear English the design of your algorithm and its worst-case runtime (in
asymptotic notation). Write pseudo-code if it helps explaining.
Hint: Start from the straight line you got from the previous arrangement.

3. (25 Marks) Consider the abstract data type DEPR that consists of a set S of positive integers. Initially,
S is a set of n consecutive integers. S = {a,...,b} such that b = a + n − 1. DEPR supports just the
following two operations:
• Delete(S, i): Delete integer i from the set S. If i < S, there is no effect.
• Predecessor(S, i): Return the predecessor in S of integer i, i.e. max{j ∈ S | j < i}.
If i has no predecessor in S, i.e. if i ≤ minS, then return 0. Note that it is not necessary for i to
be in S.
For example, if a = 1,n = 7 and S = 1,3,6,7, then Predecessor(S,1) returns 0, Predecessor(S,2) and
Predecessor(S,3) return 1.
Describe a data structure with O(log∗m) amortized cost per operation, where m is the number of
operations that are performed. Justify the correctness and time complexity of your data structure.
How do you initialize your data structure and how much time does it take?
4. (10 Marks) Consider the problem of finding the minimum spanning tree connecting n distinct
points in the plane, where the distance between two points is the ordinary Euclidean distance.
In this problem we assume the distances between all pairs of points are distinct. For each of the
following procedures, either argue that it constructs the minimum spanning tree of the points or
give a counterexample.
(a) Sort the points in order of their x-coordinate. (You may assume without loss of generality
that all points have distinct y-coordinates; this can be achieved if necessary by rotating the
axes slightly.) Let (p1, p2, be the sorted sequence of points. For each point pi
, (2 ≤ i ≤ n)
connect pi with its closest neighbor among p1,..., pi−1.
(b) Draw an arbitrary straight line that separates the set of points into two parts of equal or nearly
equal size (i.e. within one). (Assume that this line is chosen so it doesn’t intersect any of the
points.) Recursively find the minimum spanning tree of each part, then connect them with the
minimum-length line segment connecting some point in one part with some point in the other
(i.e. connect the two parts in the cheapest possible manner).
5. (15 Marks) Let G be a connected undirected weighted graph. Assume that the weights are distinct
meaning that no two edges has the same weight. Prove that the graph has a unique MST.

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