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Algorithms Homework 2

CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Homework 2

1. In Aug 31’s lecture (slide 5), we discussed a recursive multiplication algorithm. If the
input is an m-bit number x and an n-bit number y, how long does it take to multiply
x and y? Justify your answer.
2. Compute gcd(770, 546) in the following three different ways. Show your steps.
(a) By finding the factorization of each number;
(b) By using the Euclid algorithm;
(c) By using the extended Euclid algorithm (also finds x and y).
3. What is the result of 77293 (mod 342)? Show your steps.
4. Write a python program to
(a) Generate a pair of public and private keys for the RSA scheme, where p and q
each has n bits.
(b) Given x = 2015, compute the encoded message y.
(c) Given y computed above, compute the decoded message.
Run your program for 3 different n values, report the results and the corresponding
running time for each step (a), (b), and (c).

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