Computer Organization
In this project, you will use Altera Quartus II with Verilog. You will design another part of the 32-bit
MIPS processor. The block that you will design will get an 32-bit instruction as its input and compute
the resultant value and stores it to the destination register given by the instruction. The only
supported instructions in your design will be addi, addiu, andi, ori, lui, sltiu, slti, beq and bne
instructions. The input of your top-module will be the instruction only. The output of your topmodule will be the output of your ALU to follow and check its computations during the simulation.
You will write the memory contents before and after the execution of instructions using writememh
in your testbench verilog code. You will initialize memory contents using readmemh.
1. You will design ALU module using only structural Verilog with assign statement. (So you cannot
use always, initial, if, case statements.)
2. You will design Register module using behavioral Verilog. The register has 32 registers each
containing 32-bit number.
3. You will write a top-level Verilog module to connect ALU and Register modules accurately to
finish the project.
4. You will write a working testbench and simulate your design by ModelSim as you learnt in the
PS.Your design should not support R-type or J-type instructions. Only the instructions listed above.
Please be sure that your design simulates correctly. Designs that are not even simulating can get at
most 25 points.
Submit your Altera Project folder as a zip file to Moodle. We will simulate your design using not
only your testbench but also our testbench to see whether all instructions are executing correctly
or not.
No late submissions even if it is 5 minutes. No medical reports. No excuses. No cry. So start early.
The “best” projects will have an opportunity to upload their designs to a FPGA board and we will
execute it in class. What we mean by “best” will be explained in this week’s PS.