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Machine Learning Assignment 1

ECE 449 Machine Learning
Assignment 1

1 Overview
Welcome to ECE449 assignment 1!
In this assignment, you will complete 16 Python functions in 4 IPython Notebooks using your knowledge and
skills in machine learning topics, and you will answer 5 conceptual questions to demonstrate your understanding
of the course materials. This assignment has 64 pts (programming) + 36 pts (conceptual) = 100 pts in total.
2 Programming Questions
2.1 Programming environment installation
You need Python, jupyter notebook, matplotlib, numpy, scikit-learn, and scipy to run the 4 IPython notebook
files and write your implementations. You can use Python 3.7 or Python 3.8 and use conda to create a virtual
environment for programming assignments in ECE449 only. We recommend the following steps to install a
working environment on your computer for programming assignments in ECE449:
1. Go to anaconda website for downloading individual version installers
(, download the anaconda installer according to
your OS and install anaconda on your computer. You can use either user mode installation or admin(root)
mode installation.
2. Launch anaconda prompt from your computer, and type the following command to create an environment
named ece449 hws:
conda create -n ece449_hws python=3.7 matplotlib numpy scikit-learn scipy
3. Each time before you run the jupyter notebook files, remember to activate your environment by typing
the following command in your anaconda prompt:
conda activate ece449_hws
4. In the anaconda prompt, use command cd to change to the directory the 4 IPython notebooks are in,
then type:
jupyter notebook
to launch jupyter notebook and its web interface.
Now you should have a working environment that will run the jupyter notebook files in assignment 1.
2.2 Programming questions brief descriptions
There are 4 notebook files you need to work on in this assignment.
The first notebook, exercise1-template.ipynb is about linear regression, you will implement 4 Python
functions (4pts each):
warmUpExercise, computeCost, gradientDescent, and fit_lr_and_predict
The second notebook, exercise2-template.ipynb is about logistic regression, you will implement 4
Python functions (4pts each):
sigmoid, costFunction, predict, and costFunctionReg
The third notebook, exercise3-template.ipynb is about regularized linear regression, you will implement
4 Python functions (4pts each):
linearRegCostFunction, learningCurve, polyFeatures, and validationCurve
The fourth notebook, exercise4-template.ipynb is about SVM, you will implement 4 Python functions
(4pts each):
gaussianKernel, dataset3Params, processEmail, and emailFeatures
The programming part has 4 × 16 = 64 pts in total.
You will be provided with the 4 IPython notebook template files, a Python script file
contains helper functions for exercise4), and two folders Data and Figures with data files and sample figures
for the 4 notebooks. To run the Python implementations in your notebooks, you should place and
the two folders Data and Figures under the same directory as your notebooks. You only need to modify the
4 IPython notebooks in this assignment.
2.3 Autograder notice
We use autograder to grade your jupyter notebook, and here are some things we want to highlight:
1. We only grade the 4 Python functions you write in each notebook.
2. Do NOT modify input and output interfaces of any of these graded functions, autograder gives 0 for
function with modified input/output interfaces.
3. Do NOT define any of these graded functions multiple times in different code cells, autograder gives 0
for function defined multiple times in different code cells.
4. You don’t need and should not import extra Python modules in your implementations of any of these
graded functions, autograder gives 0 for function that needs to import extra Python modules. You should be
able to complete all your implementations with modules and functions imported at the beginning of the four
IPython notebooks.
5. No partial credit for the graded functions. Each correct function gives you 4 pts.
When you submit your notebook, make sure the jupyter notebook file names satisfy the requirements stated
in the ”Submission” section. If you do not rename your notebook properly, autograder will not be able to see
your notebook and it grades that notebook 0 pts.
2.4 Collaboration policy
You should not look at python code from other students or from the web, the Python implementations in your
16 functions should be your own work.
3 Conceptual Questions
There are 5 questions you need to answer in the conceptual question part. You can write down your answer on
a few sheets of paper and scan them to a single PDF file, or you can use digital pen to work on these questions
and export your answers to a single PDF file.
3.1 Problem 1
Assume we have 3 points, i.e., (1,2), (2,1), (3,2), in a 2-D Euclidean space. We want to fit a line which is
y = w0 + w1x with respect to these 3 points. Derive the optimal solution for w0 and w1 with mean square
error (MSE) loss. Show your steps for full score. (8pts)
3.2 Problem 2
Assume we have 4 points, i.e., (-2,1), (-1,0), (1,0), (2,2), in a 2-D Euclidean space. We want to fit a 2nd order
polynomial function y = w0 + w1x + w2x
2 with respect to these 4 points. Remember the closed form solution
would be ˆw = argmin(Hw − y)
(Hw − y), where w = [w0, w1, w2]
. Write down what would be H and y.
3.3 Problem 3
Assume we have 6 points showing 6 observations in a 2-D Euclidean space as below:
Observation X1 X2 Y
1 0 2 class 1
2 0 3 class 1
3 1 3 class 1
4 1 1 class 2
5 2 1 class 2
6 2 2 class 2
Using a maximum margin classifier, determine the optimal separating hyperplane and give an equation for
it, and determine which observations are the support vectors. (7pts)
3.4 Problem 4
Describe at least 4 differences or similarities between bagging and boosting. (8pts)
3.5 Problem 5
LOOCV is a statistical cross-validation method often used when our dataset is quite small. It stands for ”LeaveOne-Out Cross Validation”. If we apply LOOCV method with some model on a dataset with N samples, we
partition the dataset N times, in N iterations: in iteration i we partition the dataset into a train set by
removing the i-th sample from original dataset and use the test set with only the i-th sample to validate our
The LOOCV estimate of the test Mean-Square-Error(MSE) is defined as:
CV(n) =
Where MSEi =
1 = (yi − yˆi)
. yi
is the true label value of the i-th sample, and ˆyi
is the predicted
label value of the i-th sample.
Even for simple models like ordinary least square linear regression, LOOCV could take a significant amount
of computation. Luckily, a ”shortcut” exists for LOOCV on ordinary least square linear regression. For
example, for a univariate least square linear regression model we obtain
CV(n) =
yi − yˆi
1 − hi
Where hi
is the leverage statistic for the i-th sample, defined as
hi =
(xi − x¯)
j=1(xj − x¯)
x¯ is the mean of all the sample features xi
Prove that for univariate ordinary least square linear regression model we have the following:
CV(n) =
MSEi =
yi − yˆi
1 − hi
Hint: With the following notations:
X is an N by 2 matrix: X =

1 x1
1 x2
1 xN

~x0 ~xi
is the i-th row of the matrix X: ~xi =
1 xi
~x0 is a vector of 1s with length N: ~x0 =


β~ =
is the coefficient vector for the least square model,
You can try proving ~xi(XT X)
−1 ~xi
T = hi
. Try your best to connect your understanding and interpretations
of the closed form solution for ordinary least square linear regression β~ = (XT X)
−1XT ~y with the formula
~xi(XT X)
−1 ~xi
T = hi
, then you should be able to write your proof. (6pts)
4 Submission
You only need to submit 4 IPython notebook files with your 16 Python function implementations and a PDF
file containing your answers to the 5 conceptual questions to BlackBoard. Pay attention that your 4 IPython
notebook files should be renamed in the format of exercise[i]-[your_studentID].ipynb, and your PDF file
should be renamed in the format of conceptual-[your_studentID].pdf. For example, a student whose ID
number is 3170100111 should submit the following 5 files to BlackBoard:
exercise1-3170100111.ipynb, exercise2-3170100111.ipynb
exercise3-3170100111.ipynb, exercise4-3170100111.ipynb
Please do NOT submit zipped files.
Any of the 5 files not submitted or not meeting the above renaming requirements will be graded 0 pts.

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