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Machine Learning (B555) Programming Project 3

Machine Learning (B555)
Programming Project 3
Programming language and libraries: You can write your code in any programming language so long as we are able to test it on SICE servers (python should be ok; please ask about
other options). We plan to run some or all or submitted code for further testing and validation.
You may use standard I/O, math, and plotting libraries (including numpy, and matplotlib). However, other than these, please write all the code yourself without referring to special libraries or
modules, i.e., no scikit, no pandas, no other data processing libraries etc.
Overview: Experiments with Classification Algorithms
In this programming project, we will be training linear classification models and assessing their
performance on artificial and real datasets. Your goals in this assignment are to (1) compare the
performance of the generative and discriminative models, and (2) compare Newton’s method to
gradient ascent.
Data for this assignment is provided in a zip file on Canvas. Each dataset is given in
two files with the data in one and the labels in the other file. The datasets are as follows.
The first dataset (marked as A) has uniformly distributed data. Its labels were generated using
some weight vector separating positive from negative examples. Therefore data does not conform
to the Gaussian generative model but the data is linearly separable.
In the second dataset (marked as B) each class is generated from multiple Gaussians with differing
covariance structure. This diverges even further from the generative model yet we designed it to
be somewhat linearly separable.
The examples of the third dataset, USPS1
, represent 16×16 bitmaps of the characters 3 and 5. We
use this dataset for the binary classification problem of distinguishing between these two characters.
Task 1: Generative vs. Discriminative
In this portion, you will implement and evaluate two algorithms for the binary classification problem. In particular, we will look at the following algorithms discussed in class:
• 2 class generative model with shared covariance matrix as developed in Section 4.2 of [B]. In
particular the maximum likelihood solution is given by Eq. (4.75 - 4.80) and the predictive
distribution given that model is given by Eq. (4.65 - 4.67).
• Bayesian logistic regression where we use the simple prior w ∼ N (0,
I). In this case the
update formula for w is: wn+1 ← wn−(αI+ΦT RΦ)−1
(y−t)+αwn] where R = diag{yi(1−
yi)}. The predictive distribution (as developed in lecture) is given in Eq. (4.155) of [B].
Recall that, unlike the generative model, logistic regression relies on a free parameter (w0)
to capture an appropriate separating hyperplane. Therefore, you will need to add a feature
fixed at one to the data for this algorithm. For the implementation, initialize w to the zero
vector and set α = 0.1 (unlike in previous projects, we won’t be performing model selection
here). Use the following test as a stopping criterion: kwn+1−wnk2
< 10−3 or n ≥ 100.
To help you test your implementation of this algorithm we provide an additional dataset,
irlstest, and solution weight vector in irlsw. The first entry in irlsw corresponds to w0.
For both algorithms we classify a test example as positive iff p(c = 1) ≥ 1/2.
Your task is to implement the 2 algorithms and generate learning curves as follows. For each dataset
(A, B, USPS) evaluate each algorithm as follows:
Repeat 30 times:
— Step 1) Set aside 1/3 of the total data (randomly selected) to use as a test set.
— Step 2) Record the test set error rate (fraction of wrongly predicted labels) as a function of
increasing training set size (using subsets of size 0.1, 0.2, . . . of the other 2/3 of the total data).
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the error in the 30 runs for each size.
In your submission plot these results and discuss them: how do the algorithms perform on these
datasets? are there systematic differences? and how do the differences depend on training set size?
Task 2: Newton’s method vs. gradient ascent
We have introduced Newton’s method in order to improve convergence of gradient based optimization. However, the updates in Newton’s method can be expensive when the computation of the
inverse Hessian is demanding. In general gradient ascent can perform many updates for the same
time cost of one update of Newton’s method. In this task we compare the two methods for the
quality of the weight vector they produce as a function of time.
Recall that the update of gradient ascent is given by wn+1 ← wn − η[ΦT
(y − t) + αwn]. Gradient
ascent is sensitive to the choice of learning rate η. For this part you should use η = 10−3
we have verified to work reasonably well).
Our goal is to compare the two methods for the quality of the weight vector they produce as a
function of time. To achieve this we need intermediate values of w as well as time stamps for when
that value is produced. In your implementation you should store the value of w as well as the wall
clock time after each update in Newton’s method and every 10 iterations for gradient ascent. Once
training is done you can evaluate the test set error of each of the w vectors produced. In this way
the evaluation time (which can be costly) does not affect the time stamp of the learned vectors.
Finally you can plot the test set error rate of the algorithm as a function of run time.
Please perform this evaluation on datasets A and USPS. To make sure we have stable results across
submissions - please use the first 2/3 of the dataset for training and the rest for testing. Since
estimates of run time from your computing environment can be noisy please repeat the above 3
times (on the same 1/3, 2/3 partition of the data) and average the times across these runs. Note
that the w vectors will be identical because the data is the same and their evaluation does not need
to be repeated.
The above description does not require a stopping criterion. However, to control run time in your
experiments run them with the same stopping criterion for w, that is, kwn+1−wnk2
< 10−3 and
with a bound on the number of iteration stopping if n ≥ 100 iterations for Newton’s method and
n ≥ 6000 for gradient ascent.
In your submission plot these results and discuss them: how do the algorithms perform on these
datasets? are there systematic differences? and how do the differences depend on data set characteristics?
Extra Credit (up to 20 points depending on effort and results)
Write code and run experiments with one of the following variants:
(1) Investigate the notion of line search and then implement and evaluate its effect on the success
and convergence speed of gradient ascent.
(2) Implement the generative model with non-shared covariance matrix and evaluate its performance
as compared to the other algorithms. For this you might want to generate data that satisfies the
assumptions of each model, as well as use real data, to get a range of test cases in your evaluation.
Additional Notes
• If you have problems with singular matrices, you can simply “regularize” them by adding a
small constant to the diagonal, e.g., +10−9
Please submit two separate items via Canvas:
(1) A zip file with all your work and the report. The zip file should include: (1a) Please
write a report on the experiments, include all plots and results, and your conclusions as requested
above. Prepare a PDF file with this report. (1b) Your code for the assignment, including a
README file that explains how to run it. When run your code should produce all the results and
plots as requested above. Your code should assume that the data files will have names as specified
above and will reside in sub-directory pp3data/ of the directory where the code is executed. We
will read your code as part of the grading – please make sure the code is well structured and easy
to follow (i.e., document it as needed). This portion can be a single file or multiple files.
(2) One PDF “printout” of all contents in 1a,1b: call this YourName-pp3-everything.pdf. One
PDF file which includes the report, a printout of the code and the README file. We will use
this file as a primary point for reading your submission and providing feedback so please include
anything pertinent here.
Your assignment will be graded based on (1) the clarity of the code, (2) its correctness, (3) the
presentation and discussion of the results, (4) The README file and our ability to follow the
instructions and test the code.

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