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Combinational Circuits_Project 2 Solution

Computer Project #2 -- Combinational Circuits (Part I)

Assignment Overview:

This assignment develops familiarity with combinational circuits. You will
design the combinational circuits specified below.

It is worth 40 points (4% of course grade), and must be completed no later
than 11:59 PM on Thursday, September 17.

Assignment Specifications:

Consider your nine-character MSU PID as a sequence of hexadecimal digits.
You will design combinational circuits which recognize those digits and map
them to the appropriate segments in a seven-segment display.

A seven-segment display uses seven LEDs to represent hexadecimal digits.
Assuming the seven segments are labeled as shown below, then each digit can
be displayed by lighting a subset of the segments.

| |
f | g | b
| |
e | d | c

For example, the hexadecimal digit '9' can be displayed by lighting all of
the segments except segment e. Similarly, the hexadecimal digit 'A' can be
displayed by lighting all of the segments except segment d.

Your circuits will accept four inputs (the four bits in a hexadecimal digit)
and will produce eight outputs: the "Present" signal and the seven signals
associated with the seven-segment display.

The "Present" signal will be asserted when the four input signals represent
a hexadecimal digit in your personal MSU PID; it will be deasserted for all
other cases. That is, the function will recognize the hexadecimal digits
which are present in your MSU PID.

For each hexadecimal digit which appears in your MSU PID, the circuits will
will produce the correct value for each of the display signals. Otherwise,
the value of each display signal is irrelevant.

Your design will be formalized by completing the requested information in
the file "~cse320/Projects/".

Assignment Deliverables:

The deliverable for this assignment is: -- the text file for your design

Be sure to use the specified file name, and to submit your file for grading
via the handin system.

Assignment Notes:

1) The following chart indicates which segments are used for a given
hexadecimal digit.

0 | a, b, c, d, e, f
1 | b, c
2 | a, b, d, e, g
3 | a, b, c, d, g
4 | b, c, f, g
5 | a, c, d, f, g
6 | a, c, d, e, f, g
7 | a, b, c
8 | a, b, c, d, e, f, g
9 | a, b, c, d, f, g
A | a, b, c, e, f, g
B | c, d, e, f, g
C | a, d, e, f
D | b, c, d, e, g
E | a, d, e, f, g
F | a, e, f, g

2) The minimized expressions for your eight functions must be given in sum
of products form. That is, each function must be expressed using one or
more products (AND terms), and at most one sum (OR term).

3) In Part II of this assignment, you will implement and test the circuits
which you designed.

More products