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Methods and tools for big data Homework 1

VE472 — Methods and tools
for big data
Homework 1

• Write in a neat and legible handwriting or use LATEX
• Clearly explain the reasoning process
• Write in a complete style (subject, verb, and object)
• Be critical on your results
Ex. 1 — Processes, cgroups, and namespaces ( min)
1. Write a short summary describing what cgroups are.
2. Explain the differences and similarities between cgroups and processes in Linux.
3. How does kernel namespace increase the security of the OS?
Ex. 2 — Increasingly large dataset ( min)
Retrieve the flight data from the course server at, port 2223.1 For each of the questions
Task to be completed for each question
Study the year 1987, and then keep increasing the size of the dataset by adding more years until your
computer cannot handle it anymore. Monitor its RAM and CPU usage as the size of the dataset increases.
Then when answering a question include a graph showing how the dataset size impacts the time and
memory necessary to complete the request. On the graph highlight the point where the tasks switches
from “compute bound” to “I/O bound”.
Note: although it is better to have optimized code and accurate answers, the goal of this exercise is to
monitor the behaviour of your the computer as the size of the dataset increases. Therefore ensure the
benchmarks are accurate and present clear and clean graphs.
1. Basic hardware profile.
a) What CPU does your computer have?
b) How much RAM does your computer have?
c) Explain how you will monitor the RAM and CPU usage in the following questions.
2. Determine the following information:
a) Which carrier is most commonly late?
b) Which are the three most commonly late origins, due to bad weather?
c) What is the longest delay experienced for each carrier?
Hint: do not use a spreadsheet editor, you will miserably fail.
3. Can you discover any pattern explaining departure delays?
1Connection is sftp and from campus only. The public keys are directly imported from gitea. If you encounter any issue, or
are outside of campus, please contact us.
• Test various statistical models on a specific year, and try to extend your result to more years.
• If a single year already takes too long, start with only a few months.
• As a starting point, model the departure delay as follows.
DepDelay = DayOfWeek + DepTime + CRSDepTime + ArrTime + CRSArrTime + UniqueCarrier.
Ex. 3 — Very basic Java ( min)
1. Given a text file where each line is composed of three fields, first-name, name, and email, write a
very short and simple Java program generating a text file where (i) the order of the lines is random
and (ii) each line is composed of the previous fields in the following order: name, first-name, and
2. Use inheritance an polymorphism to define various types of vehicles owned by a company. The
definition of the actual objects is left to your imagination. Write a short program to demonstrate
your work.

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