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Methods and tools for big data Homework 2

VE472 — Methods and tools
for big data
Homework 2

• Write in a neat and legible handwriting or use LATEX
• Clearly explain the reasoning process
• Write in a complete style (subject, verb, and object)
• Be critical on your results
As discussed in the lectures HDFS was designed to deal with large files. Unfortunately big data does not
always come as large files. In this homework we will study various approaches to mitigate this problem.
Ex. 1 — Preparation
1. Adjust your program from lab 2 exercise 2 to generate many small csv files.
2. Find the block size on your Hadoop installation, and explain how you did it.
Hint: the cluster block size is defined in the variable fs.block.size.
Ex. 2 — Filecrush
Filecrush perfectly illustrates the complexity of the hadoop ecosystem. The project (https://github.
com/edwardcapriolo/filecrush) has not been touched since 2014. When searching online some sources
assume it works with recent Hadoop versions while others warn about the utility being only compatible
with Hadoop 1.
1. Read the documentation and briefly explain how we would need to use it in our case.
2. Try to run it on Hadoop with the following options. Explain each the used options.
• -Dfs.block.size=128000000
• --clone
• --compress gzip
• --input-format text
• --output-format sequence
3. Depending on the success or failure, explain what happened.
Ex. 3 — S3DistCp
An alternative and more recent solution consists in using S3DistCp developed by Amazon.
Read the documentation at
html and explain how the --groupBy option can be used to solve our problem. What other options do we
need to add?
As an AWS account is necessary to access the software, you do not need to test this solution. Still clearly
understand and explain how S3DistCp could be used to solve our problem.
Ex. 4 — Avro
While the two previous solutions work well for text files it may happen that the data to process is composed
of many small binary files. In that case one of the simplest solution consists in packaging them into a
single Avro file.
1. Tools.
a) Read about Avro at and install it.
b) What is the Snappy codec and when is it best used?
2. Define a json schema composed of three fields: filename, a string representing the name of the
file; filecontent of type bytes, which stores the actual binary content of the file; and checksum,
a string containing the SHA-1 checksum of the file.
3. Write a Java class CompactSmallFiles, to read a directory containing small files and compacting
them inside a single Avro file. Set the Avro writer to use the Snappy codec.
Hint: use the writer.setCodec method to enable Snappy compression.
4. Write a Java class ExtractSmallFiles, to read an Avro file generated with CompactSmallFiles and
extract the small files it contains. Upon extracting a small file, the checksum must be verified and
an error displayed if it does not match the original one.
Hint: as Avro embeds the schema into its files there is not need to redefine it.
Various other approaches could have been used to overcome the problem of small files in HDFS. Most
simple ones such as zipping files together suffer from a lack of flexibility. For instance it would require to
write a custom input format, and it would not be possible to split the zip file into pieces.
Besides when storing files it is important to use a format which can take advantage of data locality to
balance the load over the cluster. For example in MapReduce, if the mapper input is a text file containing
information on an archive of the data stored on some other nodes, then the work would be run of the
mapper’s node, i.e. far from the actual data.
Another simple solution which works well but suffers the limitation of not providing compression is the
use of a Hadoop Archive file (HAR).
Alternative distributed filesystems such as MapR natively support both large and small files. Therefore
before setting up a Hadoop cluster it is important to know what will be its main usage and decide what
filesystem to use accordingly.

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