VE472 — Methods and tools
for big data
Lab 2
Goals of the lab
• Install Hadoop
• Setup a Hadoop cluster
• Run a simple test program
1 Lab organisation
This lab is expected to be completed within one week and two lab sessions. It means that your cluster
and the simple text program must both be functioning by the second lab session.
The goal of the first lab session is to get started and benefit from the guidance of the teaching assistants
when installing Hadoop. Ensure you have completed the download of Hadoop before the lab such that
you can focus on its installation and setup during the lab time.
The second lab session will feature a short initial time where you can boot up your computer and ensure
all the Hadoop services function properly. By the beginning of this second lab session all the tasks must
have been fully completed, i.e. no work should be left. To ensure you have successfully completed all the
exercises we expect you to demonstrate the running of the simple test program to the whole class and
have an oral presentation on the main challenges you faced and how you overcame them
Groups can be freely formed, in the limit of four to five students.
2 Tasks
Ex. 1 — Hadoop installation
Download, install, and set up Hadoop 3.2.2.
• Official documentation: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r3.2.2/
• Single node setup:
– https://data-flair.training/blogs/installation-of-hadoop-3-x-on-ubuntu/
– https://tecadmin.net/setup-hadoop-single-node-cluster-on-centos-redhat/
• Multi node setup: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_multi_node_cluster.htm
• Hadoop integration through regular Linux packaging systems: https://wiki.debian.org/Hadoop
• Ambari: https://ambari.apache.org/
• Use docker to facilitate Hadoop deployment ove rthe whole cluster
• Warning: not all those links are relevant to Haddop 3.2.x, but they should all contain insightful
information on how to setup Hadoop
Ex. 2 — Simple Hadoop streaming
The goal is now to test the Hadoop installation. While this exercise can be completed in any programming
language, make sure not to spend too long writing complex programs using a low-level language. A
recommended choice allowing to complete all the tasks in a very short time and minimum number of
lines, is bash together with sed or awk.
1. Write a short program that uses the lists of first-names and last-names to create a csv file where
the first column contains a list of students, the second a ten digit random student ID, and the
third one a random grade in the range 0 to 100. Each students should appear a random number
of times all along the file with different grades.
2. Write a short program which extracts the grades from the previous file and for each line outputs on the standard output a pair of values constructed as follows: studentID<TAB>grade, e.g.
1234567890 34. Name this program mapper.
3. Write a short program which reads pairs from the standard input. Each tab-separated pair is
composed of a studendID and a list of grades. Return the max grade for each student on the
standard output. Name this program reducer.
4. Copy the csv file on HDFS and use Hadoop streaming to process it using the previous mapper
and reducer programs.
5. Present some graphs and/or tables showing how the speed evolves as the size of the file increases.
Compare the results for a single computer and a Hadoop cluster.