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Methods and tools for big data Lab 4

VE472 — Methods and tools
for big data
Lab 4

Goals of the lab
• Install Drill and Spark
• Run Drill and Spark on a Hadoop cluster
• Optionally connect R with Drill and Spark
Ex. 1 — Drill and Spark installation
Download, install, and set up Drill and Spark on the Hadoop cluster from the previous lab. Optionally
install drillR or Sergeant and SparklyR to use Drill and Spark from inside R.
Note: before installing Spark ensure Scala is properly working.
Ex. 2 — Simple Drill queries
The goal is now to test the Drill installation. The following questions can be completed directly in the
Drill shell, running SQL queries, in R using DrillR or Sergeant dplyr interface, or using pydrill.
1. Using exercise 2 from lab 4, generate a file of size at least 5 GB, and copy it onto the Hadoop
2. Determine the name of the student who had the
a) Lowest grade;
b) Highest average score;
3. Calculate the median over all the scores.
Ex. 3 — Simple Spark
The goal is now to test the Spark installation. The following questions can be completed directly in the
Spark shell, in R using SparkR or SparklyR interfaces, or using pyspark.
1. Create an RDD from the grade file generated in the previous exercise.
2. Apply a simple flatMap() transformation on the RDD to create pairs composed of the student ID
and a grade.
3. Use the reduce() action to retrieve the maximum grade of each student.
4. Present some graphs and/or tables showing how the speed evolves as the size of the file increases.
Compare the results between MapReduce (lab 2 and homework 3 exercise 1) and SparkR.

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