As a baseline, you will design a set of queries and updates for your AuctionBase system and create a simple web interfaceforthemusingthePythonweb.pyframework. Beforeyougetstarted,werecommendthatyoureadthrough theGettingStartedwithweb.pyandJinja2supportingdocumentinitsentirety!
TaskA:Gettingstarted • Step1: Activate Personal CGI Service (if you haven’t already) Follow the instructions from Part 2 of the Project to active your personal CGI service on Stanford AFS. (We hope you’ve taken care of this already!) Remember: Activation can take up to 24 hours, so please do this as soon as possible. Once activated, you will have a new directory ∼/cgi-bin/. • Step2: Copy web.py starter code Copy the web.py starter code that we are providing into your cgi-bin directory:
cp -r /usr/class/cs145/project/pa3/web.py/* ∼/cgi-bin/. You should now see the following files and directories inside of cgi-bin/: – auctionbase.py – Your “main” application. Responsible for handling requests from the browser. – sqlitedb.py – Your database manager. Responsible for interacting with your database. – templates/ – Directory that contains your template files that correspond to your various URLs. Every web page will require a new template file in this directory. – lib/ – Directory that contains the library files for web.py and Jinja2. Warning: Do not modify any of thefilesinthe lib/ directory!
• Step3: Generate your SQLite Database ModifyyourrunParser.shscripttogenerateyourSQLitedatabaseusingasmallerJSONdatasetitems-p3.json, posted on the class website. Then, using your createDatabase.sh script from Part 2 of the project, generate your SQLite database (.db) binary file and move it into your web.py directory.
• Step4: Familiarize yourself with web.py and Jinja2 If you haven’t already, go ahead and read through all of the Getting Started with web.py and Jinja2 supporting document – this should give you a detailed guide of the starter code, and will demonstrate how to complete the required functionality for the assignment. (We strongly recommend that you do this, especially if this is your first time building a web application in Python!)
We will be testing your web app locally on the corn machines. You can test your web app on cgi-bin at http: //www.stanford.edu/~yourusername/cgi-bin/auctionbase.py/urlhere (see below for example urls) or youcanrunyourserverlocallybyrunning python auctionbase.py 8080 where8080issomespecifiedportnumber. If you test locally, you can test it with urls like: http://localhost:8080/urlhere. If you choose to develop locally, be sure to test your web app on the corn machines too! Make sure to run our sanity checker on your code:
sh /usr/class/cs145/bin/proj3 sanity check.sh
The functionality of your final AuctionBase system is somewhat flexible (you can add additional functionality if you want). However, you must implement at least the following basic capabilities in order to receive full credit on the project: • Ability to manually change the “current time.” – a GET request to http://localhost:8080/selecttime should render a webpage with a form to input a date and time – aPOSTrequestto http://localhost:8080/selecttime withthefollowingparametersshouldchange thetime,viewableathttp://localhost:8080/currtimeinthefollowingformat: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss – WhenmakingaPOSTrequestto http://localhost:8080/selecttime,yourwebparametersmustbe named:
MM # Two digits representing the month (0-12) dd # Two digits representing the date (1-31) yyyy # Four digits representing the year HH # Two digits representing the hour (0-23) mm # Two digits representing the minutes (0-59) ss # Two digits representing the seconds (0-59)
entername # String representing a username
• Ability for auction users to enter bids on open auctions. – a GET request to http://localhost:8080/add_bid should render a webpage with a form to input ItemId, UserId, and bid amount. – a POST request to http://localhost:8080/add_bid with the following parameters should create a new bid, if valid (meeting your constraints from part 2). – When making a POST request to http://localhost:8080/add_bid, your web parameters must be named:
itemID # An integer userID # A string price # A float price
• Ability to browse auctions of interest based on the following named input parameters: – a GET request to http://localhost:8080/search should render a webpage with a form to input the parameters below. – a POST request to http://localhost:8080/search should render a list of results, displaying at least the full item name and linking the item name to a view item page. (Be sure to use relative urls!) – When making a POST request to http://localhost:8080/search, your web parameters must be named:
itemID # Integer userID # String category # String description # item description # (This should be a substring search, # i.e. not an exact match.) minPrice # float min price maxPrice # float max price status # String, one of ’open’, ’closed’, ’notStarted’, ’all’
Note that these parameters are compositional, i.e. you should be able to browse by category and price, not categoryorprice • Abilitytoviewallrelevantinformationpertainingtoasingleauction. Thisshouldbedisplayedonanindividual webpage at http://localhost:8080/view where the web parameter named itemID specifies the specific auctionitem,anditshoulddisplayalloftheinformationinyourdatabasepertainingtothatparticularitem. This page should be linked to from your search results. In particular, this page should include: – all item attributes (title, description, etc.) – categories of the item – the auction’s open/closed status – the auction’s bids. You should also display all relevant information for each bid, including ∗ the name of the bidder ∗ the time of the bid ∗ the price of the bid ∗ the returned HTML must contain the string No bids if none exists. – if the auction is closed, it should display the winner of the auction (if a winner exists) ∗ the returned HTML must contain the string Winning Bid: UserID if the winning bid is by UserID and the string No Winning Bid if none exists. • Automatic auction closing: an auction is “open” after its start time and “closed” when its end time is past or its buy price is reached.
– When we view all the details of a particular item, your HTML response must contain the string Status: OPEN or Status: CLOSED Furthermore, your AuctionBase system must support “realistic” bidding behavior. For example, it should not accept bids that are less than or equal to the current highest bid, bids on closed auctions, or bids from users that don’t exist. Also, as specified above, a bid at the buy price should close the auction. Some of these restrictions may already be checked by your constraints and triggers from Part 2 of the Project; others may require additional triggers or code. Ifyoudodecidetoaddadditionaltriggerstoyourdatabase,pleasecreateadditionaltriggerN_add.sqlandtriggerN_drop.sql files to implement these, and include them as part of your submission. You should also be sure to update your createDatabase.sh script to include these extra trigger files. (See the submission instructions at the end of this document for more details.) Full credit also requires general error- and constraint-checking as specified in Task C below. For starters, all of the constraints you implemented in Part 2 should be checked in your “live” AuctionBase system. Every error message must begin with ERROR: (with the colon). Note that you can receive full credit on the project by implementing just the basic capabilities specified earlier, along with constraint-checking, error-checking, and a simple web interface. That is the standard against which projects will be graded. CS145 is not a user interface class and, again, you can receive full credit for a solid system with simple input boxes, menus, and simple HTML output tables. However, under no circumstances should you be expecting theend-usertowriteSQL!
Commandsthatmodifythedatabaseneedtobehandledcarefully, andyoushouldgroupthemintotransactionswhenever it makes sense for them to be executed as a unit. Using transactional behavior, each unit should either complete in its entirety or, due to failed constraints or other errors, should not modify the database at all. Constraint violations, and other errors due to bad input values or data entry, should be managed gracefully: It must be possible for users to continue interacting with the system after a constraint violation or error is detected, and the database should not be corrupt. You should inform users when errors occur, but your error message need not indicate the exact violation that caused the error. If it helps, you may assume that AuctionBase has only one user operating on it at a time. Although transactions may be useful for database modifications and constraint-checking, you do not need to worry about transactions as a concurrency-control mechanism. That said, even without special effort your system may turn out to be fairly robust for multiple users.
TaskD:OtherMiscellaneousRequirements • When you generate dynamic HTML pages from your program, please use relative paths, rather than absolute paths, for the links to the various URLs in your website. For example, make your links and forms point to webpage instead of http://www.stanford.edu/~yourusername/cgi-bin/webpage. Relative paths enable us to grade your project in our own webspace. • Youdon’thavetoimplementuserauthentication. Forexample,it’sokaytoasktheusertoenterhis/herusername when bidding, without asking for a password. • Please make your website accessible by user interface. For example, a user should not have to ”know” a URL and type it directly into the browser address bar. They should be able to click on links to navigate. • Lastly, a suggestion: it’s a good idea to debug your queries directly in SQLite before hooking them into your webinterface. UsetheSQLitecommand-lineinterfacefirst,toensurethatyourqueriesareworkingproperlyand arefinishinginareasonableamountoftime. Inthecommand-lineinterface, youcankillrunawayqueriesusing Ctrl-C. Once you are certain your queries are working properly, incorporate them into your web interface.
Submissioninstructions Congratulations! You’ve completed the AuctionBase project!, To submit your work, first create a submission directory with the following:
Your web.py/ directory (WITH your .db binary file!) parser.py runParser.sh create.sql load.txt constraints_verify.sql trigger{1..N}_add.sql trigger{1..N}_drop.sql createDatabase.sh
Finally, prior to submitting your project, you should perform the following to verify correctness: 1. Run your parser: ./runParser.sh 2. Run your database creation script: ./createDatabase.sh 3. Move your auctions.db database file into your web.py directory: mv auctions.db web.py/ 4. Visit your auction website and confirm all of the features work correctly. 5. Delete any extraneous files (such as .dat) created from running your parser: rm *{,/*}.{dat} 6. Run our sanity checker on your code:
sh /usr/class/cs145/bin/proj3 sanity check.sh
In particular, note that wedorequest that you include a fresh copy of your .db databse binary file as part of your submission. Wewillonlygenerateyourdatabasefileusingyour createDatabase.sh scriptifyoubreaktheautograder. Thismeansthatyoumustincludeallnecessary*.sqlfilesthatarerequiredforcreateDatabase.shtorunproperly! In particular, be sure to include any extra triggerN_add.sql and triggerN_drop.sql files that you may have added for Part 3!