Starting from:


Milestone 1: Single-threaded, In-memory L-Store

Milestone 1: Single-threaded, In-memory L-Store
ECS 165A 
In the first milestone, you will gain a broad understanding of the basics of building a
relational database system from capturing the data model, a simple SQL-like query
interface, to bufferpool management (managing data in-memory).
The main objective of this milestone consists of three steps. (S1) Data Model: to store
the schema and instance for each table in columnar form. (S2) Bufferpool
Management: to maintain data in-memory. (S3) Query Interface: to offer data
manipulation and querying capability such as select, insert, update, delete of a single
key along with a simple aggregation query, namely, to return the summation of a single
column for a range of keys.
The overall goal of this milestone is to create a single-threaded, in-memory database,
based on L-Store [Paper, Slides], capable of performing simple SQL-like operations.
Optionally, to improve performance, you may consider adding indexing support by
employing hash tables or trees. Bonus: Kindly note that the fastest L-Store
implementations (the top three groups) will be rewarded. You may also earn bonus
points for creative design by improving upon L-Store, adding indexing functionality,
experimental analysis with graphs (see the L-Store paper), and/or extended query
capabilities. Overall each group may receive up to 20% bonus.
Think Long-term, Plan Carefully.
Be curious, Be creative!
# Introduction
To derive real-time actionable insights from the data, it is important to bridge the gap
between managing the data that is being updated (write) at a high velocity and
analyzing a large volume of data (read). However, there has been a divide where
specialized solutions were often deployed to support either read-intensive or
write-intensive workloads but not both; thus, limiting the analysis to stale and possibly
irrelevant data.
Lineage-based Data Store (L-Store) is a solution that combines the real-time processing
of transactional and analytical workloads within a single unified engine by introducing a
novel update-friendly lineage-based storage architecture. By exploiting the lineage, we
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
will develop a contention-free and lazy staging of columnar data from a write-optimized
(tail data) form into a read-optimized (base data) form in a transactionally consistent
approach that supports querying and retaining current and historic data. During this
course, we will develop a stripped-down version of L-Store through three milestones.
For the first milestone, we will focus on a simplified in-memory (volatile) implementation
that provides basic relational data storage and querying capabilities. In the second
milestone, we will focus on data durability by persisting data on a disk (non-volatile) and
merging the base and tail data. The third milestone will focus on concurrency and
multi-threaded transaction processing.
# L-Store Fundamentals
L-Store is a relational database, simply put data is stored in a table form consisting of
rows and columns. Each row of a table is a record (also called a tuple) and the columns
hold the attributes of each record. Each record is identified by a unique primary key that
can be referenced by other records to form relationships through foreign keys.
(S1) Data Model:
The key idea of L-Store is to separate the original version of a record inserted into the
database (a base record) and the subsequent updates to it (tail records). Records are
stored in physical pages where a page is basically a fixed-size contiguous memory
chunk, say 4 KB (you may experiment with larger page sizes and observe its effects on
the performance). The base records are stored in read-only pages called base pages.
Each base page is associated with a set of append-only pages called tail pages that will
hold the corresponding tail records, namely, any updates to a record will be added to the
tail pages and will be maintained as a tail record. We will generalize how we associate
base and tail pages when we discuss page ranges.
Data storage in L-Store is columnar, meaning that instead of storing all fields of a record
contiguously, data from different records for the same column are stored together. Each
page is dedicated to a certain column. The idea behind this layout is that most update
and read operations will only affect a small set of columns; hence, separating the
storage for each column would reduce the amount of contention and I/O. Also, the data
in each column tends to be homogeneous, the data on each page can be compressed
more effectively. As a result, the base page (or tail page) is a logical concept because
physically each base page (or tail page) consists of a set of physical pages (4K each,
for example), one for each column.
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
In the database, each record is assigned a unique identifier called a RID, which is often
the physical location of where the record is actually stored. In L-Store, this identifier will
never change during a record’s lifecycle. Each record also includes an indirection
column that points to the latest tail record holding the latest update to the record. When
updating a record, a new tail record is inserted in the corresponding tail pages and the
indirection column of the base record is set to point to the RID of this new tail record.
The tail record’s own indirection is set to point to the RID of the previous tail record (the
previous update) for the same base record if available.
Tail records can be either cumulative or non-cumulative. A cumulative tail record will
contain the latest updated values for each column while a non-cumulative one only
includes the updated column and sets the rest of the column to a special NULL value.
The choice between cumulative or non-cumulative updates offers a trade-off between
update and read performance. For non-cumulative updates, the whole lineage needs
(past updates) to be traversed to get the latest values for all columns. This design might
seem inefficient in the sense that it needs to read multiple records to yield all columns,
however, in practice, the entire lineage may rarely be traversed as most queries need
specific columns. In your implementation, you may choose either option or you may
experiment with both options and quantify the difference for additional bonus points. In
order to see a difference, you need to insert/update many records, perhaps up to a few
million records.
Each base record also contains a schema encoding column. This is a bit vector with one
bit per column that stores information about the update state of each column. In the
base records, the schema encoding will include a 0 bit for all the columns that have not
yet been updated and a 1 bit for those that have been updated. This helps optimize
queries by determining whether we need to follow the lineage or not. In non-cumulative
tail records, the schema encoding serves to distinguish between columns with updated
values and those with NULL values.
L-Store also supports deleting records. When a record is deleted, the base record will be
invalidated by setting the RID of itself and all its tail records to a special value. These
invalidated records will be removed during the next merge cycle for the corresponding
page range. The invalidation part needs to be implemented during this milestone. The
removal of invalidated records will be implemented in the merge routine of the next
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
Records are virtually partitioned into disjoint page ranges.
Each page range consists of a set of base pages. For
example, each page range may contain 64K records while
each base page holds 4K records; thus, 16 base pages.
Each base page (or tail page) itself consists of a set of
physical pages (4 KB each), one for each column. Each
page range also consists of a set of tail pages. Thus, tail
pages are the granularity of page range, not base pages.
Suppose the page range consists of 16 base pages. We
initially start with a single tail page, any updates to these
16 pages are appended to this tail page. Once the tail page
is filled, we allocate a new tail page. The tail pages and
base pages within each range are periodically merged to
yield a set of new base pages that contain all the latest
values for each column. This prevents the need for
consulting tail pages when answering queries. The merge
will be discussed in Milestone 2.
(S2) Bufferpool Management:
In this milestone, we have a simplified bufferpool because data resides only in memory
and is not backed by disk. To keep track of data whether, in memory (or disk), we require
to have a page directory that maps RIDs to pages in memory (or disk) to allow fast
retrieval of records. Recall records are stored in pages, and records are partitioned
across page ranges. Given a RID, the page directory returns the location of a certain
record inside the page within the page range. The efficiency of this data structure is a
key factor in performance.
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
(S3) Query Interface:
We will require simple query capabilities in this milestone that provides the standard
SQL-like functionalities, which is also similar to Key-Value Stores (NoSQL). For this
milestone, you need to provide select, insert, update, delete of a single key along with a
simple aggregation query, namely, to return the summation of a single column for a
range of keys.
# Implementation
We have provided a code skeleton that can be used as a baseline for developing your
version. Our implementation follows the figures and description above. This skeleton is
merely a suggestion and you are free and even encouraged to come up with your own
You will find three main classes in the provided skeleton. Some of the needed methods
in each class are provided as stubs. But you must implement the APIs listed in,,, and; you also need to ensure that you can run to allow auto-grading as well. We have provided several such methods to guide
you through the implementation.
The Database class is a general interface to the database and handles high-level
operations such as starting and shutting down the database instance and loading the
database from stored disk files. This class also handles the creation and deletion of
tables via the create and drop function. The create function will create a new
table in the database. The Table constructor takes as input the name of the table, the
number of columns, and the index of the key column. The drop function drops the
specified table.
The Query class provides standard SQL operations such as insert, select,
update, delete, and sum. The select function returns the specified set of
columns from the record with the given key (if available). The insert function will
insert a new record in the table. All columns should be passed a non-NULL value when
inserting. The update function updates values for the specified set of columns. The
delete function will delete the record with the specified key from the table. The sum
function will sum over the values of the selected column for a range of records specified
by their key values. We query tables by direct function calls rather than parsing SQL
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
The Table class provides the core of our relational storage functionality. All columns are
64-bit integers in this implementation. Users mainly interact with tables through queries.
Tables provide a logical view over the actual physically stored data and mostly manage
the storage and retrieval of data. Each table is responsible for managing its pages and
requires an internal page directory that, given a RID, returns the actual physical location
of the record. The table class should also manage the periodical merge of its
corresponding page ranges.
The Index class provides a data structure that allows fast processing of queries (e.g.,
select or update) by indexing columns of tables over their values. Given a certain
value for a column, the index should efficiently locate all records having that value. The
key column of all tables is usually indexed by default for performance reasons.
Supporting indexing is optional for this milestone. The API for this class exposes the
two functions create_index and drop_index (optional for this milestone).
The Page class provides low-level physical storage capabilities. In the provided
skeleton, each page has a fixed size of 4096 KB. This should provide optimal
performance when persisting to disk as most hard drives have blocks of the same size.
You can experiment with different sizes. This class is mostly used internally by the
Table class to store and retrieve records. While working with this class keep in mind that
tail and base pages should be identical from the hardware’s point of view.
The file is meant to act as centralized storage for all the configuration options
and the constant values used in the code. It is good practice to organize such
information into a Singleton object accessible from every file in the project. This class
will find more use when implementing persistence in the next milestone.
Milestone Deliverables/Grading Scheme: What to submit?
At the end of this milestone, each team needs to prepare a presentation that concisely
summarizes the entire progress including data model, bufferpool, and query API,
followed by a live demo of your L-Store implementation. Your submission should have
working create, insert, select, update, delete, and sum methods and
correct implementation of L-Store fundamentals such as base and tail pages and
records. Further, your submission should successfully run and pass;
otherwise, a grade of zero will be received on the auto-grading component of the
assignment. You will need to submit the presentation slides in .pptx, .key, or .pdf
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: February 8, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 24%
format by the due date. The submission is done through Canvas, and only one group
member must submit the package on behalf of the entire group.
The actual presentation and evaluation will be scheduled after the milestone due date
from 8:00am-7:00pm on February 11, 2022. Each group will be assigned a dedicated
20-minute timeslot. The presentation must be completed strictly in 8 minutes (no extra
time would be granted) followed by an 8-minute Q&A and 4-minutes live demo. During
the 8-minute presentation, each student must present their respective parts. In Q&A,
each team member will be asked questions related to any part of the milestone to
ensure every student’s participation and understanding of the whole assignment.
Presentation Format:
● The milestone overview: the design and solution, what was accomplished, and
how? (8 minutes)
● Q/A: Questions about various aspects of the project (8 minutes)
● Demo: A live demonstration of the code, which includes adding, modifying, and
querying the data (4 minutes)
Important Note:
1. The presentation slides and the live demo must be identical to the materials
submitted by the milestone due date.
2. The milestones are incremental, building on each other. For example, your
Milestones 2 & 3 depending on your Milestone 1, and any missing functionalities
in your code will affect future milestones.
As noted in the course syllabus, for each milestone, a portion of the grade is devoted to
the presented project as a whole on which all members receive the same grade (70% of
the grade), but the remaining portion is individualized (30% of the grade), so for each
milestone, not all group members may receive the same grade. In each milestone, a
bonus of up to 20% can be gained to further encourage taking a risk, going the extra
mile, and just being curious & creative.
Late Policy
There will be a 10% penalty for each late day. After two late days, the homework will not
be accepted.

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