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Milestone 2 Derivation and Evaluation of Business Blueprints

Assignment 2: Couse Project Milestone 2
Derivation and Evaluation of Business Blueprints
Software Architecture
In assignments 2 and 3, you will specify a software architecture (blueprint) “family”
based on the domain problem and stakeholder requirements outlined in assignment 1.
Each family will be composed of a "business" blueprint (BB), two “solution” blueprints
(SB), and two "deployment" blueprints (DB) (Figure 1). Assignment 2 involves
derivation and evaluation of a business blueprint, and Assignment 3 builds upon this
result with the derivation and evaluation of solution and deployment blueprints.
Quality Needs
and Data
Blueprint “Family” for Student 1
Blueprint 1
Blueprint 1.1
Blueprint 1.2
Blueprint 1.1
Blueprint 1.2
Prioritized Needs and
Related Qualities 1
Blueprint “Family” for Student n
Blueprint n
Blueprint n.1
Blueprint n.2
Blueprint n.1
Blueprint n.2
Prioritized Needs and
Related Qualities n
Assignment 1
(submitted as a
Assignment 2
(individual, with
one set of
prioritized needs
and one business
blueprint per
Assignment 3
(individual, with
two solution and
two deployment
blueprints per
Figure 1: Blueprint "families" derived from stakeholder needs and domain functionality
• The BB is intended to be the architect's implementation-independent "vision" for
how domain functionality should be assigned to system components (i.e., what is
the functional and data responsibilities of each component). BB connectors
represent the dependencies between components due to the I/O between functions
allocated to those components. BB allocation is driven by heuristics that suggest
how structural properties, such as coupling, cohesion, and complexity, may
promote or inhibit system qualities of interest (i.e., non-functional requirements
expressed by stakeholders). Depending on the heuristics applied, the choice of
components can be influenced by business areas, organizations, performer roles,
legacy implementations, and other factors.
• The SB and DB "instantiate" the BB by describing implementation details; BB
components are realized by SB and DB components and connectors that represent
software modules, computing platforms, people, connectivity, etc. While the SB
and DB are implementation specific, the level of detail between two DBs may be
quite different, e.g., identifying off-the-shelf software as a black box versus
describing the exchange of control and data between software modules. The SB
and DB may be inspired by any design principle that helps satisfy stakeholder
needs, including, but not limited to, what are commonly known as architectural
• Regardless of the blueprint type, evaluations are chosen to determine whether
stakeholder needs have been met based on the blueprint representation. Business
Blueprint derivation entails making only structural decisions with regard to
allocating functions and data to components based on non-functional
requirements (system qualities). Evaluation involves measuring the blueprint's
structure (component size and coupling) to determine if heuristics have been
applied that yield a structure promoting qualities of interest.
The business blueprint in Assignment 2 and the solution and deployment blueprints in
Assignment 3 are derived from the functional, non-functional, and installation
requirements in Assignment 1. While you worked in groups for Assignment 1, you will
be working independently for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3. As you derive your
blueprints, you may determine that you need to additional detail about the requirements
in Assignment 1 (i.e., as though you were asking the requirements engineer to elaborate).
You are welcome to revise Assignment 1, but everyone in your group must agree to the
changes and derive their blueprints from the same set of requirements (i.e., everyone
must derive their business blueprints from the same revised Assignment 1).
Part 1: Prioritize Stakeholder Qualities/Constraints and Associate them with Quality
Create a table that enumerates and prioritizes each of the stakeholder needs from
Assignment 1 Section 1.5 and classifies them based on architectural quality categories,
such as reusability, maintainability, performance, cost, reliability, etc. Note that priorities
are often not stated explicitly, requiring you to infer them. Similarly, you may only have
priorities in the context of one stakeholder, requiring you to merge priorities across
- Deliverables:
o Table (Word or Excel) with stakeholder need, priority, classification, and a
brief justification for priority assignment.
o Assignment 1 resubmitted (please resubmit Assignment 1 whether revised or
Part 2: Derive a Business Blueprint (BB)
Create a BB based on stakeholder needs and assigned qualities and priorities from Part 1.
As discussed in class, business blueprint derivation involves collecting domain functions
and data into logical components that are "responsible" for those functional requirements.
- Deliverables:
o Representation (components and connectors)
! UML class model where classes represent components and
associations are I/O dependencies between components (annotate the
line with the number of input dependencies next to the respective
component). Use class methods to represent the functions allocated to
a component.
• Note: You need not depict the data allocated to each
• Note: When annotating your component-to-component
associations, take into account all data/event dependencies
between components (see the following items below: Functionto-function data I/O, Function-to-function event I/O, and
• Note: Generate graphics with any UML-capable tool, such as
Visio, Argo, Rose, Enterprise Architect, etc.
Text (Word or Excel)
! List of components.
! List of functions allocated to each component.
• Note: A function can only be allocated to one component (i.e.,
cannot be replicated across components).
! List of data allocated to each component.
• Note: You need not allocate events (or “transient” data
elements). For example, assume event
“UserHasBeenAuthenticated” is generated by the
“Authenticate” function and required by the “Add Course”
function. The event is clearly passed from “Authenticate” to
“Add Course” (creating a dependency between them), but it
does not need to be allocated to a component because no
component has the responsibility to “manage” it.
• Note: A data element can only be allocated to one component
(i.e., cannot be replicated across components).
! List of function I/O dependencies between components resulting from
the following:
• Function-to-function data I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1, Function2 is allocated to Component2, and
Function1 generates Data1 that is required by Function2.
• Function-to-function event I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1, Function2 is allocated to Component2, and
Function1 generates Event1 that is required by Function2.
• Function-references-data-stored: Function1 allocated to
Component1 uses input Data3 retrieved directly from
Component3, where it was allocated, or Function1 allocated to
Component1 outputs Data3 that is stored in Component3,
where it was allocated.
o Note: If a data element has been allocated to a
component, if must be referenced directly by some
function in the business blueprint.
! List of function I/O dependencies between components and external
producers/consumers resulting from the following:
• External-to-function data I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1 and requires DataX1 as input from an external
• External-to-function event I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1 and requires EventX1 as input from an external
• Function-to-external data I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1 and outputs DataX2 to an external consumer.
• Function-to-external event I/O: Function1 is allocated to
Component1 and outputs EventX2 to an external consumer.
! List of function I/O satisfied within the same component:
• Function-to-function data I/O: Both Function2 and Function4
are allocated to Component2, and Function2 generates Data4
that is required by Function4.
• Function-to-function event I/O: Both Function2 and Function4
are allocated to Component2, and Function2 generates Event4
that is required by Function4.
• Function-references-data-stored: Function4 allocated to
Component2 inputs or outputs Data5, which is also allocated to
• Function1
• Function2
• Function4
• Data5
• Data3
Figure 2: I/O dependency types
o Derivation Plan and Rationale
! Create a derivation plan composed of at least 5 relevant heuristics
from the heuristic guidelines that accompany this assignment. (At
least one of those heuristics must be related to coupling/cohesion or
size/complexity in order to complete Part 3.)
• Associate heuristics with your blueprint goals.
• Describe how the heuristics map to stakeholder quality needs.
o Note: Your blueprint goals should help your mapping
• It is possible that some of your stakeholder needs cannot be
addressed at the business blueprint level, but you must discuss
all stakeholder needs and be explicit about those that cannot be
• Prioritize the goals and heuristics according to the priorities
identified in Part 1 and your judgment of heuristic
effectiveness (e.g., heuristic 1 is more effective than heuristic 2
for promoting reusability because…). Justify your priority
• Identify potential conflicts and describe tradeoff options based
on priorities and heuristic effectiveness.
• Describe how the bootstrap you specified was a reasonable
starting point based on your derivation plan.
Part 3: Evaluate Business Blueprint Structure
Calculate the following structural metrics for the Business Blueprint from Part 2.
- Deliverables:
o Coupling and Cohesion Metrics
! Number of Inputs/Outputs between components
o For each component:
! Number of inputs (data and events) across all functions in
the component that are received from another component +
Number of outputs (data and events) across all functions in
the component that are sent to another component.
• Note: This is essentially any data or event that crosses
the component boundary, excluding data/events sent to
our received from external.
• Note: If the same data or event is received from
multiple functions in another component, count each
receipt as a separate instance. For example, if
Function1.1 and Function1.2 in Component1 both send
Data1 to Component2, consider that two inputs/outputs
when calculating the “Number of Inputs/Outputs” for
Component1 and Component2.
! Number of dependencies between components
o For each component:
! Number of components to which this component sends
some output or from which this component receives some
! Degree of Cohesion
o For each component
! Percentage of functions in the component that receive all
inputs from functions/data within the component and send
all outputs to functions/data within the component.
o Size and Complexity Metrics
! Number of functions in a component
o For each component
! Number of functions allocated to that component.
! Number of data elements in a component
o For each component
! Number of data elements allocated to that component.
! Number of components in the blueprint
o For the blueprint as a whole
! Number of components.
! Component complexity
o For each component
! Number of data elements + number of functions + number
of inputs and outputs for each function.
o Support for Applied Heuristic
For at least one of the heuristics you chose when deriving your Business
Blueprint, discuss how the metrics above can be used to demonstrate that the
heuristic has been applied.
• Think of the BB, SB, and DB as your "back of the envelope" or "napkin"
architectures: If someone asked you to sketch your architecture with or without
implementation details, what would you draw?
o What are you trying to communicate?
o What is the recipient of the sketch asking?
• By proposing a suite of blueprints from abstract to more concrete, we are simply
formalizing best practice. In other words, as a software engineer you are
accustomed to specifying different types of models because you want to (i) ask
questions that are more easily answered by one model versus another and (ii)
convey information to stakeholders in a clear and concise way. The precise BB,
SB, and DB breakdown is not as important as the concept of a hierarchy of
architectures. (Note: We use the term "blueprint" because it implies visions and
• It is not our intention to teach a single architectural approach or modeling notation
in this class. Rather, we want the takeaway message to include general principles
such as the following:
o choosing the right representation,
o systematic, stepwise derivation and evaluation,
o capturing derivation rationale, and
o retaining traceability.
• In the spirit of the software engineering mantra that suggests "problems found
earlier are cheaper/easier to fix," we recommend you push as much vision as
possible "up" to the BB. If a quality can be affected by collecting functionality in
one way or another, allow that to influence your BB derivation.
• Heuristics, styles, and design principles often conflict, requiring tradeoffs in the
BB, SB, and DB. Tradeoffs are made in part based the relative priorities of
stakeholder needs and the associated system qualities.

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