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MiniAssignment 2- Assume that the monthly profits

Assume that the monthly profits of a company are given in an array, each entry representingthe  profits  for  the  corresponding  month.   Propose  an  algorithm  to  find  a  group  ofconsecutivemonths where the profit was the highest.For example, the profits, in millions, for a year Jan-Dec is given byA=[2 -5 3 4 0 -1 5 8 -9 1 -2 0];The highest profit was from the period March-August and the value is 19 million.  Assumethat the array can be very large–not just 12 months.  Submit a well comment pseudocode alongwith an example of the algorithm works.  Grading scheme:  (your grade will be based on whichever class your algorithm falls in)

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