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MIPS Assignment #4

CS 218 – MIPS Assignment #4
Purpose: Become familiar with the MIPS Instruction Set, and the MIPS procedure calling
convention, and indexing for multiple dimension arrays.
Points: 90
Write a simple assembly language program to calculate
the Manhattan Distance1
 (also referred to as Taxicab
Geometry) between two game grids. The Manhattan
Distance can be used as a metric to determine how close
a current game board configuration is to a final goal or
ending configuration.
Each game grid is a twodimensional array containing
numbers representing the current
game status. The game grid must
be square (rows=columns) and
the size is referred to as the order.
The game board must contain the
numbers from 0 to order2
-1. For
example, a goal state for a grid of order 3 might be as
The provided main calls the following functions:
● Write a MIPS void function, displayBoard(), that will display a formatted game grid. Refer
to the sample output for examples.
● Write a MIPS void function, manhattanDistance(), to determine the Manhattan Distance
between the passed goal grid and the current state grid. The distance between two points,
(x0,y0) and (x1,y1), can be computed as follows:
distance = ∑
( |xi 1 − xi 0| + |yi 1 − yi 0| )
The points represent the grid location. The distance
is displayed to the console. Refer to the sample
output for examples. For our implementation, the 0
represents an empty space and should be skipped.
● Write a MIPS value returning function,
validateBoard(), to validate a game board. The
function should return TRUE or FALSE (defined
constants). Note, A MIPS function returns its result
in $v0.
1 For more information, refer to:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0
I have a
programming joke,
but it only works
on my computer.
Array Implementation:
In assembly, multi-dimension arrays are implemented as a large single dimension array. The formula
for calculating two-dimensional array indexing is:
addr[r][c] = baseAddress + (r * colSize + c) * dataSize
You must use the formula to access matrix elements. No score will be provided for submissions that
do not use this formula. Refer to the text, MIPS Assembly Language Programming using QtSpim,
Chapter 10, Multi-Dimension Array Implementation for more information.
Example Output:
The following is the example of the output for MIPS assignment #4. Note, the output is truncated for
space considerations.
MIPS Assignment #4
Program to Calculate Manhattan Distance.
3x3 Goal Board #1
 ---- ---- ----
 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
 | 7 | 8 | 0 |
 ---- ---- ----
3x3 Game Board 0
 ---- ---- ----
 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
 | 4 | 5 | 3 |
 | 7 | 8 | 6 |
 ---- ---- ----
Manhattan Distance: 2
3x3 Game Board 1
 ---- ---- ----
 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
 | 4 | 2 | 5 |
 | 7 | 8 | 6 |
 ---- ---- ----
Manhattan Distance: 4
. . . output truncated . . .

• All source files must assemble and execute with QtSpim/SPIM MIPS simulator.
• Submit source file
◦ Submit a copy of the program source file via the on-line submission
• Once you submit, the system will score the project and provide feedback.
◦ If you do not get full score, you can (and should) correct and resubmit.
◦ You can re-submit an unlimited number of times before the due date/time (at a maximum
rate of 5 submissions per hour).
• Late submissions will be accepted for a period of 24 hours after the due date/time for any given
assignment. Late submissions will be subject to a ~2% reduction in points per an hour late. If
you submit 1 minute - 1 hour late -2%, 1-2 hours late -4%, … , 23-24 hours late -50%. This
means after 24 hours late submissions will receive an automatic 0.
Program Header Block
All source files must include your name, section number, assignment, NSHE number, and program
description. The required format is as follows:
# Name: <your name>
# NSHE ID: <your id>
# Section: <section>
# Assignment: <assignment number>
# Description: <short description of program goes here>
Failure to include your name in this format will result in a reduction of points.
Scoring Rubric
Scoring will include functionality, code quality, and documentation. Below is a summary of the
scoring rubric for this assignment.
Criteria Weight Summary
Assemble - Failure to assemble will result in a score
of 0.
Program Header 3% Must include header block in the
required format (see above).
General Comments 7% Must include an appropriate level of
program documentation.
Program Functionality
(and on-time)
90% Program must meet the functional
requirements as outlined in the
assignment. Must be submitted on time
for full score.

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