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MIPS Simulator: Pipelining I Project 3

MIPS Simulator: Pipelining I
Project 3 – CS 3339 – Spring 2019

Cycle-accurate simulators are often used to study the impact of microarchitectural enhancements before
they are designed in hardware. In this project, you will turn your emulator from Project 2 into a cycleaccurate simulator of a pipelined MIPS CPU.
Most cycle-accurate simulators are composed of two parts: a functional model, which emulates the
functional behavior of each instruction (e.g., your Project 2 emulator), and a timing model, which simulates
enough of the cycle-level behavior of the hardware to allow it to determine the runtime of an instruction
sequence. The simulator may also track and report other events of interest, such as the number of
branches taken vs. not-taken. These counts are called performance counters.
I have provided a class skeleton for a Stats class intended to be instantiated inside your existing CPU class.
The Stats class has functions (some of which are defined already, some of which are blank and need to be
filled in) that allow it to collect statistics from the CPU during the simulation of a program, and to model the
timing behavior of an 8-stage MIPS pipeline similar to the one we have studied in class.
The pipeline has the following stages: IF1, IF2, ID, EXE1, EXE2, MEM1, MEM2, WB.
Branches are resolved in the ID stage. There is no branch delay (in other words, the instruction words
immediately following a taken branch in memory should not be executed). There is also no load delay slot
(an instruction that reads a register written by an immediately-preceding load should receive the loaded
value). Just like the 5-stage MIPS pipeline, there are no structural hazards, and data is written to the
register file in WB in the first half of the clock cycle and can be read in ID in the second half of that same
clock cycle.
For now, assume there are no forwarding paths: all sources must be read in ID, and a value must always be
written back to the register file before it can be used as a source. The pipeline must inject the appropriate
number of bubbles to ensure this for all read-after-write (RAW) data hazards.
Note that trap 0x01 reads register Rs and trap 0x05 writes register Rt. Note that mfhi and mflo
read the hi/lo registers, and mult and div write them.
Note that the $zero register cannot be written and is therefore always immediately available.
Your simulator will report the following statistics at the end of the program:
• The exact number of clock cycles it would take to execute the program on a CPU with the
hardware parameters described above. (Remember that there’s a 7-cycle startup penalty before
the first instruction is complete)
• The CPI (cycle count / instruction count)
• The number of bubble cycles injected due to data dependencies
• The number of flush cycles in the shadows of jumps and taken branches
• The percentage of instructions that are memory accesses ( memory-op count / instr count)
• The percentage of instructions that are branches (branch count / instruction count)
• The percentage of branch instructions that are taken (taken branches / total branches)
Note that the last two bullet points above refer to conditional branch instructions only (i.e., beq and bne
instructions), not jump instructions.
You are provided the following new files:
• A Stats.h class specification file, which you should read carefully to understand the functions
which should be implemented
• A Stats.cpp class implementation file, which you should enhance with code to track the pipeline
state in order to identify data dependencies and to model bubbles and flushes
• A new Makefile
In addition to enhancing the Stats.cpp/.h skeleton, you will need to modify your existing CPU.cpp in
order to call the necessary Stats class functions. Don’t forget to #include “Stats.h” in the CPU class
header file and instantiate a Stats class object in CPU.
When modifying your existing CPU.cpp please follow this format example (you will have to change it as
appropriate for each instruction). If you keep the calls to Stats on the same line as the register use it will
be much easier to find mistakes. Additionally, by keeping the order rd, rs, rt it will help me debug your
code if needed.
 writeDest = true; destReg = rd; stats.registerDest(rd);
 aluOp = ADD;
 aluSrc1 = regFile[rs]; stats.registerSrc(rs);
 aluSrc2 = regFile[rt]; stats.registerSrc(rt);
You’ll also need to change CPU::printFinalStats() to match the expected output format (see below).
This project is to be submitted individually, and you should be able to explain all code that you submit. You
are encouraged to discuss, plan, design, and debug with fellow students. Unlike the prior assignments you
do not have a complete set of outputs to compare, however you can check your results with the information
provide in the project3_expected.txt file which is included in the tarball. You are encouraged to check your
results with other students as well, but never share your source code.
You must have a working copy of Project 2 to start this project. Begin by copying all of your Project 2 files
into a new Project 3 directory, e.g.:
$ cp -r cs3339_project2/ cs3339_project3/
Download and extract the additional files in provided cs3339_project3.tgz and add them to your project3
directory. You can compile and run the simulator program identically to Project 2, and test it using the
same *.mips inputs.
The following approach is recommended for your Stats class.
Notify the Stats object whenever an instruction in the ID stage uses a register as a destination, and
whenever an instruction in ID uses a register as a source. I’ve provided function definitions for this
(registerSrc/Dest). When a register is used as a source, the Stats class should look for instructions in
later pipeline stages (older instructions) that will write that register. This will allow Stats to identify data
dependencies (RAW hazards). A bubble injects a NOP into the pipeline (an operation that doesn’t write
any register). You’ll also need to keep track of flushes due to jumps and taken branches. A flush overwrites
an existing pipeline entry with a NOP.
You can check your timing results using the equation instrs = cycles – 7 – bubbles – flushes.
The following is the expected result for sssp.mips which is included as sssp.out in the tarball. Your output
must match this format verbatim:
CS 3339 MIPS Simulator
Running: sssp.mips
7 1
Program finished at pc = 0x400440 (449513 instructions executed)
Cycles: 1627234
CPI: 3.62
Bubbles: 1125724
Flushes: 51990
Mem ops: 43.9% of instructions
Branches: 9.6% of instructions
 % Taken: 60.5
Note that you can print the ratio a/b with 1 place after the decimal and a percentage sign using the
following C++ code:
cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << 100.0 * a / b << “%” << endl;
Additional Requirements:
• Your code must compile with the given Makefile and run on
• Your code must be well-commented, sufficient to prove you understand its operation
• Make sure your code doesn’t produce unwanted output such as debugging messages. (You can
accomplish this by using the D(x) macro defined in Debug.h)
• Make sure your code’s runtime is not excessive
• Make sure your code is correctly indented and uses a consistent coding style (and don’t use any
TAB characters!)
• Clean up your code before submitting: i.e., make sure there are no unused variables, unreachable
code, etc.
Verify that you have included your name in the header of the CPU.cpp and Stats.cpp files (and Stats.h if you
have modified it). Submit all of the code necessary to compile your simulator (all of the .cpp and .h files
not just the ones you have modified, and the Makefile) as a compressed tarball with your netID at the
beginning of the filename. You can do this using the following Linux command:
$ tar czvf <your NetID_project3.tgz *.cpp *.h Makefile
Do not submit the executables (*.mips files). Any special instructions or comments to the grader,
including notes about features you know do not work, should be included in a separate text file (not inside
the tarball) named <your_netID_README.txt. The submission on TRACS should contain one or two
lbh31_project3.tgz (using your netID)
lbh31_README.txt (optional but must be a text file)
Failure to follow these instructions will result in point deductions including a zero score if the submission
does not run on zeus. To verify you have packaged everything correctly I have also provided a bash script
called submit_test. Download this script and follow the directions to confirm your submission will un-tar
and compile properly on zeus. Common mistakes include forgetting the Makefile or using .zip format.
All project files are to be submitted using TRACS. Please follow the submission instructions here:
Note that files are only submitted if TRACS indicates a successful submission. Be sure you receive the
verification email to confirm.
You may submit your file(s) as many times as you’d like before the deadline. Only the last submission will
be graded. TRACS will not allow submission after the deadline, so I strongly recommend that you don’t
come down to the final seconds of the assignment window. Late assignments will be assessed a 10 point
penalty until noon following the due date. After that submissions will not be accepted.

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