CptS 479 Mobile Application Development
Homework 3
General Instructions: Put the entire app directory into one zip file and submit as an attachment
under Content à Homework 3 for this course on the Blackboard Learn system by the above
deadline. Note that you may submit multiple times, but only the most recent entry submitted before
the above deadline will be graded.
For this homework you will extend the QuizApp functionality from HW2 so that you only have
five seconds to answer each question and the number of correct/incorrect answers is shown at the
end. I have posted my solution to HW2 on Blackboard Learn. You can work from this version, or
your own. See screen shots below. Specifically,
1. Add the MyTimer class to your app, as discussed in class. Your ViewController class
should adhere to the MyTimerDelegate. The timer should restart at the beginning of each
question, and the app should show the seconds counting down. When the timer reaches
zero, the app should transition to the next question, or if it reaches the end of the questions,
the app should display the results and a button for taking the quiz again.
2. The quiz results should show “Results” where the question number normally appears, and
should show something like “2 right, 1 wrong” where the quiz prompt normally appears.
The answer buttons, message label and time-remaining label should be hidden, and a button
title “Again?” should be centered at the bottom.
3. The user may continue to tap on answer buttons while there is time remaining. Obviously,
the user can just keep tapping until they get the right answer. This behavior is acceptable
for now.
4. Be sure that auto layout constraints are set so that the view elements are appropriately
displayed with no overlap regardless of device orientation. You may have to reduce the
vertical spacing between the various elements of the view to make everything fit in
landscape orientation.
5. Other than the changes described above, your app should also meet all of the HW2