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Module 2- utilize JavaScript to control a form

Module 2 Assignment
 Purpose
Students will create an HTML page and utilize JavaScript to control a form and validate the data the user
enters into the form.
 Related Module Objecves
This assignment satisfies Module Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
 Possible Points
This assignment is worth a maximum of 100 points. 
 Important Notes
Students may refer to the following pages in case they forget how to perform the following tasks:
Access the Course Web Server
Viewing your ePortfolio in a web browser
 Required Tools
Students will be required to use one or more of the following tools to earn a passing grade on the module
assignment. Each of the tools listed below can be downloaded for free or already exist in the indicated
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Assignment Description
Students will create a payment processing web page using a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Like many websites that allow users to make payments online, this web page will offer users two (2) options
for making a payment: credit card or PayPal. The fields and controls presented to the user depends on
which payment option is selected. For example, if the credit card payment option is selected, only the fields
and controls related to a credit card are displayed and the fields and controls related to PayPal are removed.
operating system.
Web browser (Chrome or Firefox recommended)
Basic text editor
Notepad++ (Windows)
TextEdit in plain­text mode (Mac OS)
pico or vi (Linux)
Secure Shell (SSH) client
PuTTy (Windows)
ssh (Mac OS and Linux)
File transfer tool (must support SFTP via SSH ­ DO NOT USE FTP)
WinSCP (Windows)
CyberDuck (Mac OS)
sftp (Linux)
 Warnings
Students must complete this assignment without the assistance of third­party development tools or
frameworks such as jQuery or Bootstrap. Assignments that appear to be the product of third­party
development tools or frameworks (professor's discretion) will receive 0 points.
 Direcons
 Review the requirements listed in the Assignment Requirements section
 Create a website that meets all of the stated requirements
 Complete the assignment before the due date (refer to the Course Schedule)
Note: Students will not submit anything to Canvas.
 Assignment Requirements
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The following screenshots provide examples of the form with either the credit card option or the PayPal
option selected.
Preliminary Tasks
Several pictures have been preselected for use with this project
Click here to download the pictures
Log onto the Course Web Server
Create a folder called images in the module2 folder
Store all of the pictures used in your web pages for this assignment in the images folder
Use relative URLs to access the pictures
For all the web pages created for this assignment
Hyperlinks to pages outside the web server (i.e., should open the linked pages in
a new browser tab or window
All other hyperlinks should open the linked pages in the same browser tab or window
An automatic 10­point (10%) penalty will be assessed for any disorganized pages.
Payment Processing Page (30 points)
Create a Payment Processing web page using the filename index.html in the module2 folder.
Give the page a descriptive title
Display Enter Payment Information along the top of the page using an <h2 tag
Create a form that includes the following controls (at a minimum):
Note 1: Use the form tag <form onSubmit="return validateForm();" to create the form.
Note 2: The form is comprised of two (2) sections ­ Payment Selection and Payment Information.
Note 3: The credit card controls should be displayed in the Payment Information section by default.
Payment Selection section
Two (2) radio buttons
Configure the onClick event of each radio button with the statement "updateForm(this);"
Credit Card Payment (American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa)
Note 1: This option should be selected by default.
Note 2: Use the provided images rather than text to indicate the purpose of the radio
PayPal Payment
Note: Use the provided image rather than text to indicate the purpose of the radio button.
One (1) button
Note 1: The submit button should be placed at the bottom of the form (below the
Payment Information section).
Note 2: Use the provided image rather than text to represent the submit button.
Payment Information section
Store the fields and controls within a single <div tag
Note: The Payment Processing form should contain only one (1) <div tag.
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Credit Card Payment Controls
Nine (9) text fields
Note: All text fields should be configured to require user input.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Name on Card
Card Number
Include a hyperlink to an article about CVV2/CVC on
One (1) select field (drop­down list)
The first <option tag should contain the text Select State
The option should be selected by default
Populate the select field with the names of all 50 states
One (1) date field
Expiration Date
Limit the field to display only the month and year values of the selected date 
Restrict the date range to January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2020
Set the default value to  December, 2017
PayPal Payment Controls
One (1) text field
Email Address
This is a different text field; therefore, give it a unique name
One (1) password field
At the bottom of the page, include one (1) additional hyperlink to your ePortfolio
Use a relative URL for the ePortfolio link
External CSS File (10 points)
Modify the site.css file located in the public_html/css/ folder to control the presentation of the Payment
Processing page.
Note: You can use existing functionality when possible.
Make the text of the <h2 header a color other than the default color
Do not modify the text size of hyperlinks on this page
Use custom radio buttons for the Payment Selection section,
Set the background of the selected radio button to green
Set the background of the unselected radio buttons to grey
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External JavaScript File (50 points)
Create an external JavaScript file with the filename script.js in the module2 folder.
Import the script.js file into the HTML page
Add the following functions to the script.js file. Use the information provided with the function to assist
with creating the function.
Control  Data Type   # Digits  Related Function
Address String
 Card Number String Various  validateCreditCard 
 City String
 CVV2/CVC Number 3 validateControl
 Email Address String validateEmail
 Expiration Date  Date validateDate
 First Name String
 Last Name String
 Name on Card  String
 Password String validatePassword
 State validateState
 Zip Number 5 validateControl
testLength(value, length, exactLength)
value ­ the value to test
length ­ the required length of the value
exactLength ­ (boolean) true means value.length = length; false means value.length = length
Test whether the value is the correct length
If the test passes,
Return true
If the test fails,
Return false
Return true only if the test passes; otherwise, return false
value ­ the value to test
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Test whether the value represents a number
If the test passes,
Return true
If the test fails,
Return false
Return true only if the test passes; otherwise, return false
control ­ the radio button control clicked
Update the Payment Information section with the appropriate controls based on which radio
button control was clicked
Hint: Update the innerHTML of the <div tag
View Credit Card Payment controls example
View PayPal Payment controls example
validateControl(control, name, length)
control ­ the control containing the string value to test
name ­ the proper name of the control (i.e., First Name, Zip, etc.)
length ­ the required length of the control value
Test whether the control's value is the correct length
Call the testLength function
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Test whether the control's value represents a number
Call the testNumber function 
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true only if both tests pass; otherwise, return false
Note: Refer to the credit card table below for important details about credit card numbers.
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Card Type  1st Digit   Length 
AmEx 3 15
Discover 6 16
 MasterCard  5 16
Visa 4 16
value ­ the credit card string value to test
Remove any spaces from the value
1234 5678 9012 3456 becomes 1234567890123456
Test whether the credit card value is the correct length (see table)
Call the testLength function
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Test whether the credit card value represents a number
Call the testNumber function
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Test whether the first digit of the credit card value represents a valid credit card type (see
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true only if all three (3) tests pass; otherwise, return false
value ­ the date value to test
Test if value is greater than today's date
Do NOT test using the current month
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true if the date value is at least one (1) month greater than today's date; otherwise,
return false
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value ­ the email string to test
Use a Regular Expression (RegEx) to determine if the string value conforms to a typical email
address (i.e.,
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true if the string value represents a typical email address; otherwise, return false
Call each of the necessary functions in some order to validate the form's fields
Note 1: Only call the functions needed to test the fields related to the selected payment
Credit Card option: Test all of the fields except PayPal fields (Email Address and
PayPal option: Test only the PayPal fields (Email Address and Password)
Note 2: Some functions may need to be called more than once.
If all the tested functions return true, display a message such as Payment Submitted
Credit Card option: Test five (5) functions
Some functions may need to be called multiple times
PayPal option: Test two (2) functions
Always return false
Otherwise, the web browser may display an error message
validatePassword(value, minLength)
value ­ the password string to test
minLength ­ the minimum length of the string value
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Test if the string value is greater than or equal to the minLength value
Call the testLength function
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true if the string value is equal to or greater than minLength; otherwise, return false
Test whether the Select State option is currently selected
If the test fails,
Display an appropriate error message
Return false
Return true if a valid state option is selected; otherwise, return false
ePortfolio Page (10 points)
Update your ePortfolio web page (index.html) in the public_html folder.
Replace the text [student name] with your first name
Create a hyperlink using the existing text Module 1 to open your Personal web page
Use a relative URL for the Personal web page link

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