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Module 5- Movie Shopping Cart website to include AJAX

Module 5 Assignment
 Purpose
Students will modify their Movie Shopping Cart website to include AJAX, database, and email
 Related Module Objecves
This assignment satisfies Module Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
 Possible Points
This assignment is worth a maximum of 100 points. 
 Important Notes
Students may refer to the following pages in case they forget how to perform the following tasks:
Access the Course Web Server
Viewing your ePortfolio in a web browser
Students are required to modify the website (PHP, JavaScript and CSS files) they created for Module
4 to complete the Module 5 assignment successfully. Students that were unable to complete the Module
4 assignment successfully, in its entirety, will need to complete the Module 4 assignment to avoid
additional deductions on their Module 5 assignment (the Module 4 assignment will remain available as a
reference throughout Module 5).
Students have the option to request from the professor a working copy of the Module 4 assignment in
exchange for an automatic 10­point deduction on their Module 5 assignment grade. Please note,
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however, that the working copy of the Module 4 assignment offered by the professor is provided as­is ­
he will not modify the project to suit a particular student's needs nor will he explain how the code works.
Students are required to request a free API key from the Open Movie Database (OMDB)
( to complete the assignment successfully. While the OMDB API key
is free, students are limited to 1,000 requests per day (an average of 1 request every 90 seconds).
Students should avoid infinite loops and unnecessary API requests to avoid delays in the
development and testing of their websites. As a recommendation, students should avoid adding more
than five (5) movies to their shopping cart at any time ­ one (1) API request is required for each movie
in the shopping cart each time the contents of the shopping cart are displayed.
 Required Tools
Students will be required to use one or more of the following tools to earn a passing grade on the module
assignment. Each of the tools listed below can be downloaded for free or already exist in the indicated
operating system.
Web browser (Chrome or Firefox recommended)
Basic text editor
Notepad++ (Windows)
TextEdit in plain­text mode (Mac OS)
pico or vi (Linux)
Secure Shell (SSH) client
PuTTy (Windows)
ssh (Mac OS and Linux)
File transfer tool (must support SFTP via SSH ­ DO NOT USE FTP)
WinSCP (Windows)
CyberDuck (Mac OS)
sftp (Linux)
 Warnings
Unlike previous assignments, students will need to perform most of their coding (especially the PHP
code) directly on the Course Web Server. This is required because PHP requires a web server in order
to run. Please note, however, that this does not mean that students must edit their PHP files directly on
the server.
Unlike previous assignments, students will need to manage server­side (PHP) and client­side (HTML,
CSS and Javascript) code to make their website function properly. Many students struggle, at first, with
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AJAX programming; therefore, students should avoid waiting too long before starting this assignment so
they have plenty of time to become comfortable with the AJAX programming.
Students must complete this assignment without the assistance of third­party development tools or
frameworks such as jQuery or Bootstrap. Assignments that appear to be the product of third­party
development tools or frameworks (professor's discretion) will receive 0 points.
 Direcons
 Review the requirements listed in the Assignment Requirements section
 Create a website that meets all of the stated requirements
 Complete the assignment before the due date (refer to the Course Schedule)
Note: Students will not submit anything to Canvas.
 Assignment Requirements
Project Description
Students will modify the movie shopping cart website they created during Module 4 to add functionality to
the website using a combination of AJAX, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, database, and email
communication. This website will require users to create a user account, validate their account, and
authenticate using the username and password they created before they can access their shopping cart.
Once authenticated, users can search for movies, view information about the movies, and manage their
shopping cart ­ add or remove movies.
Preliminary Tasks
Log onto the Course Web Server
Create a folder called images in the module5 folder
Students are free to add pictures to the website
Store any pictures used in the website in the images folder
Use relative URLs to access the pictures
For the pages created for the website in this assignment
Students will include hyperlinks in the web pages
Hyperlinks to pages outside the web server (i.e., should open the linked pages in
a new browser tab or window
All other hyperlinks should open the linked pages in the same browser tab or window
An automatic 10­point (10%) penalty will be assessed for a disorganized page.
PHP Files
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User Authentication Page (50 points)
WARNING!! The username and password data stored in the database is NOT encrypted. Students are
advised to NOT use any of their REAL usernames or passwords with this assignment.
Modify the User Authentication page (logon.php) in the module5 folder
The logon.php page consists of eleven (11) functions:
authenticateUser($username, $password)
createAccount($username, $password, $displayName, $emailAddress)
resetPassword($userId, $password)
sendValidationEmail($userId, $displayName, $emailAddress)
The first three (3) statements on the page must be
require_once '/home/mail.php'; // Add email functionality
require_once '/home/dbInterface.php'; // Add database functionality
processPageRequest(); // Call the processPageRequest() function
authenticateUser($username, $password) function
Test whether the user entered valid login credentials
Call the dbInterface.php function validateUser($username, $password)
The function returns one of two (2) values:
An array containing the user's data: ID, Display Name and Email Address
NULL: The username and password values are invalid
If the validateUser function returns an array,
Create a session
Store the user's ID, display name and email address values in the session
Redirect the browser to the index.php page
If the validateUser function returns a NULL value,
Create an appropriate error message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the error message
createAccount($username, $password, $displayName, $emailAddress) function
Store the user's account information in the database
Call the dbInterface.php function addUser($username, $password, $displayName, $email)
The function returns one of two (2) values:
1 to ∞: The user ID of the new account
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0: The provided username already exists
If the addUser function returns a value greater than 0,
Call the sendValidationEmail($userId, $displayName, $emailAddress) function
Pass the ID, display name and email address values
If the addUser function returns a value of 0,
Create an appropriate error message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the error message
displayCreateAccountForm() function
Display the create account form using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Provide directions to the user (in plain text)
Create a form that includes the following controls:
Note: Use the form tag 
<form action="./logon.php" onsubmit="return validateCreateAccountForm();" method="pos
Four (4) text fields configured as required
Display Name
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Two (2) password field configured as required
Confirm Password
Three (3) buttons
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function
Note: Pass create as the [form] value.
This button should reset the form fields
Create Account
This button should submit the form
One (1) hidden field
The value of the name argument MUST be action.
The value of the value argument MUST be create.
displayForgotPasswordForm() function
Display the forgot password form using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
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Provide directions to the user (in plain text)
Create a form that includes the following controls:
Note: Use the form tag <form action="./logon.php" method="post".
One (1) text field configured as required
Three (3) buttons
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function
Note: Pass forgot as the [form] value.
This button should reset the form fields
This button should submit the form
One (1) hidden field
The value of the name argument MUST be action.
The value of the value argument MUST be forgot.
displayLoginForm($message="") function
Display the login form using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Provide directions to the user (in plain text)
Create a form that includes the following controls:
Note: Use the form tag <form action="./logon.php" method="post".
One (1) text field configured as required
One (1) password field configured as required
Two (2) buttons
This button should reset the form fields
This button should submit the form
One (1) hidden field
The value of the name argument MUST be action.
The value of the value argument MUST be login.
Two (2) hyperlinks
Create Account
Note: Set link to ./logon.php?form=create
Forgot Password
Note: Set link to ./logon.php?form=forgot
At the bottom of the page, include one (1) hyperlink to your ePortfolio
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Use a relative URL for the ePortfolio link
displayResetPasswordForm($userId) function
Display the reset password form using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Provide directions to the user (in plain text)
Create a form that includes the following controls:
Note: Use the form tag
<form action="./logon.php" onsubmit="return validateResetPasswordForm();" method="pos
Two (2) password fields configured as required
Confirm Password
Three (3) buttons
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function
Note: Pass reset as the [form] value.
This button should reset the form fields
Reset Password
This button should submit the form
Two (2) hidden fields
Hidden Field 1
The value of the name argument MUST be action.
The value of the value argument MUST be reset.
Hidden Field 2
The value of the name argument MUST be user_id.
The value of the value argument MUST be the $userId passed to the function.
processPageRequest() function
Clear all session variables
Test whether any $_POST data was passed to the page
If the $_POST['action'] variable is set,
Call the appropriate function (see below)
Pass the appropriate values provided in the $_POST data
create: createAccount($username, $password, $displayName, $emailAddress) function
forgot: sendForgotPasswordEmail($username) function
login: authenticateUser($username, $password) function
reset: resetPassword($userId, $password) function
Test whether any $_GET data was passed to the page
If the $_GET['action'] variable is set,
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Call the appropriate function (see below)
Pass the appropriate values provided in the $_GET data
validate: validateAccount($userId) function
If the $_GET['form'] variable is set,
Call the appropriate function (see below)
Pass the appropriate values provided in the $_GET data, when appropriate
create: displayCreateAccountForm() function
forgot: displayForgotPasswordForm() function
reset: displayResetPasswordForm($userId) function
If neither $_POST nor $_GET data was passed to the page
Call the displayLoginForm() function
resetPassword($userId, $password) function
Update the user's password in the database
Call the dbInterface.php function resetUserPassword($userId, $password)
The function returns one of two (2) values:
True: The user's password was successfully updated
False: Two (2) possible reasons for a False value:
1) The provided user ID does not exist
2) The provided "new" password is the same as the "current" password
If the resetUserPassword function returns true,
Create an appropriate success message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the success message
If the resetUserPassword function returns false,
Create an appropriate error message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the error message
sendForgotPasswordEmail($username) function
Send a message to the email address stored in the specified user's account
Call the dbInterface.php function getUserData($username)
The function returns one of two (2) values:
An array containing the user's data: ID, Display Name and Email Address
NULL: The username value is invalid
Create an HTML message containing the following information
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion
Include the user's Display Name
Provide directions to the user about the password reset process
See the password reset message example at this website
(­to­reset­yourpassword?lg=en_US) for ideas
Include the following hyperlink
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r's ID]
Call the mail.php function sendMail to send an email to the user's email address
$result = sendMail([mail_id], [email_address], [display_name], [subject], [message]);
The sendMail function will only allow one (1) email to be sent every 60 seconds
Allow up to 60 seconds for the message to arrive in your inbox
Ensure you are monitoring the inbox of the email address passed to the
sendMail function
The sendMail function will return an error if an invalid [mail_id] value is provided
All of the values passed to the sendMail function are stored in a database
Derogatory or offensive material will be dealt with in accordance to the Course
Syllabus and UNF Student Conduct policies
Parameter information
Replace [mail_id] with your unique Email ID (available in the Grades section on Canvas)
Replace [email_address] with the user's Email Address
Replace [display_name] with the user's Display Name
Replace [subject] with a string containing the subject of the message
Example: "myMovies! Password Reset Request"
Replace [message] with the HTML message created above
Return value information
The sendMail function will return one (1) of the following codes:
Code Description
0 The email message was sent successfully
1 to 59
The time (in seconds) that remains before the next email can
be sent
An error occurred while sending the email message (email not
­2 An invalid [mail_id] value was provided (email not sent)
An error occurred while accessing the database (email not
sendValidationEmail($userId, $displayName, $emailAddress) function
Send a message to validate the user's account
Create an HTML message containing the following information
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion
Include the user's Display Name
Provide directions to the user about the account validation process
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See the email verification message example at this website 
for ideas
Include the following hyperlink
[User's ID]
Create a subject for the message
Example: "myMovies! Account Validation"
Call the mail.php function sendMail to send an email to the user's email address
Refer to the sendForgotPasswordEmail function for information about using
the sendMail function
validateAccount($userId) function
Activate the new user's account
Call the dbInterface.php function activateAccount($userId)
The function returns one of two (2) values:
True: The specified User ID exists, and the account has been activated
False: The specified User ID does not exist
If the activateAccount function returns true,
Create an appropriate success message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the success message
If the activateAccount function returns false,
Create an appropriate error message
Call the displayLoginForm($message) function
Pass the error message
Shopping Cart Page (20 points)
Modify the Shopping Cart page (index.php) in the module5 folder so users can view more information
about a movie.
The index.php page consists of seven (7) functions:
checkout($name, $address)
The first four (4) statements on the page must be
session_start(); // Connect to the existing session
require_once '/home/mail.php'; // Add email functionality
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require_once '/home/dbInterface.php'; // Add database functionality
processPageRequest(); // Call the processPageRequest() function
addMovieToCart($movieID) function
Add the specified movie to the shopping cart
Call the dbInterface.php function movieExistsInDB($imdbId)
Pass the movieID value (i.e., tt0133093)
This function returns one of two (2) values
1 to ∞: The ID of the movie (the movie exists in the database ­ no need to add it)
0: The movie does not exist in the database (need to add it)
If the movie does NOT exist in the database,
Call the OMDB API to obtain the data for the movieID using the statements below
$movie = file_get_contents('[your_api_key]&i=[movie_id]
$array = json_decode($movie, true);
Replace [your_api_key] with your OMDB API KEY (see the Important Notes section)
Replace [movie_id] with the movieID value
Call the dbInterface.php function addMovie($imdbId, $title, $year, $rating, $runtime, $genre,
$actors, $director, $writer, $plot, $poster)
Pass the appropriate values contained in the OMDB API array
This function simply adds the specified movie information to the database (NOT to the
shopping cart)
The function returns the ID of the movie just added to the database
Note: The movie is not added if it already exists.
Call the dbInterface.php function addMovieToShoppingCart($userId, $movieId)
Pass the user's ID value stored in the session
Pass the movie ID obtained from either the movieExistsInDB or addMovie functions
Note 1: This function does not return a value.
Note 2: This function does NOT allow duplicate entries (you cannot add the same movie
Call the displayCart() function
checkout($name, $address) function
Send a receipt to the email address stored in the specified user's account
Create an HTML message containing the following information
Call the displayCart(true) function
Do not include the specified elements in the displayCart or createMovieList functions
Call the mail.php function sendMail to send an email to the user's email address
$result = sendMail([mail_id], [email_address], [display_name], [subject], [message]);
The sendMail function will only allow one (1) email to be sent every 60 seconds
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Allow up to 60 seconds for the message to arrive in your inbox
Ensure you are monitoring the inbox of the email address passed to the sendMail function
The sendMail function will return an error if an invalid [mail_id] value is provided
All of the values passed to the sendMail function are stored in a database
Derogatory or offensive material will be dealt with in accordance to the Course Syllabus
and UNF Student Conduct policies
Parameter information
Replace [mail_id] with your unique Email ID (available in the Grades section on Canvas)
Replace [email_address] with the $address value
Replace [display_name] with the $name value
Replace [subject] with a string containing the subject of the message
Example: "Your Receipt from myMovies!"
Replace [message] with the HTML message created above
Return value information
The sendMail function will return one (1) of the following codes:
Code Description
0 The email message was sent successfully
1 to 59
The time (in seconds) that remains before the next email can be
An error occurred while sending the email message (email not
­2 An invalid [mail_id] value was provided (email not sent)
­3 An error occurred while accessing the database (email not sent)
createMovieList($forEmail=false) function
Generate a list of movies in the specified order
Retrieve an array of movie IDs for the movies stored in the user's shopping cart
If the cart order value is stored in the session
Call the dbInterface.php function getMoviesInCart($userId, $order)
Pass the user's ID and cart order values stored in the session 
The function returns an array containing the IDs of the movies in the user's shopping
If the cart order value does not exist in the session
Call the dbInterface.php function getMoviesInCart($userId)
Pass the user's ID value stored in the session 
The function returns an array containing the IDs of the movies in the user's shopping
Create a string containing the following HTML code
Create an HTML table 
For each movieID value contained in the array,
Call the dbInterface.php function getMovieData($movieId)
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Pass the movieID value
The function returns one of two (2) values
An array containing the information about the specified movie
The following four (4) keys are needed for each row contained in the array:
NULL: The movie ID value is invalid
Create a table row containing the following four (4) cells:
Movie image
Create an HTML image using the URL value listed for the Poster key in the array
Set the height argument to 100
Movie title and year in the format title (year)
Use the values listed for the Title and Year keys in the array
A hyperlink of the text View More Info
Do not include this if $forEmail is true
Use the following HTML statement (exactly as shown)
Note: The [movie_id] is the ID key in the array (not the IMDB_ID key)
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='displayMovieInformation([movie_i
d]);'View More Info</a
A hyperlink of the letter X
Do not include this if $forEmail is true
The link should call the JavaScript function confirmRemove([title],[movie_id])
Note: The [movie_id] is the ID key in the array (not the IMDB_ID key)
Close the HTML table
Return the string containing the HTML code
displayCart($forEmail=false) function
Display the contents of the shopping cart using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
Do not include this if $forEmail is true
In the top­left corner, display the message Welcome, [display name] (logout)
Do not include this if $forEmail is true
Replace [display name] with the display name value stored in the session
Create a hyperlink using the word logout
The link should call the JavaScript function confirmLogout()
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Call the dbInterface.php function countMoviesInCart($userId)
Pass the user's ID value stored in the session
The function returns one of two (2) values
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An integer greater than or equal to 0 indicating the number of movies in the user's
shopping cart
False: The specified user ID is invalid
If 0 movies exist in the shopping cart, display Add Some Movies to Your Cart
If at least one (1) movie exists in the array,
Display the text [count] Movies in Your Shopping Cart
Where [count] is the number of movies in the user's shopping cart
Add one (1) HTML select element to allow users to arrange the movies in different ways
Use the following HTML for the select element (do NOT modify the HTML)
<select id='select_order' onchange='changeMovieDisplay();'
Replace [select_id] with your own id value for the select element
Give the select element an appropriate label
Add the following options to the select element:
Movie Title
Set value to 0
Set as the default option
Runtime (shortest ­ longest)
Set value to 1
Runtime (longest ­ shortest)
Set value to 2
Year (old ­ new)
Set value to 3
Year (new ­ old)
Set value to 4
Add one (1) HTML div element
Use the following HTML for the div element (do NOT modify the HTML)
<div id='shopping_cart' </div
Call the createMovieList($forEmail) function
The result of the function will appear between the <div </div elements
Below the list of movies or the text Add Some Movies to Your Cart,
add two (2) Button controls
Do not include the buttons if $forEmail is true
Add Movie
The button's onClick action should call the ./search.php page
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function confirmCheckout()
Add the following HTML code immediately above the </body tag
Do not include this if $forEmail is true
<div id='modalWindow' class='modal'
 <div id='modalWindowContent' class='modal-content'
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processPageRequest() function
If the display name value is NOT stored in the session
Call the ./logon.php file
Test whether any $_GET data was passed to the page
If the $_GET['action'] variable is set,
Call the appropriate function (see below)
Pass the appropriate values provided in the $_GET data
add: addMovieToCart($movieId) function
checkout: checkout($name, $address) function
remove: removeMovieFromCart($movieId) function
update: updateMovieListing($order) function
If $_GET data was not passed to the page
Call the displayCart() function
removeMovieFromCart($movieID) function
Remove the specified movie to the shopping cart
Call the dbInterface.php function removeMovieFromShoppingCart($userId, $movieId)
This function returns one of two (2) values
True: The specified movie was removed from the shopping cart
False: The specified movie does not exist in the shopping cart
Call the displayCart() function
updateMovieListing($order) function
Updates the movie listed in the shopping cart in the specified order
Note: The updateMovieListing function should only be called by the JavaScript function
changeMovieDisplay() (via the processPageRequest function) to support AJAX functionality of
the shopping cart. 
Store the $order value in the session using the cart order value
Call the createMovieList(true) function
Pass the user's ID and cart order values stored in the session
Echo the string returned by the createMovieList function 
Do not return the string
Movie Search Page (10 points)
Modify the Movie Search Page (search.php) in the module5 folder.
The search.php page consists of three (3) functions
The first two (2) statements on the page must be
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session_start(); // Connect to the existing session
processPageRequest(); // Call the processPageRequest() function
displaySearchForm() function
Display the search form using the appropriate HTML statements
Give the page a descriptive title
In the top­left corner, display the message Welcome, [display name] (logout)
Replace [display name] with the display name value stored in the session
Create a hyperlink using the word logout
The link should call the JavaScript function confirmLogout()
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Provide directions to the user (in plain text)
Create a form that includes the following controls:
Note: Use the form tag <form action="./search.php" method="post" to create the form.
One (1) text field
The text field should be configured to require user input
Three (3) buttons
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function confirmCancel([form])
Note: Pass search as the [form] value.
This button should reset the form fields
The button should submit the form
displaySearchResults($searchString) function 
Display the search results using the appropriate HTML statements
Call the OMDB API using the $searchString to obtain the search result data
$results = file_get_contents('[your_api_key]&s='.urlencode
$array = json_decode($results, true)["Search"];
Replace [your_api_key] with your OMDB  API KEY (see the Important Notes section)
Replace [keyword] with the $searchString value
Give the page a descriptive title
In the top­left corner, display the message Welcome, [display name] (logout)
Replace [display name] with the display name value stored in the session
Create a hyperlink using the word logout
The link should call the JavaScript function confirmLogout()
Display myMovies Xpress! in some fashion (header text, picture, etc.) near the top of the page
Display the text [count] Movies Found
Where [count] is the number of search results in the $array
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If at least one (1) search result exists in the $array,
Create an HTML table 
For each search result in the $array,
Create a table row with the following three (3) cells:
Movie image
Create an HTML image using the URL listed for the Poster key (see the Search
Results example)
Movie title and year in the format title (year)
Use the values listed for the Title and Year keys (see the Search Results
Create a hyperlink of the Title and Year
The link should call the relevant page on IMDB[movie_id]/
A hyperlink of the plus sign +
The link should call the JavaScript function addMovie(movieID)
Pass the value listed for the imdbID key (see the Search Results example)
One (1) button
The button's onClick action should call the JavaScript function confirmCancel([form])
Note: Pass search as the [form] value.
processPageRequest() function
If the display name value is NOT stored in the session
Call the ./logon.php file
Test whether any $_POST data was passed to the page
If $_POST data does not exist, call the displaySearchForm() function
If $_POST data does exist, call the displaySearchResults($searchString) function
Pass the appropriate value provided in the $_POST data
Movie Info Page (10 points)
Create the Movie Info page using the filename movieinfo.php in the module5 folder
Note: The movieinfo.php page should only be called by the JavaScript function
displayMovieInformation() to support AJAX functionality of the shopping cart in the index.php
The movieinfo.php page consists of two (2) functions
The first three (3) statements on the page must be
session_start(); // Connect to the existing session
require_once '/home/dbInterface.php'; // Add database functionality
processPageRequest(); // Call the processPageRequest() function
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createMessage($movieId) function
Generate a message containing information about the specified movie
Call the dbInterface.php function getMovieData($movieId)
Pass the movieId value
The function returns one of two (2) values
An array containing the information about the specified movie
NULL: The movie ID value is invalid
Create a string containing a message using the following HTML code
Do NOT modify the HTML code
<div class='modal-header'
 <span class='close'[Close]</span
 <h2Title (Year) Rated Rated Runtime<br /Genre</h2
<div class='modal-body'
 <pActors: Actors<br /Directed By: Director<br /Written By: Writer</p
<div class='modal-footer'
If the getMovieData function returned a NULL value,
Replace the Plot field with the text Invalid Movie ID!
If the getMovieData function returned an array,
Replace the fields (i.e., Title, Year, Rated, etc.) with the appropriate data in the array
The Rated value can be accessed using the Rating key
Echo the string containing the message created above
Do not return the string
processPageRequest() function
If the display name value is NOT stored in the session
Call the ./logon.php file
Test whether any $_GET data was passed to the page
If the $_GET['movie_id'] variable is set, call the createMessage($movieId) function
Pass the value provided in the $_GET data
If $_GET data was not passed to the page
Call the createMessage($movieId) function
Pass 0 as the movieId value
External CSS File (0 points)
Modify the site.css file located in the public_html folder to control the presentation of the User
Authentication, Shopping Cart and Search pages.
Add the following code to the site.css file
/* The following CSS code blocks produce a pop-up modal window to display additional movie informati
on */
/* The Modal (background) */
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.modal {
 display: none; /* Hidden by default */
 position: fixed; /* Stay in place */
 z-index: 1; /* Sit on top */
 padding-top: 100px; /* Location of the box */
 left: 0;
 top: 0;
 width: 100%; /* Full width */
 height: 100%; /* Full height */
 overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */
 background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */
 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */
/* Modal Content */
.modal-content {
 position: relative;
 background-color: #fefefe;
 margin: auto;
 padding: 0;
 border: 1px solid #888;
 width: 80%;
 box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2),0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);
 animation-name: animatetop;
 animation-duration: 0.4s
/* The Close Button */
.close {
 color: white;
 float: right;
 font-size: 28px;
 font-weight: bold;
.close:focus {
 color: #000;
 text-decoration: none;
 cursor: pointer;
.modal-header {
 padding: 2px 16px;
 background-color: #5cb85c;
 color: white;
.modal-body {padding: 2px 16px;}
.modal-footer {
 padding: 2px 16px;
 background-color: #5cb85c;
 color: white;
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External JavaScript File (20 points)
Modify the external JavaScript file with the filename script.js in the module5 folder.
Import the script.js file into the HTML generated by the following PHP pages
Add the following functions to the script.js file.
movieID ­ The imdbID of the movie to add to the shopping cart (see the Search Results
Call the ./index.php page
Include the movie_id parameter and movieID value
window.location.replace("./index.php?action=add&movie_id=" + movieID);
Return true
Return true
form ­ The form being cancelled
create ­ The Create Account form
forgot ­ The Forgot Password form
reset ­ The Reset Password form
search ­ The Movie Search form
Prompt the user to confirm they wish to cancel the specified form
If the user clicks the Cancel button, return false
If the user clicks the OK button,
For the create, forgot or reset forms
Call the logon.php page
For the search form
Call the index.php page
Return true
Return false if the user clicks the Cancel button; otherwise, return true
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Get the currently selected option of the HTML select element
Note: Should be a value between 0 [Movie Title] and 4 [Year (new ­ old)]
Create a new XMLHttpRequest object
Define a function for the XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange event handler
Include the following statement (do NOT modify the code)
document.getElementById("shopping_cart").innerHTML= this.responseText;
Call the function using the following parameters (do NOT modify
the parameters)"GET", "./index.php?action=update&order=" + [selected value], true);
Replace [selected value] with the value of the selected option (0 to 4)
Call the XMLHttpRequest.send() function
Prompt the user to confirm they wish to checkout
If the user clicks the Cancel button, return false
If the user clicks the OK button,
Call the index.php page
Return true
Return false if the user clicks the Cancel button; otherwise, return true
Prompt the user to confirm they wish to logout of myMovies Xpress!
If the user clicks the Cancel button, return false
If the user clicks the OK button,
Call the ./logon.php page
Include the action parameter and logoff value
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Return true
Return true if user clicks the OK button; otherwise, return false
confirmRemove(title, movie_id)
title ­ The title of the movie to remove from the shopping cart (see the Search Results
movie_id ­ The ID of the movie to remove from the shopping cart
Prompt the user to confirm they wish to remove the selected movie
Display the movie title in the prompt
If the user clicks the Cancel button, return false
If the user clicks the OK button,
Call the ./index.php page
Include the movie_id parameter and movieID value
window.location.replace("./index.php?action=remove&movie_id=" + movieID);
Return true
Return true if user clicks the OK button; otherwise, return false
movie_id ­ The ID of the movie for which to display additional information
Create a new XMLHttpRequest object
Define a function for the XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange event handler
Include the following statement (do NOT modify the code)
document.getElementById("modalWindowContent").innerHTML= this.responseText;
Call the function using the following parameters (do NOT modify
the parameters)"GET", "./movieinfo.php?movie_id=" + [movie_id], true);
Replace [movie_id] with the specified movie_id value
Call the XMLHttpRequest.send() function
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Call the logon.php page
Include the action parameters
Return true
Return true
Use the following code for the function (do NOT modify the code)
function showModalWindow()
 var modal = document.getElementById('modalWindow');
 var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
 span.onclick = function()
 { = "none";
 window.onclick = function(event)
 if ( == modal)
 { = "none";
 } = "block";
If the values in any of the form fields (except Display Name) contain one (1) or more
Display an appropriate error message
If the values in the Email Address and Confirm Email Address fields are not equal
Display an appropriate error message
If the values in the Password and Confirm Password fields are not equal
Display an appropriate error message
Return true if all of the above tests pass; otherwise, return false
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If the values in the Password and/or Confirm Password fields contain one (1) or more
Display an appropriate error message
If the values in the Password and Confirm Password fields are not equal
Display an appropriate error message
Return true if all of the above tests pass; otherwise, return false
ePortfolio Page (0 points)
Update your ePortfolio webpage (index.html) in the public_html folder.
Create a hyperlink using the existing text Module 5 to open your User Authentication page
Use a relative URL for the User Authentication link
Note: These examples are for reference only. I'm including them for students who wish to extend the
required elements of the assignment.
Pop­up Modal Window
Students can download a Modal Window Example  to see how the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files
work together.
The modal window example has been tested on the latest versions of the following browsers
Internet Explorer
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Movie Data Request : movieID = tt0133093
{"Title":"The Matrix","Year":"1999","Rated":"R","Released":"31 Mar 1999","Runtime":"136 min","Genre":"A
ction, Sci-Fi","Director":"Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski","Writer":"Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowsk
i","Actors":"Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving","Plot":"Thomas A. Anders
on is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a hacker known a
s Neo. Neo has always questioned his reality, but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds hi
mself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a te
rrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of hu
manity have been captured by a race of machines that live off of the humans' body heat and electrochemi
cal energy and who imprison their minds within an artificial reality known as the Matrix. As a rebel ag
ainst the machines, Neo must return to the Matrix and confront the agents: super-powerful computer prog
rams devoted to snuffing out Neo and the entire human rebellion.","Language":"English","Country":"US
A","Awards":"Won 4 Oscars. Another 34 wins & 47 nominations.","Poster":"https://images-na.ssl-images-am
TY@._V1_SX300.jpg","Ratings":[{"Source":"Internet Movie Database","Value":"8.7/10"},{"Source":"Rotten T
7","imdbVotes":"1,373,591","imdbID":"tt0133093","Type":"movie","DVD":"21 Sep 1999","BoxOffice":"N/A","P
roduction":"Warner Bros. Pictures","Website":"","Response":"True"}
Search Results : keyword = matrix
{"Search":[{"Title":"The Matrix","Year":"1999","imdbID":"tt0133093","Type":"movie","Poster":"https://im
XkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_SX300.jpg"},{"Title":"The Matrix Reloaded","Year":"2003","imdbID":"tt02342
Dk5LWJjZjUtYTVkZTIyNmQxNDMxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg"},{"Title":"Matrix Revolution
g"},{"Title":"The Matrix Revisited","Year":"2001","imdbID":"tt0295432","Type":"movie","Poster":"http
g"},{"Title":"Armitage III: Dual Matrix","Year":"2002","imdbID":"tt0303678","Type":"movie","Poster":"ht
00.jpg"},{"Title":"Sex and the Matrix","Year":"2000","imdbID":"tt0274085","Type":"movie","Poster":"N/
12/8/2018 Module 5 Assignment 26/26
A"},{"Title":"Buhera mátrix","Year":"2007","imdbID":"tt0970173","Type":"movie","Poster":"https://images
XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjIzMDAwOTc@._V1_SX300.jpg"},{"Title":"Return to Source: Philosophy & 'The Matrix'","Ye
{"Title":"Making 'The Matrix'","Year":"1999","imdbID":"tt0365467","Type":"movie","Poster":"N/A"},{"Titl
e":"Sex Files: Sexual Matrix","Year":"2000","imdbID":"tt0224086","Type":"movie","Poster":"N/A"}],"total

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